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Karlee Hight, Luis Manzo, Nick Ballestrazze, Wilkins Kato.

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Presentation on theme: "Karlee Hight, Luis Manzo, Nick Ballestrazze, Wilkins Kato."— Presentation transcript:

1 Karlee Hight, Luis Manzo, Nick Ballestrazze, Wilkins Kato

2  “Obtaining work experience is not that important. I would rather focus on getting good grades because with a good resume and strong grades I will be able” –Adam  “I've gone to academic advisors, but nothing to help me gain experience. I am really busy with school and a part time job so it's difficult to find time.” -Shayne


4 LCB students need to take personal responsibility for obtaining out of the classroom experiences to develop their professionalism skills because employers are looking for graduates with more than just a strong academic background. It is especially true at the Lundquist College of Business that many of the programs have a low participation rate, are poorly communicated and students are struggling to find time to attend these programs.

5  Some events are irrelevant  Some events get overlooked  There are not many participants at the more specific events ◦ “Amazon held a meeting in a very small classroom recently and I was pretty surprised because I would have thought more students would have been interested in that kind of an opportunity to where they would have needed a bigger space. On top of that only 8 students were qualified for the position they were looking for.”  Time commitment

6  Students have other priorities  Event time conflicts  The majority of students have part time jobs

7  Staff not advocating events enough  Newsletters are emailed very frequently ◦ Informative, but broad audience ◦ Not specific qualifications ◦ Students do not read them

8  Students acknowledge importance  Students acknowledge responsibility  Example: “ students are here because they need to be”  Doesn’t benefit them in the short – run  Research more about time vs. motivation

9 This problem is two fold:  Getting students motivated and educated to how much emphasis employers place on candidates having hands on experience  The path of information from the University to the students needs to be refined

10  The LCB deserves our participation in trying to solve this problem  We request your permission to continue to explore this issue  We would love to hear your questions or insights into this issue

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