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Communication: No Problem ? Communication: No Problem ? Quzhou No.2 High School 贵丽萍.

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Presentation on theme: "Communication: No Problem ? Communication: No Problem ? Quzhou No.2 High School 贵丽萍."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication: No Problem ? Communication: No Problem ? Quzhou No.2 High School 贵丽萍

2 When cultures meet cultural crossroads How do we communicate? crossroads

3 Body language: Body language: unspoken “language” unspoken “language”  Gestures  Facial expressions  Eye contact ( 眼神交流)  posture  physical distance

4 Different greeting body language Different greeting body language

5 1.English people often stand close to others or touch strangers when they meet. 2. People from Jordan may move very close to you as you introduce yourself to them. 3. Americans and Canadians tend to greet each other with a nice gentle handshake. 4. In France, people kiss each other on the cheek when they meet. 5. American people need more personal space than we Chinese people do. 6. Native New Zealanders greet each other by touching noses.


7 Communication: no problem no problem

8 Read and think What does the writer tell us? (Pair work) 1-Body language in greeting people varies from culture to culture. 2-Different greeting body language may cause misunderstandings. 3-How to avoid the difficulties in body language communication in today’s world of cultural crossroads.

9 Structure of the passage: Part 1: background Part 2: problem-noticing Part 3: Problem-analyzing Part 4: Problem-solving Communication: No problem? Para1. Para.2&3 Para.4 Para.5

10 Para. 1 : background 1.Which sentence tells us the background information? 2. Which word tells us these students are new to Beijing? 3. Which sentence do you think can be omitted ( 删去 ) without affecting the flow of the meaning?

11 Para. 2 & 3 N Names C Countries h how many interactions (交 互) were observed? Para 2&3: Problem-noticing

12 George Tony Julia Akira Ahmed Darlene I Different people represent different cultures.

13 Para 2&3: Problem-noticing (group work) Cultural Shock CountryName Greeting body language / reaction (underline the verbs) feelings ( what’s running on in their minds?) shock 1 shock 2 shock 3

14 Not all cultures greet each other the same way, nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or physical distance. Para 4: Problem-analyzing Problems occur (出现) because of ____________________. Causes: Some actions that we think are impolite, strange, not respectful or rude are actually ordinary practice in other cultures. cultural differences

15 When you meet people from … Dos or Don’ts Britain Canada Japan Spain, Italy, South American countries France Middle East, some Muslim countries Shake hands. Keep physical distance. Shake hands Bow Approach them closely and touch them. Shake hands and kiss Shake hands and stand quite close to men. Nod to women(no touch). Different culturesDifferent body language

16 Para 5: Problem-solving: ways out b. Awareness (意识) : What we should keep in mind: a. Action: 1.These actions are not good or bad, but are simply ways in which cultures have developed. the writer’s opinions? Study different international customs Hidden information: When in Rome, do as the Romans do. hidden information Respect, understand and be open to cultural differences.

17 Discussion: If you are to study in England, how will you get ready for the cultural shock?

18 Communication: Communication: No Problem No Problem 1. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 2. Understanding, respect and tolerance (宽容) are keys to communication in today’s world of cultural crossroads.

19 1. Body language is connected with culture. 2. All cultures should be respected. 3. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 4. Understanding, respect and tolerance (宽容) are keys to successful cross- cultural communication. 5. We are different, but in harmony (和 谐).

20 Homework: In today’s world of cultural crossroad, it is not unusual to experience “cultural shocks”. Please writing a short passage based on the discussion in class: “If you are to study in England, how will you get ready for the cultural shocks ?”

21 Para 5: Problem-solving: ways out b. Awareness (意识) : What we should keep in mind: a. Action: 1.These actions are not good or bad, but are simply ways in which cultures have developed. 2. Cultural customs for body language are very general — not all members of a culture behave in the same way. the writer’s opinions? Study different international customs Hidden information: When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Your opinions hidden information

22 5. In Japan, eye contact is considered necessary in a conversation. 6. Koreans think it’s rude for adults to smile in public. 7. American people need more personal space than we Chinese people do.

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