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FOR TRAINING USE ONLY 1 What’s it to Me? Honor 4-1.

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Presentation on theme: "FOR TRAINING USE ONLY 1 What’s it to Me? Honor 4-1."— Presentation transcript:

1 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY 1 What’s it to Me? Honor 4-1

2 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Training Objective Task: Introduce honor as an important component of your everyday life Condition: Deliver material in a classroom environment by the Company Honor Rep and discuss scenarios based upon the Honor Code Standard: Review questions based upon material in the lesson and your real world experiences 2

3 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY What do I know? Through your basic knowledge of the Honor Code, Honor System, and your short time as a cadet, you have begun your growth into living as an honorable person You can now continue to grow by learning the necessary mindset you must acquire and accept in order to live honorably for the remainder of your life You will be provided with methods to help prevent you from getting yourself into trouble

4 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Mindset STIC – Suffer. The. Immediate. Consequence. When faced with a decision that could compromise your honor, you must understand the immediate consequence is always better than ruining your college career and everything you have invested into The Citadel. Stick to what you know to be the right decision, you will not let yourself down in the long run One wrong decision is all it takes to compromise your honor and ruin your career at The Citadel

5 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Method If you ever feel trapped and find yourself in a potential honor situation... 1.Talk to the teacher Many Honor Violations could be prevented if the cadet had contacted the professor and communicated the situation Often times, teachers will understand you are in a stressful situation and try to help you You must complete the task honorably, no matter what restraints are upon you 2.Ask your Honor Rep Many Honor Violations outside of the classroom could be prevented had the cadet confronted their Honor Rep prior to committing the Honor Violation When you are unsure, you must ask “I didn’t know” is NEVER an excuse

6 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Common Areas of Concern Lying – Serves as the most common accusations of the 4 parts of the Honor Code – Instill the mindset to STIC and always tell the truth Plagiarism – Understand the format the teacher is asking for – Know how to properly cite your sources – Go to the Academic Support Center Even if you feel “pretty sure,” the ACS is available to help you to prevent any errors Fake ID’s – Trash It – The use of any document, on or off campus, to misrepresent one’s identity or status to gain a benefit that one would not have received without the misrepresentation will be considered and treated as a false official statement. – Honor Manual Page 2, Section III, 5, a, 2

7 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Scenario You went out of town for the weekend. Though expecting to return Sunday morning, you had car trouble and did not return until Sunday night at 2200. Stressed from the day, when walking into your room, you realize you have forgotten about the 5 page research paper due at 0800 the next morning. You have not done any research and know there is no way you can finish the paper and are going to fail. You question copying and pasting large paragraphs from the internet in order to fill 5 pages. What should you do?

8 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY STIC Suffer. The. Immediate. Consequence. If you feel it is too late to contact the professor, work the best you can to complete the assignment, without comprising your honor. Regardless of the grade you will receive, putting yourself at risk of an Honor Violation is NEVER the answer. If this seems simple, good. Know situations like this are common honor accusations and happen often. On many occasions, the right thing to do seems very clear, yet the cadet chose otherwise.

9 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Scenario Your roommate goes out on leave after Friday parade. While getting ready to go out yourself, your roommate calls and tells you he forgot to sign-out. He’s already walked out of the gates and is sitting at the bus stop near Capers Hall. He gives you his Lesene Gateway username and password and simply asks for you to sign out for him. What do you do? What should you tell him to do?

10 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Think Honorably Though it may be seem easy to sign out for your roommate, you are lying if you sign out for him. You must tell him that you refuse to sign out for him and that he must return to campus and sign out properly.

11 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Scenario You and your roommate decide to ‘hit King Street’ with some buddies from CofC. You all meet up and go to an 18 or older club. Fortunately, everyone is 18. At the door your roommate realizes he left his ID back in his room on campus. Thankfully he looks very similar to his CofC friend who has already gotten in. The bouncer is not looking so your friend asks to use the CofC friends ID. Since the CofC friend is not a cadet, and the ID your roommate is trying to use is a real ID, you assume this is not an Honor Violation. Are you correct?

12 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY WRONG This is an Honor Violation. The Honor Manual states a false official statement as “The use of any document, on or off campus, to misrepresent one’s identity...”. As a result, whether the ID belonged to a cadet or not, your roommate attempted to misrepresent himself.

13 FOR TRAINING USE ONLY Review Provide an example when the STIC method would be useful. Name at least two people you can approach if you ever feel trapped in a potential honor situation. 13

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