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Cookies. Data in Cookies Which web site set the cookie Expiration date –DateTime data type –TimeSpan data type One or more pieces of data Keys: A collection.

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Presentation on theme: "Cookies. Data in Cookies Which web site set the cookie Expiration date –DateTime data type –TimeSpan data type One or more pieces of data Keys: A collection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cookies

2 Data in Cookies Which web site set the cookie Expiration date –DateTime data type –TimeSpan data type One or more pieces of data Keys: A collection of cookie’s names Define a new cookie: –Dim CookieCID as new HttpCookie(“cid”) Add to: Response.Cookies –Response.cookies.add(cookieCID)

3 Cookie’s Properties System.Web/HttpCookie –Name –Value –Expires To write a cookie: –Response.Cookies.Add(cookieObj)

4 Creating Cookies dim cookieCID as New HttpCookie("cid") dim cookieCNAME as new HttpCookie("cname") dim dt as dim ts as new TimeSpan(30,0,0,0) cookieCID.value=cid.text cookieCname.value=cname.text cookieCID.expires=dt.add(ts) cookieCname.expires=dt.add(ts) response.cookies.add(cookieCID) response.cookies.add(cookieCNAME) Note: The name(or key)of cookieCID is “cid” Demo: ASPNET/CookieForm.aspx

5 sub setCookie(Sender As Object, E As EventArgs) dim cookieCID as New HttpCookie("cid") dim cookieCNAME as new HttpCookie("cname") dim dt as dim ts as new TimeSpan(30,0,0,0) cookieCID.value=cid.text cookieCname.value=cname.text cookieCID.expires=dt.add(ts) cookieCname.expires=dt.add(ts) response.cookies.add(cookieCID) response.cookies.add(cookieCNAME) end sub Please enter customer ID: Please enter your name: This ID and name will be used to set your cookie.

6 Reading Cookies Dim custid as string Dim custName as string custid=request.cookies("cid").value custname=request.cookies("cname").value

7 Demo: CookieRead.ASPX sub page_load() cid.text=request.cookies("cid").value cname.text=request.cookies("cname").value cookieCount.text=cstr(request.cookies.count) Dim ckey As String For Each ckey In Request.Cookies.Keys Response.Write(ckey) Next end sub Note: SessionID

8 Using Cookie with DataReader Dim strConn As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = c:\salesDB.mdb" Dim objConn As New OleDbConnection(strConn) Dim strSQL As String Dim objDataReader As OleDbDataReader Dim cid As String cid = Request.Cookies("CID").Value strSQL = "select * from webcustomer where CustID= '" & cid & "'" Dim objComm As New OleDbCommand(strSQL, objConn) objConn.Open() objDataReader = objComm.ExecuteReader() If objDataReader.Read() = True Then Session("cname") = objDataReader("CustName") Response.Write(" Welcome:" & objDataReader("CustName") & " ") Else Response.Write(" We don't have your record ") End If objConn.Close() Demo:ASPNET/CookieGreeting.aspx

9 Sending Email From an ASP.Net Page

10 Send a confirmation message. Send a document to a user as attachment. Forgot password?

11 Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) Email messages are text files. InetPub\MailRoot –PickUp directory: SMTP monitors this directory and sends any messages found in this directory. –Drop: Incoming messages received by SMTP are written to this directory. –BadMail: If an email cannot be delivered or returned to the sender it is moved to this directory.

12 ASP.Net Email Classes SmtpClient class –System.Net.Mail Define a SmtpClient object –Dim mailClient As New SmtpClient("dchao100L") Method: –Send(From, To, Subject, messageText) MailClient.Send(TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text, TextBox3.Text, TextBox4.Text) –Send(System.Net.Mail.MailMessage) Demo: –SendMail.aspx –Import

13 Using MailMessage Class to Set Email Properties Email properties: –Attachments –Bcc –Body –BodyFormat Text or Html –Cc –From –Headers –Subject –To

14 MailMessage Class Example with Attachment Dim mailClient As New SmtpClient("dchao100L") Dim mailMsg As New MailMessage Dim FromAddr As New MailAddress(TextBox1.Text) Dim ToAddr As New MailAddress(TextBox2.Text) mailMsg.From = FromAddr mailMsg.To.Add(ToAddr) mailMsg.Subject = TextBox3.Text mailMsg.Body = TextBox4.Text Dim attach As New Attachment("c:\welcome.htm") mailMsg.Attachments.Add(attach) mailClient.Send(mailMsg)

15 Demo: ForgotPassword Dim strConn As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = c:\salesDB.mdb" Dim objConn As New OleDbConnection(strConn) Dim strSQL, emailAddress As String emailAddress = TextBox1.Text strSQL = "select * from users where email= '" & emailAddress & "'" Dim objComm As New OleDbCommand(strSQL, objConn) objConn.Open() Dim objDataReader As OleDbDataReader objDataReader = objComm.ExecuteReader() If Not objDataReader.Read() Then Response.Write("We don't have your record" & " ") Else Dim mailClient As New SmtpClient("dchao100L") Dim objMsg As New MailMessage() Dim FromAddr As New MailAddress("webmaster@dchao100L") objMsg.From = FromAddr Dim ToAddr As New MailAddress(emailAddress) objMsg.To.Add(ToAddr) objMsg.Subject = "Your password" objMsg.Body = "Your password is: " & objDataReader("password") mailClient.Send(objMsg) Response.Write(" Your password is sent to your email account ") End If

16 Sending email to a new customer Dim strConn As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = c:\salesDB.mdb" Dim objConn As New OleDbConnection(strConn) Dim strSQL As String strSQL = "insert into webCustomer values ('" & TextBox1.Text & "','" & TextBox2.Text & "','" & TextBox3.Text & "','" & TextBox4.Text & "','" & TextBox5.Text & "')" Dim objComm As New OleDbCommand(strSQL, objConn) objComm.ExecuteNonQuery() Dim mailClient As New SmtpClient("dchao100L") MailClient.Send(“webmaster@dchao100L”, textBox5.text, “welcome new customer”,”welcome to join us!”)

17 UpLoading Files

18 FileUpload Control Properties: –PostedFile: This is a System.Web.HttpPostedFile class FileName: This name contains the path of the posted file.’ –Contentlength –ContentType Method: –SaveAs – this method save the posted file on server.

19 Save Uploaded File Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As Dim FileName As String Dim strFilePath As String = "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\images\" FileName = FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName.Substring(FileUpload1.PostedFile.Fil eName.LastIndexOf("\") + 1) strFilePath = strFilePath & FileName FileUpload1.SaveAs(strFilePath) 'FileUpload1.PostedFile.SaveAs(strFilePath) Response.Write("File: " & FileName & " is saved on server") End Sub

20 Insurance Claim Example Uploading claim pictures for insurance cases. Each case may have many pictures. Database: –CaseTable: CaseID, CaseDate, Agent –CasePics: CaseID, PicPathName Each picture is named: CaseID + PictureName and saved in folder: Images Create a web page with a dropdown list of CaseID, a File Field control to choose file, and a upload button. The uploaded picture will be saved in the Images folder and a record will be entered in CasePics file. Demo: Insurance/UploadPic.aspx

21 Calendar Properties: –SelectionMode –SelectedDate –SelectedDates Event: –SelectionChanged

22 AdRotator AdRotator displays images in an advertisement file which is an XML file with properties of images to display.

23 Advertisement File Example images/cake.gif default.aspx Great Cake 1 TestAd images/earth2.gif default.aspx Beautiful Earth 1 TestAd Note:../ads.xml

24 Advertisement Properties ImageURL NavigateURL: The page you go to when you click an image. AlternateText: Text displayed for browsers do not support image. Keyword: Categorize advertisements, can be used with AdRotator’s KeyWordFilter property. Impressions: The relative frequency a particular advertisement should be shown.

25 Validation Controls CompareValidator: (Collating sequence comparison) –Properties: ControlToValidate ErrorMessage Operator: Greater, LessThan, … ValueToCompare RangeValidator: –MaximumValue, MinimumValue RequiredFieldValidator

26 CustomValidator: Checks the user’s data entry using validation logic from a customer method you write processed on the server or the client. Use the ClientValidationFunction property to call a client-site validation script. For server-site validation, this control raises an ServerValidate event where you can write an event procedure to validate data. The OnServerValidate event is triggered by: Page.IsValid statement

27 Demo: CustomValidator Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If Page.IsValid Then Response.Write("Valid") Else Response.Write("not valid") End If End Sub Private Sub CustomValidator1_ServerValidate(ByVal source As System.Object, ByVal args As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ServerValidateEventArgs) Handles CustomValidator1.ServerValidate If Not IsNumeric(TextBox1.Text) Then args.IsValid = False Else args.IsValid = True End If End Sub

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