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 Actor Model  Software Transactional Memory  Data Flow Programming.

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2  Actor Model  Software Transactional Memory  Data Flow Programming

3  Actor: an autonomous and concurrent entity sending “messages”  In response to a “message”, an actor may › Send an finite set of messages to known actors › Create a finite set of new actors › Define how it will respond to future messages

4  Translating sequential object implementation to concurrent non- blocking ones  Transaction: a finite sequence of local and shared memory machine instructions  The illusion: Isolation and Atomicity  A shared object plays the role of an STM.

5  Divide, conquer, merge the processing data  MapReduce › Map: map incoming data to intermediate results › Reduce: merge intermediate results to final results › Specialized File System


7 Relevant: Killim, Clojure


9 Similars: Erlang, ActorFoundry, Jetlang

10 STM on Groovy/Java

11 Map/Reduce

12 GPars Haskell  Based on Groovy and Java  Parallel Collection Functions  Data Flows and MapReduce  Actors  forkIO and Mvars  STM  Foreign Function Interface  Nested Data Parallelism

13 Akka MPI  Actors and Remote Actors  STM  Transactors: Transactional Actors  Message Passing Interface  Distributed Memory  C, C++, Fortran, Boost Library

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