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Please do not talk at this timeNov. 7-8 Please collect everything you know about Simon Bolivar and write it on page 34A of your notebook. Use your notes.

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Presentation on theme: "Please do not talk at this timeNov. 7-8 Please collect everything you know about Simon Bolivar and write it on page 34A of your notebook. Use your notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please do not talk at this timeNov. 7-8 Please collect everything you know about Simon Bolivar and write it on page 34A of your notebook. Use your notes from our South American Revolutions paper and your book, pgs. 248 – 250 Put info up on the board…. HW: Perfect your Simon Bolivar Paragraph!

2 Lesson On how to make an Evaluation: Step 1: Establish Criteria: State what you are looking for. Consider this stool. What criteria would you use to decide if it was a good stool or not? Which criteria are most relevant? Does the criteria change depending on who is considering the stool? Evaluate: For a subject, identify criteria and measure evidence against the criteria. Decide if the subject meets the criteria or not. Put this Directive Word Work on Pg. 35A in your notebooK!

3 Step 2: Gather Data: Now look at the stool. What characteristics does it have? How will you gather data/evidence on this stool? How will you know which data/evidence is relevant?

4 Step 3: Evaluate Data/Evidence in terms of the Criteria: Does the data you gathered prove the stool is a good stool? What is your evidence? Is this relevant? Compare your data and evidence to your criteria to make your evaluations and to draw your conclusions. CriteriaEvidenceEvaluation Making Evaluations or Drawing Conclusions without Evidence is Prejudice Prejudice

5 Step 1: Establish Criteria What Criteria could we use to evaluate if Simon Bolivar was a great leader? In other words, what characteristics or qualities does a great leader have? Make a list on your paper…. Well put these up on the board. Which of these are the three best?

6 Step 2: Gather Data What evidence do you have in your notes on Simon Bolivar to prove that he meets the criteria you chose? Can you find a connection between things Bolivar did and qualities that make a great leader?

7 Step 3: Compare your evidence to your Criteria Put a STAR next to each piece of evidence that proves your first criteria. Put a Triangle next to each piece of evidence that proves your second criteria. Put a Square next to each piece of evidence that proves your third criteria.

8 Write your evaluation… Use this structure for your evaluation: If you are a strong writer, go to town and be persuasive. If you are a beginning writer, feel free to use the examples to help you. If you practice doing it right you will get better at writing! 6 th Period Example: Thesis- Sample: Simon Bolivar was a great leader because he had the three most important leadership qualities: Military skill, intelligence and the ability to take charge. I.Quality 1: Simon Bolivar had military skill. I.Evidence: He defeated the Spanish Army in Bogota with 2000 volunteer revolutionaries. II.Quality 2: Simon Bolivar was intelligent. I.Evidence: He studied the American and British systems of government. He combined these ideas with Enlightenment ideas and his own. III.Quality 3: Simon Bolivar was able to take charge. I.Evidence: He led his people through the Andes Mountains to defeat his enemies. IV.Conclusion: Simon Bolivar had military skill, he was intelligent and he knew how to take charge, therefore he was a great leader. Share Out….

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