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صدق الله العظيم الاسراء اية 58. By Dr. Abdel Aziz M. Hussein Lecturer of Physiology Member of American Society of Physiology Sensory System.

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1 صدق الله العظيم الاسراء اية 58

2 By Dr. Abdel Aziz M. Hussein Lecturer of Physiology Member of American Society of Physiology Sensory System



5 Properties Specificity Excitabilit y Adaptation Rate of discharge

6 6 This is Muller’s Law of specific nervous Energy: It states that; Each type of receptor is most sensitive to a particular stimulus called the adequate stimulus Each type of receptor when stimulated gives one type of sensation called modality (type) of sensation is specific to that receptor regardless the method of stimulation Examples: 1.Rods and cones → more sensitive to light waves 2.Auditory receptors → more sensitive to sound

7 7 Receptors Cold Pain Touch Pressure Stimulus Ice bag Sensations Cold

8 8 Receptors Cold Pain Touch Pressure Stimulus Pin Sensations Pain

9 9 Low temp. Cold stimulus Cold sensation

10 10 Painful stimulus Pain sensation

11 However, the receptors can respond to stimuli other than adequate ones, provided that these stimuli are very strong; but still the response is the same modality to which the receptor is specialized E.g. Heavy blow to the eye

12 12 Def. The ability of the receptors to respond to their adequate stimuli. Mechanism: Receptor potential may be; 1.Partial depolarization in most receptors 2.Hyperpolarization in photoreceptors (rods & cones)

13 13 Def: Receptor or generator potential is a potential changes that occur in the receptors on adequate stimulation Usually in the form of partial depolarization

14 14 Mechanism: Differs according to type of receptor In mechanoreceptors is caused by deformation of receptor → open ion channels Better studied in Pacinian corpuscles due to; a.Easily stimulated by microglass rods b.Large in size and easily dissected.


16 16 Mechanism: Pacinian corpuscles consists of 1)Central nerve terminal 2)Capsule of C.T. consists of several concentric layers (onion like)


18 Unmyelinated nerve fiber (Receptor or Transducer region Capsule of concentric layers 1 st node of Ranvier (spike generating region)

19 Stimulus Na+ + + + ++ + +

20 Stimulus Na+ + + - - - + + Na+ - Action potential Receptor potential Electrotonic current Deformation


22 22 Properties of generator potential 1.Amplitude: Maximal amplitude of receptor potential is around 100 mv Occurs only at an extremely high intensity of sensory stimulus Due to maximal opening of Na + channels in the receptor membrane


24 24 Properties of generator potential 1.Amplitude: Is graded amplitude i.e. not obey all or none rule i.e. directly proportional with stimulus intensity

25 Low intensity Moderate intensity High intensity

26 26 Properties of generator potential 2. It is not followed by absolute refractory period 3. Can be summated by temporal and spatial summation


28 28 Properties of generator potential 4. Its duration is more than 5 m.sec i.e. longer than duration of action potential

29 29 Properties of generator potential 5. If reach firing level of the afferent nerve it leads to repetitive action potential ↑ strength of stimulus →↑ amplitude of receptor potential → ↑amplitude of electrotonic current →↑ No of action potential generated from receptor


31 31 Properties of generator potential 6. Conduction: passively conducted to the 1 st Node of Ranvier in the form of electrotonic current 7. Not blocked by local anesthetics

32 Stimulus - - - - Receptor potential Action potential

33 Stimulus - - - - Receptor potential NO Action potential Cocaine





38 38 Weber Fechner Law: The rate of impulse discharged from a receptor is directly proportional with the log intensity of the stimulus R = log S x K Where, R = rate of impulse discharge S = strength of stimulus K = constant

39 39 Weber Fechner law: So, 100 fold increase in intensity leads to only 2 fold increase in frequency of impulses So, receptors compress marked changes in stimulus intensity into smaller changes in frequency of action potential (Compression function of receptor)

40 40 3 (1000 times) Log. Intensity of stimulus 2 (100 times) 2 Rate of Impulse discharge 3

41 41 ↑ the intensity of the stimulus → ↑ the rate of discharge by 2 means: a.By increasing rate of discharge from each receptor b.By increasing the number of excited receptors (Recruitment of receptors)

42 Stimulus + + + ++ ++

43 Stimulus + + - - - + + - Action potential Electrotonic current -

44 Stimulus + - - - - - + - Action potential Electrotonic current -

45 Amplitude of receptor potential

46 Recruitment of receptors

47 47 Def., decline or decrease in the rate of discharge from the receptors inspite of prolonged constant stimulation Types of receptors: According to the speed (rate) of adaptation ; A) Slowly adapting (tonic) receptors B) Rapidly adapting (phasic) receptors

48 48 Time Rapidly adapting (Phasic) Rs Slowly adapting (tonic) receptors Rate of Impulse discharge Start


50 50 Rapidly adapting (Phasic) Receptors: start discharge at a high rate then discharge decreases rapidly and even stop within short period of time Examples 1.Tactile receptors as hair follicle, Meissner’s and Pacinian corpuscles in skin 2.Some mechanoreceptors in the joints Importance : They inform the CNS about ; 1.Onset 2.Termination of stimulation 3.Change in intensity of the stimulus

51 51 Slowly adapting (tonic) Rs Receptors continue discharge of impulses even though at a lower rate as long as the stimulus is applied Examples: 1.Pain receptors 2.Mechanoreceptors e.g. ms spindle, Golgi tendon receptors 3.Arterial baroreceptors 4.Cold receptors 5.Chemoreceptors in aortic and carotid bodies

52 52 Significance : Maintain sensory information, so subserve vital functions e.g.: 1.Arterial baroreceptors : regulation of ABP& Heart rate 2.MS spindles and joint receptors : maintenance of the body posture and equilibrium. 3.Pain receptors :initiate protective mechanisms.


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