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Dual/Primal Mesh Optimization for Polygonized Implicit Surfaces

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Presentation on theme: "Dual/Primal Mesh Optimization for Polygonized Implicit Surfaces"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dual/Primal Mesh Optimization for Polygonized Implicit Surfaces
Yutaka Ohtake  Alexander G. Belyaev Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Germany University of Aizu, Japan.

2 Implicit Surfaces Zero sets of implicit functions. CSG operations. - =

3 Radial Basis Function Visualization of f=0 RBF fitting
Carr et al. “Reconstruction and Representation of 3D Objects with Radial Basis Functions”, SIGGRAPH2001 Visualization of f=0 RBF fitting

4 Visualization of Implicit Surfaces
Polygonization (e.g. Marching cubes method) Ray-tracing

5 Problem of Polygonization
503 grid 1003 grid 2003 grid Sharp features are broken

6 Reconstruction of Sharp Features
Input Output and Rough Polygonization (Correct topology) Post- processing

7 Basic Idea of Optimization
Mesh tangent to implicit surface gives better reconstruction of sharp features. dual mesh Marching cube method Our method

8 Related Works Extension of Marching Cubes Post-processing approach.
Kobbelt, Botsh, Schwanecke, and Seidel “Feature Sensitive Surface Extraction from Volume Data”, SIGGRAPH 2001, August. Post-processing approach. Ohtake, Belyaev, and Pasko “Accurate Polygonization of Implicit Surfaces”, Shape Modeling Internatinal 2001, May. Ohtake and Belyaev “Mesh Optimization for Polygonized Isosurfaces”, Eurographics 2001, September.

9 Previous work (1) Kobbelt, Botsh, Schwanecke, and Seidel proposed
A new distance field representation for detecting accurate vertex positions. Vertex insertion rule for reconstructing sharp features (and edge flipping) newly inserted

10 Related work (2) Our previous work Mesh evolution for
fitting mesh normals to implicit surface normals. keeping mesh vertices close to implicit surface. Can not estimate implicit surface normals at high curvature regions

11 Advantages of Proposed Method
Extremely good in reconstruction of sharp features Adaptive meshing Works better than mesh evolution approach

12 Contents Basic Optimization Method
Combining with Adaptive Remeshing and Subdivision Discussion

13 Basic Optimization Algorithm
Triangle centroids are projected onto the implicit surface. Mesh vertices are optimized according to tangent planes. estimated numerically

14 Dual sampling (face points are projected to f=0) Dual Sampling (fitting to tangent planes)

15 Projection of face points
Find a point at other side of surface. Bisection method along the lines. f < 0 f > 0

16 Fitting to Tangent Planes
Minimize the sum of squared distance. distance m(P2) m(P1) x Same as Garland-Heckbert quadric error metric (SIG’97)

17 Minimization of the Error
Solving system of linear equations. SVD is used (similar to Kobbelt et al. SIG’01). The old primal vertex position is shifted to the origin of coordinates. Small singular values are set to zero.

18 Thresholding of Small Singular Values

19 Contents Basic Optimization Method
Combining with Adaptive Remeshing and Subdivision Discussion

20 Improvement of Mesh Sampling Rate
Curvature weighted resampling Input Dual/Primal mesh optimization output

21 Repeated Double Dual Resampling
Double dual sampling improves mesh distributions. Averaging by Projection

22 Curvature Weighted Resampling
Sampling should be dense near high curvature regions. Uniform resampling causes a skip here. Small bump Uniform weight Curvature weight

23 Effectiveness Small bumps are well reconstructed. Uniform
resampling + Primal/dual mesh optimization Curvature weighted resampling + Primal/dual mesh optimization

24 Gathering All Together
Curvature weighted resampling Input Adaptive subdivision Dual/Primal mesh optimization else If user is satisfied output

25 + Dual/Primal mesh optimization
Adaptive subdivision Linear 1-to-4 split rule is applied on highly curved triangles. + Dual/Primal mesh optimization “Cat” model provided by HyperFun project.

26 Decimation Garland-Heckbert method using Tolerance: 90% reduction

27 Gathering All Together
Curvature weighted resampling Input Adaptive subdivision Dual/Primal mesh optimization else If user is satisfied Mesh Decimation output

28 The number of triangles

29 (ε : Threshold of adaptive subdivision)
Large adaptive ε 3 subdivision steps Small threshold ε 5 subdivision steps (ε : Threshold of adaptive subdivision)

30 Contents Basic Optimization Method
Combining with Adaptive Remeshing and Subdivision Discussion

31 Comparison with Mesh Evolution Approach
Faster and more accurate than mesh evolution approach. Mesh evolution 20 sec. (stabilized) Primal/Dual mesh optimization 1 sec.

32 Stanford bunny represented by RBF with 10,000 centers.
(FastRBF developed by FarField Technology) Optimization takes several hours (Direct evaluation)

33 Dual Contouring of Hermite Data SIG’02
Also good for reconstruction of sharp features Tao Ju, Frank Losasso, Scott Schaefer, Joe Warren, “Dual Contouring of Hermite Data”. Dual mesh to marching cubes mesh.

34 Speed: they(sig’02) > we(sm’02)
Their method is not post-processing. Control of sampling rate: we(sm’02) > they(sig’02) Octtree based adaptive sampling. Our Their

35 Conclusion and Problems
A mesh optimization method is developed. Primal/Dual mesh optimization. Not so fast if the implicit function is complex. Adaptive voxelization. Requirement of correct topology in the input mesh. Can not optimize this pattern. Edge flipping

36 Why It Works Well without Edge Flipping?

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