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1 Designing and Deploying an SCA system architecture using DeployWare (FDF) Online Store Demo Damien Fournier, Philippe Merle INRIA ADAM team / SCOrWare.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Designing and Deploying an SCA system architecture using DeployWare (FDF) Online Store Demo Damien Fournier, Philippe Merle INRIA ADAM team / SCOrWare."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Designing and Deploying an SCA system architecture using DeployWare (FDF) Online Store Demo Damien Fournier, Philippe Merle INRIA ADAM team / SCOrWare Project SCOrWare Project Review – Paris, January 25, 2008

2 2 SCA and System architecture definition Service Component Architecture specification : Component model. Components can be implemented in different programming languages and accessed through several communication protocols. Focus on software architecture. An SCA application is specific to a system architecture. (implied by bindings) How to define the system architecture for an SCA application ?

3 3 System architecture using DeployWare DeployWare Framework for deployment of any kind of software on distributed and heterogeneous systems. Provide language to describe system architecture Provide software personalities. Extensible.  Extend DeployWare in order to allow deployment of SCA systems

4 4 SCA using DeployWare SCA personalities in DeployWare allow : To specify hosts when deploying SCA runtimes To specify runtimes when deploying SCA applications To configure SCA applications bindings and properties during deployment

5 5 The Store example inspired by Tuscany A sample CD store, using a Web server, an application server and a database Application Platform Network

6 6 The Store example inspired by Tuscany Define hosts configuration host1 = INTERNET.HOST { hostname = INTERNET.HOSTNAME(host1); user = INTERNET.USER(login,[password],[privateKey]); transfer = TRANSFER.JSCP; protocol = PROTOCOL.OpenSSH; shell = SHELL.SH; software { java = JAVA.JRE { archive = JAVA.ARCHIVE(Archive_File_URI); home = JAVA.HOME(Java_Home_URI); } } }

7 7 The Store example inspired by Tuscany Define platforms tuscany-sca-host2 = TUSCANY.RUNTIME { archive = TUSCANY.ARCHIVE(Archive_File_URI); home = TUSCANY.HOME(Tuscany_Home_URI); host = Hosts/host2; } tomcat-host1 = TOMCAT.SERVER { archive = TOMCAT.ARCHIVE(Archive_File_URI); home = TOMCAT.HOME(Tomcat_Home_URI); host = Hosts/host1; properties { http-port = HTTP.PORT(Tomcat_Server_Port); http-user = HTTP.USER(Tomcat_User_Name); http-password = HTTP.PASSWORD(Tomcat_User_Password); } }

8 8 The Store example inspired by Tuscany Define Applications store-converter = TUSCANY.PACKAGE(launch.Launch,demo-store-converter) { runtime = /tuscany-sca-lowrider; archive = TUSCANY.ARCHIVE(/Archives/demo-store-converter.jar); sca-setting { service-converter = SCA.SERVICE(CurrencyConverter) { wsdl = SCA.BINDING.WSDL(http://lowrider.local:8250); converter = SCA.BINDING.WS(http://converter#wsdl.port (CurrencyConverter/CurrencyConverterSOAPPort)); } } }

9 9 The Store example inspired by Tuscany Define Applications store-catalog = TUSCANY.PACKAGE(launch.Launch,demo-store-catalog) { runtime = /tuscany-sca-lowrider; archive = TUSCANY.ARCHIVE(/home/dfournie/Archives/demo-store-catalog.jar); sca-setting { service-catalog = SCA.SERVICE(Catalog) { catalog = TUSCANY.BINDING.RMI(lowrider.local,4500,catalog); } data = SCA.PROPERTY(databaseUrl,jdbc:mysql://horse.local:7090/store); } dependencies { start-when-install { /query; } } }

10 10 The Store example inspired by Tuscany Define Applications servlet-1 = TUSCANY.WAR { archive = TOMCAT.WAR.ARCHIVE(/home/dfournie/Archives/store.war); name = TOMCAT.WAR.NAME(store); tomcat = /tomcat-hoeve; sca-setting { reference-converter = SCA.REFERENCE(CurrencyConverter) { wsdl = /store-converter/sca-setting/service-converter; converter = /store-converter/sca-setting/service-converter; } reference-catalog = SCA.REFERENCE(Catalog) { catalog = /store-catalog/sca-setting/service-catalog; } } dependencies { start-when-install { /store-catalog; /store-converter; } } }

11 11 Contact INRIA ADAM Team Damien Fournier – INRIA Expert Engineer Damien Fournier – INRIA Expert Engineer Philippe Merle – INRIA Research Scientist Philippe Merle – INRIA Research Scientist DeployWare team DeployWare team

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