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Sponsored by the National Science Foundation Comprehensive GENI Security Program Spiral 2 Year-end Project Review National Center for Supercomputing Applications.

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Presentation on theme: "Sponsored by the National Science Foundation Comprehensive GENI Security Program Spiral 2 Year-end Project Review National Center for Supercomputing Applications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation Comprehensive GENI Security Program Spiral 2 Year-end Project Review National Center for Supercomputing Applications PI: Adam Slagell Staff: N/A Students: N/A Aug. 30, 2010

2 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 2 Project Summary Goal: Lay the ground work for a security and incident response program for GENI. Advancing Spiral 3 goals of making GENI operational Components –Threat and Risk Assessments –Document policies, agreements, standards and guidelines –Develop security plans How will incidents be addressed? What kind of proactive security measures can be deployed and maintained? INSERT PROJECT REVIEW DATE

3 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 3 Milestone & QSR Status IDMilestoneStatusOn Time?On Wiki GPO signoff S2.aCatalog of relevant use cases v. 0.1Delivered as stated on time.On timeYes S2.bAsset Valuation and Risk Assessment report v. 0.1 Delivered as stated on time.On timeYes S2.cReview and Update of Asset Valuation and Risk Assessment report Review only consisted of phone call and comments from PO, no other stakeholders involved. IncompleteNo S2.dThreat & Vulnerability Report v. 0.1Delivered as stated on time.EarlyYes S2.eAggregate Provider Agreement v. 0.1Delivered as stated on time.EarlyYes S2.fInterim Operational Security PlanDelivered as stated on time.On timeYes S2.gReview and Update of Aggregate Provider Agreement Document updated on time & sent to PO. Call for review scheduled post-annual review. On timeNo QSR: 4Q2009We had a late start date.N/ANo QSR: 1Q2010It is on the wiki.On timeYes QSR: 2Q2010It is on the wiki.< 2 mo. late No INSERT PROJECT REVIEW DATE

4 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 4 Accomplishments 1: Advancing GENI Spiral 2 Goals Our security work is only indirectly related to the main primary Spiral 2 goals –More directly focused on prep for Spiral 3 goals Continuous Experimentation Goal: –A more secure environment resulting from the contribution of this project will lead to increased participation and uptime Lack of security plans discourage campus IT from becoming involved –Unmitigated incidents are harmful to this goal. Integration Goal: –Our work is not aimed at technical integration. –The agreements we develop do address higher-level social integration Helps to define roles and responsibilities Sets expectations Lays out methods of communication INSERT PROJECT REVIEW DATE

5 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 5 Accomplishments 2: Other Project Accomplishments Aggregate Provider Agreement Draft –Important to have in place as we move to operations –Forces discussion of important issues that need to be addressed E.g., roles and responsibilities, what it means to be a part of the GENI federation, etc. Interim Operational Security Plan –Based on an initial threat assessment of WiMAX and OpenFlow build-outs –First draft security incident response plan that includes cross-site collaboration –Identifies roles & responsibilities of the proposed team INSERT PROJECT REVIEW DATE

6 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 6 Issues Challenging to get community feedback outside GEC –Mass emailing has not proven effective & phone calls are only moderately more effective Difficult environment to present at GECs –Interruptions often prevent even short presentations from finishing Other presentations get bumped off schedule completely –Conversation / feedback is often dominated by a few individuals, but it is hard to gauge broad public opinion –Difficult to pick-up and finish these conversations offline after GEC Solutions –Work harder (and with GPO) to get ALL the interested parties on calls –Make sure participants read docs before the call to be more productive Perhaps have homework? Everyone submit at least 2 comments on wiki agenda before the call? Can test this for Aggregate Provider Agreement v0.2 –Polling to get broader opinion? –Saving comment period till after a presentation –Stricter enforcement of time limits by chairs to keep agenda moving INSERT PROJECT REVIEW DATE

7 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 7 Plans Our focus changed mid-year and the SOW was reworked –Less on formal threat and risk analysis, more on agreements and security plans –Driven by immediate needs for plans with major build-outs Original SOW focused most on formal analysis, little focus on policy, nothing about agreements –Long time till any concrete plans would be developed Also the realization that a lot of the hardest operational security problems are social and not technical –Managed by focusing the scope of threat & risk analysis activities Focus on large projects & deployments GENI too large and diverse for a formal threat & risk assessment of the entire project even if the full 40% of an FTE is dedicated to that goal In the future, adjusting to a more pragmatic needs for the project –Establish sound agreements, procedures and protocols to handle security incidents –A major goal is to lay the foundation of guidelines and plans for a future operational incident response team –Provide a smooth transition from this development phase to normal operations of infrastructure Spiral 4 milestones will need to be reworked –E.g, developing plans for a large IDS is less relevant and unlikely to be built –Anticipate the need for additional agreements and policies For example nothing much has been said about privacy issues INSERT PROJECT REVIEW DATE

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