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Europe Government and Economics. 2.1 The European Union History of unifying – 1948- Marshall Plan was used to rebuild Europe after WWII – 1953- Common.

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Presentation on theme: "Europe Government and Economics. 2.1 The European Union History of unifying – 1948- Marshall Plan was used to rebuild Europe after WWII – 1953- Common."— Presentation transcript:

1 Europe Government and Economics

2 2.1 The European Union History of unifying – 1948- Marshall Plan was used to rebuild Europe after WWII – 1953- Common Market established to put down trade barriers – 1992- European Union started to help trade, stabilize governments and unify Europe

3 2.1 How have these united Europe Countries realized they could accomplish more if they worked together Trade became easier and less expensive No restrictions or tariffs on imports and exports Common currency( Euro) Promoted Democracy on the continent





8 2.2 Impact of the Euro Eurozone( 17 countries) was established were common currency would be used Euro – Common side- have same image and a number value – National side(back) – have a design chosen by the member nation


10 2.2 Economic Impact No fees for exchanging money Made travel easier and less expensive Increased tourism Lowered fees for conducting business- trade increased Comparison shopping- buy the cheapest products- competition developed




14 2.2 Political Benefits Unity among nations Financial help- Greece and Ireland – Loans given to countries in financial difficulty – Stabilizes the economy, which stabilizes the countries government. Less rebellions and political unrest


16 2.3 Democracy in Eastern Europe Challenges – Corrupt leaders – Civil wars( Yugoslavia) – Interference from Russia – Interference from Communist parties

17 2.3 Market Economy in Eastern Europe Challenges – Slow developing private businesses – Businesses aren't competitive – Rise in prices – unemployment

18 2.4 Europe: Changing Demographics Aging population – average age is rising and more people are retiring ….. Shortage of workers Workers are needed to pay taxes to pay for education and health care Guest workers and immigrants have filled the gap in most countries

19 2.4 Changing Demographics Reasons for immigration – Jobs and a better life – Escape poverty – Escape civil wars, political unrest and conflict – Escape unjust governments Challenges of immigration: Tensions – Competition for jobs – Illegal immigrants cause economic strain – Different cultural traditions and customs – Different religions and beliefs

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