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The philosophy of Direct Democracy - why we need it in order to democratize Democracy and what has been achieved so far in Europe Contribution to the seminar.

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Presentation on theme: "The philosophy of Direct Democracy - why we need it in order to democratize Democracy and what has been achieved so far in Europe Contribution to the seminar."— Presentation transcript:

1 The philosophy of Direct Democracy - why we need it in order to democratize Democracy and what has been achieved so far in Europe Contribution to the seminar « participacion ciudadana y democracia » of the gobierno vasco by Andreas Gross (Switzerland) Directeur de l’Atelier pour la Democratie Directe à St.Ursanne /CH Political Scientist, Swiss MP & Leader of the Socialists in the PACE Bilbao, 21 st of January 2009

2 Structure of my presentation on Direct Democracy (DD): I.5 keystones of the philosophy II.5 central elements of a good design III. The most important effects (New political culture) IV.Still a European and global exception V.Why DD is so important to overcome the crises of Democracy

3 1. Democracy is a ongoing, never ending process. - No Democracy is perfect, every Democracy is unfinished - The process of democracy has always a beginning, but never a end: It started in town, went on to regions, states... It started in Assemblys, went on to Representation, does not have to end here...

4 2. Citizens are subjects, not objects of Democracy - “Empowerment” turns the problem upside down: Those who have it, should get it back, should be able to keep more of it. - The idea of Democracy is to enable freedom: More than a choice, not possible to consume - The idea of Freedom: Life is not a destiny, we should be able to organize it as we think it’s right !

5 3. DD is no alternative to representative Democracy: It makes it more representative ! - Democracy is just more than representative Democracy only ! - Representatives just do not have the monopole of Democracy and Politics: Otherwise you have a Representocracy and a Partitocracy ! - Representation is important, but not the only possible Democracy

6 4. In a Direct Democracy the power is really shared - Nobody has so much power, that he does not has to learn from time to time. - The more you organize the participation of citizens the more they learn and feel part of the decision making process. - The more you can also make use of the creativity and the cultural richness of the society

7 5. The more and better DD you have, the more you can integrate diversity and unity - Modern societies are all diverse and pluralistic: You have to establish a decision making process which respects this diversity and enables unity on the basis of the highest possible legitimacy ! - DD is the sister of federalism and decentralisation of power.

8 II.Five central elements of a well designed Direct Democracy 1. Every constitution and law has to open for citizen participation 2. A referendum is a option for few citizens (1-2%/6-18 months of collection time) enabling all citizens to participate 3. Free signature gathering 4. No quorums for participation and validation 5. Fairness rules for campaigning and public access

9 III. A well designed DD produces cornerstones for a new political culture 1. Politics become softer and more communicative: more reflection, more deliberation, more understanding, less alienation ! 2. Politicians and parties do not only speak, they also have to listen and learn. 3. The distances between citizens and institutions get smaller. 4. Citizens become more responsable

10 IV. A well designed DD is still a exception in Europe 1. Only 9 out of 47 countries in EU have a rich DD experience (Uruguay and Palau too) 2. Italy: Quorum kills; DK: Europe only; Ireland: Constitution only; Baltics/Hung/Slovakia: Too exclusive; Slovenia:Law only;F: Plebiscites only; CH: No financial fairness; Liechtenstein: Hegemony of the Kaiser.... 3. Since 1972: 50 European Referendums on European Affairs ! 4. Too elitist, too occasional and too difficult !

11 V. To overcome the one element of the Crises of Democracy is the condition to overcome the second ! We have today a double crises of Democracy: Too representative and too national : In order to civilize markets we also need transnational democracy: A real European constitution with a double power sharing (Italian Referendum 1989) and a global democratic polity !

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