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Texture Put in the element section on the skbk. Your page needs to have The word texture Define-actual texture and ONE example of actual texture and define.

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Presentation on theme: "Texture Put in the element section on the skbk. Your page needs to have The word texture Define-actual texture and ONE example of actual texture and define."— Presentation transcript:

1 Texture Put in the element section on the skbk

2 Your page needs to have The word texture Define-actual texture and ONE example of actual texture and define -implied texture…..your examples will be……

3 Demonstrate your ability to create texture using lines (marks) **Label each texture** Stippling Hatching Cross hatching Scribble Wavy Look back at your value scale page

4 Have a little fun create at least 2 other textures Other…brick, hair, fur, sand, scales, metal, glass, bubbles, water…..

5 Your page will be graded based on The word texture appears on your page Definitions of implied and actual texture Organization of the the page The creativeness of the page Completion of all of the examples of textures (ALL 7)***these can be small*** Labeling of textures (actual and implied)



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