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Maximizing Instructional Time PlPla Purposeful Planning and Delivery.

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Presentation on theme: "Maximizing Instructional Time PlPla Purposeful Planning and Delivery."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maximizing Instructional Time PlPla Purposeful Planning and Delivery

2 Every Minute of Classroom Time and Instruction is Precious! Instruction MUST BE purposeful and strategic keeping all types of learners in mind.

3 Many schools aren’t too thoughtful about time.

4 The Full Year Calendar 2011-2012 July 11August 11September 11October 11 SuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSa 12 123456 123 1 345678978910111213456789102345678 11121314151614151617181920111213141516179101112131415 17181920212223212223242526271819202122232416171819202122 2425262728293028293031 252627282930 23242526272829 31 3031 November 11December 11January 12February 12 SuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSa 12345 1231234567 1234 67891011124567891089 11121314567891011 13141516171819111213141516171516171819202112131415161718 20212223242526181920212223242223242526272819202122232425 27282930 25262728293031293031 26272829 March 12April 12May 12June 12 SuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSa 1231234567 12345 12 4567891089 1112131467891011123456789 11121314151617151617181920211314151617181910111213141516 18192021222324222324252627282021222324252617181920212223 252627282930312930 2728293031 24252627282930

5 Less Summer Vacation 2011-2012 July 11August 11September 11October 11 SuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSa 12 123456 123 1 345678978910111213456789102345678 11121314151614151617181920111213141516179101112131415 17181920212223212223242526271819202122232416171819202122 2425262728293028293031 252627282930 23242526272829 31 3031 November 11December 11January 12February 12 SuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSa 12345 1231234567 1234 67891011124567891089 11121314567891011 13141516171819111213141516171516171819202112131415161718 20212223242526181920212223242223242526272819202122232425 27282930 25262728293031293031 26272829 March 12April 12May 12June 12 SuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSa 1231234567 12345 12 4567891089 1112131467891011123456789 11121314151617151617181920211314151617181910111213141516 18192021222324222324252627282021222324252617181920212223 252627282930312930 2728293031 24252627282930

6 Less Weekends, Holidays, & Summer Vacation 2011-2012 July 11August 11September 11October 11 SuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSa 12 123456 123 1 345678978910111213456789102345678 11121314151614151617181920111213141516179101112131415 17181920212223212223242526271819202122232416171819202122 2425262728293028293031 252627282930 23242526272829 31 3031 November 11December 11January 12February 12 SuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSa 12345 1231234567 1234 67891011124567891089 11121314567891011 13141516171819111213141516171516171819202112131415161718 20212223242526181920212223242223242526272819202122232425 27282930 25262728293031293031 26272829 March 12April 12May 12June 12 SuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSa 1231234567 12345 12 4567891089 1112131467891011123456789 11121314151617151617181920211314151617181910111213141516 18192021222324222324252627282021222324252617181920212223 252627282930312930 2728293031 24252627282930

7 Less Professional Development Days & Early Dismissal/Parent Conferences 2011-2012 July 11August 11September 11October 11 SuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSa 12 123456 123 1 345678978910111213456789102345678 11121314151614151617181920111213141516179101112131415 17181920212223212223242526271819202122232416171819202122 2425262728293028293031 252627282930 23242526272829 31 3031 November 11December 11January 12February 12 SuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSa 12345 1231234567 1234 67891011124567891089 11121314567891011 13141516171819111213141516171516171819202112131415161718 20212223242526181920212223242223242526272819202122232425 27282930 25262728293031293031 26272829 March 12April 12May 12June 12 SuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSa 1231234567 12345 12 4567891089 1112131467891011123456789 11121314151617151617181920211314151617181910111213141516 18192021222324222324252627282021222324252617181920212223 252627282930312930 2728293031 24252627282930

8 Less Class Picnic, Class Trip, Thanksgiving Feast, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Awards, Assembles, & Concerts 2011-2012 July 11August 11September 11October 11 SuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSa 12 123456 123 1 345678978910111213456789102345678 11121314151614151617181920111213141516179101112131415 17181920212223212223242526271819202122232416171819202122 2425262728293028293031 252627282930 23242526272829 31 3031 November 11December 11January 12February 12 SuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSa 12345 1231234567 1234 67891011124567891089 11121314567891011 13141516171819111213141516171516171819202112131415161718 20212223242526181920212223242223242526272819202122232425 27282930 25262728293031293031 26272829 March 12April 12May 12June 12 SuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSa 1231234567 12345 12 4567891089 1112131467891011123456789 11121314151617151617181920211314151617181910111213141516 18192021222324222324252627282021222324252617181920212223 252627282930312930 2728293031 24252627282930

9 Less State and District Testing 2011-2012 July 11August 11September 11October 11 SuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSa 12 123456 123 1 345678978910111213456789102345678 11121314151614151617181920111213141516179101112131415 17181920212223212223242526271819202122232416171819202122 2425262728293028293031 252627282930 23242526272829 31 3031 November 11December 11January 12February 12 SuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSa 12345 1231234567 1234 67891011124567891089 11121314567891011 13141516171819111213141516171516171819202112131415161718 20212223242526181920212223242223242526272819202122232425 27282930 25262728293031293031 26272829 March 12April 12May 12June 12 SuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSaSuMTuWThFSa 1231234567 12345 12 4567891089 1112131467891011123456789 11121314151617151617181920211314151617181910111213141516 18192021222324222324252627282021222324252617181920212223 252627282930312930 2728293031 24252627282930

10 We have very few protected full 8 hour days of instruction.

11 Instructional Time Per Course Block7 Period6 Period Total Instructional Time Per Year 135 hours 153 hours 180 hours Available Instructional Time (minus 20% for interruptions ) 108 hours 122 hours 144 hours

12 Bottom Line Once Again:. Every minute of classroom and instructional time is precious. Instruction MUST BE purposeful and strategic keeping all types of learners in mind.

13 Outcomes: Explore the highly effective teacher and today’s learner Introduce the 8 Mini Lessons Importance of Instructional Time

14 1. Classroom Management 2. The Three Parts of a Lesson 3. Focusing on the Beginning 4. Focusing on the Middle 5. Focusing on the End 6. Questioning 7. Daily Assessment 8. Small Group Instruction

15 Mini Lessons Opening activity Content Samples Assessment Application

16 16 A Composite Model of the Research on School and Teacher Effectiveness A Composite Model of the Research on School and Teacher Effectiveness Marzano School and Teacher Combinations Percentile Score Upon Entering Percentile Score Upon Leaving 2 Years Later Average School Average Teacher 50 th Highly Ineffective School Highly Ineffective Teacher 50 th 3rd Highly Effective School Highly Ineffective Teacher 50 th 37th Highly Ineffective School Highly Effective Teacher 50 th 63rd Highly Effective School Highly Effective Teacher 50 th 92nd Highly Effective School Average Teacher 50 th 78th Teachers… whether they are ineffective, average, effective, or highly effective make a difference!

17 17 According to Harry Wong Schools exists and teachers are hired for one reason only: to help students achieve. to help students achieve. If students cannot demonstrate learning or achievement, the student has not failed—We have failed the student.

18 What does the highly effective teacher look like?ResearchStudentsPrincipals Mission Driven and Passionate Passionate Positive and Real Positive and Real Teacher Leader Teacher Leader With-it-ness With-it-ness Style Style Motivational Expertise Motivational Expertise Instructional Instructional Effectiveness Effectiveness Book Learning Book Learning Street Smarts Street Smarts Mental Life Mental Life Displays Fairness Displays Fairness Positive Outlook Positive Outlook Prepared Prepared Personal Touch Personal Touch Sense of Humor Sense of Humor Possesses Creativity Possesses Creativity Admits Mistakes Admits Mistakes Forgives Forgives Respects Students Respects Students Maintains High Maintains High Expectations Expectations Shows Compassion Shows Compassion Enthusiasm Knows Content Knows Content Organized Organized Teaches Actively Teaches Actively Good Attitude Good Attitude Good classroom Good classroom management management Paces Instruction Paces Instruction Good people skills Good people skills Communicates Clearly Communicates Clearly Questions Effectively Questions Effectively Differentiates Differentiates Instruction Instruction Builds success into the Builds success into the classroom classroom High Expectations High Expectations Pleasant Atmosphere Pleasant Atmosphere Flexible Flexible Customer Boss

19 Change in Influence Home School Church Peers TV 1950’s

20 We have a different learner today... HomePeers TV Home School Church 80’s 90’s

21 TV/media Peers School Church Home Present We have a different learner today...

22 Left with important questions… How should this shift in influence affect the way we plan and teach our lessons? Are there any areas that I need to work on in order to become a more highly effective teacher? Am I utilizing instructional time wisely? Am I teaching with the learner in mind?

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