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Allison Arbo Candy Battles Mollie Beach Lori Caez Reed Flanagan Alicia Jefferson.

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Presentation on theme: "Allison Arbo Candy Battles Mollie Beach Lori Caez Reed Flanagan Alicia Jefferson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Allison Arbo Candy Battles Mollie Beach Lori Caez Reed Flanagan Alicia Jefferson

2  Can social psychology give us a better understanding of stereotyping and prejudices in our society?

3  Definition

4  20 th Century  Didn’t have a well structured identity until the beginning of the twentieth century  Charles Horton Cooley  Wrote “Human Nature and Social Order” in 1902

5  E.A. Ross  Wrote “Social Psychology” in 1908  William McDougall  Wrote “Introduction of Social Psychology” in 1908 Added greatly to the popularization of social psychology

6  Research on social psychology began  Frequent collaboration between psychologist and sociologist

7  Folk Wisdom  Personality Psychology  Sociology

8  Bread and Butter of social psychology are laboratory experiments  3 Types  Scenario/Impact studies  Judgment studies  Performance studies

9  Formulating general concepts by abstracting common properties of instances  Deeply embedded in our lives  Feathers = Birds  Red and Ripe = Good  Honda = Reliable

10  Conventional, formulaic, oversimplified conception, opinion, image  Can be negative, untrue, and unfair  Children highly effected  Women = Compassionate  Asian = Good at Math  Fat = Lazy  Gay = Effiminate

11  Act of holding unreasonable preconceived judgments or convictions  Discriminations  Cannot be easily separated from everyday life and thoughts

12  Racism (Anti-Semitism)  Classism  Sexism  Lookism  Heterosexism  Ableism  Ageism

13  World War II: Pearl Harbor  Civil Rights Movement  September 11, 2001  Immigration

14  Thesis Statement: Yes  Definition  Stereotypes are part of social psychology  Always there  Influence/opinions  Better Understanding

15 Have a Great Christmas Break!

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