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EE 231 Optical Electronics, Fall 2003 EE231 Optical Electronics - Class outline Class website: Instructor:

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Presentation on theme: "EE 231 Optical Electronics, Fall 2003 EE231 Optical Electronics - Class outline Class website: Instructor:"— Presentation transcript:

1 EE 231 Optical Electronics, Fall 2003 EE231 Optical Electronics - Class outline Class website: Instructor: Claire Gu, BE 253B, Lecture: Tue/Thu 10-11:45, Stevenson 221 Office hours: Wed 2-4 pm Homework: bi-weekly Grading policy:

2 EE 231 Optical Electronics, Fall 2003 EE231 Optical Electronics - Class outline II Midterm: Written, in class Final: during the final’s week Project: investigate class-related subject literature review problem/calculation assigned or student-suggested -> talk to me term paper and in-class presentation class content: mainly lasers, but we’ll really learn much more: optics physics materials systems

3 EE 231 Optical Electronics, Fall 2003 Electromagnetic Spectrum } LASER: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation MASER: Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation }

4 EE 231 Optical Electronics, Fall 2003 Different types of lasers Free electron laser, UCSB (63  m – 2.5 mm) VCSEL array: vertical cavity surface emitting laser (850 nm) Ti:Sapphire laser: ultrashort pulses (30 fs) (700-1000 nm)

5 EE 231 Optical Electronics, Fall 2003 Laser characteristics spectrally broad divergent can’t be focused tightly not very intense incoherent very monochromatic does not diverge as fast can be focused tightly can be extremely intense spatial coherence (interference) temporally coherent (beat notes) What is needed ? More generally: active medium pump -> far from thermal equilibrium feedback (resonator, mirrors)

6 EE 231 Optical Electronics, Fall 2003 Laser characteristics II -Threshold kink in output power spectral narrowing

7 EE 231 Optical Electronics, Fall 2003 Laser history 1910 19201930194019501960 1970198019902000 Einstein predicts stimulated emission Townes invents and builds first MASER Schawlow and Townes propose LASER Maiman builds first (ruby) LASER Javan invents He-Ne laser Faist builds quantum cascade laser Nakamura builds blue laser diode nanowire laser built at UCB Alferov builds first heterostructure laser CD player IBM builds first laser printer Hall builds semiconductor laser Spectra introduces Ti:Sapphire laser first fiber optic communication system (Chicago)

8 EE 231 Optical Electronics, Fall 2003 Lasers in science laser cooling and trapping interferometry length measurements biological processes ultrafast phenomena

9 EE 231 Optical Electronics, Fall 2003 Lasers in medicine corrective eye surgery removing blemishes gallbladder surgery using fiber optics

10 EE 231 Optical Electronics, Fall 2003 Lasers in every day life barcode scanners laser printers laser cutting laser welding.... CD players

11 EE 231 Optical Electronics, Fall 2003 Lasers in communication systems 4 PIN receivers 160 km standard fibre booster amplifier 4 WDM EA-DFB lasers pre-amplifier attenuator and power meter optical spectrum analyser channel separation: 100 GHz (0.8 nm) DEMUXDEMUX laser as source laser as amplifier PIN-diode Input Monitor tap Isolator 980/1550 coupler Er fibre Isolator Monitor tap Output 980 nm pump laser

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