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INDIA ~ NAMASTE ~ Greetings to All!. DRR Context in India: Implementation and Monitoring.

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Presentation on theme: "INDIA ~ NAMASTE ~ Greetings to All!. DRR Context in India: Implementation and Monitoring."— Presentation transcript:

1 INDIA ~ NAMASTE ~ Greetings to All!

2 DRR Context in India: Implementation and Monitoring

3 Presentation Outline About India and Objective of Cordaid programme DRR efforts by NGOs/Communities and Government Risk Reduction “Monitoring” by community: Risk assessment tool Way forward

4 India on the World Map


6 Floods 26 July 2005 Tsunami 26 Dec 2004 S Cyclone 29 Oct 1999 Flood, Assam & Bihar 2004 MAJOR DISASTERS (1980-2005) Earthquake Uttarkashi, 20 Oct 1991, Chamoli, 23 April 1999 Bhuj, Earthquake, 26 January, 2001 Avalanche Feb 2005 Earthquake, Latur, 30 Sept 1993 Tsunami 26 Dec 2004 Bhopal Gas Disaster, Dec 1982 Earthquake, Oct, 2005

7 Objective of Cordaid CMDRR programme Vulnerable Communities in disaster prone areas are more resilient to natural hazards, climate change and conflicts. Their capacity to cope with and adapt to adverse situations is increased

8 Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction in India

9 NGO/Communities efforts in India Identification of Vulnerable communities & areas prone to hazards (Andaman Islands, North Bihar, Rajasthan, Assam, Tamilnadu) Undertaking hazard specific Risk assessment Organizing the Community and formation of Community-based institutions: Self Help Groups/Youth Groups/Village Management Committees Self Help Group meeting in action

10 Promoting Saving/Credit among the CBO members “Savings” are a crucial & immediate support during/post hazard. Government recognizing role of SHGs especially damage assessment/beneficiary selection post hazard Creating linkages of these groups with Government schemes and institutions such as Banks/Insurance Companies leading to loan/MF for Livelihood & enterprise development

11 Community groups, individuals, livestock, assets and school buildings have also been brought under insurance coverage Capacitating Communities for Community readiness/Micro planning: Formation of Rescue teams/task forces at village level Grain Banks High Rise platforms Early warning systems Hazard mitigation/prevention measures SHGs (Self Help Group) have been engaged in advocacy and accessing Government schemes and resources (Emergency centres, funds & trainings) contributing to DRR

12 Risk Assessment to Risk Monitoring

13 Village Maps

14 Village Social and resource map on: 18-09-2009

15 Village Risk status on 26-02- 2010

16 Village risk status on 15-03-2011

17 Village Risk status on 20-07- 2011

18 Detail of impact Years of Hazard /Period Flood & Cyclone Situation Warning system Speed of Onset Losses incurred during various hazards periods Level of water Days when water gets logged in the area Duration Areas covered Human Infrastructure/ Houses LandLivelihood Household materials / psycho social 20076 ft8 days Houses 65-75 Heavy rains 8 hours Nil Fully damage=12 Partially: 70 130 Are Crop damage Paddy: 38 acres Vegetables Horticulture 92 Cooking utensils Electronic items Hazard Assessment tool

19 20034 ft 12 days Houses- 159 Heavy rains 6-7 hours… 15 Fully damage =60 Partially: 90 200 Are Crop damage Paddy:118 acres Vegetables Horticulture 100 Cooking utensils 2005 2007

20 Hazard Profile Element at Risk Describe location of Element at Risk in relation to Hazard Grades Why the Element at risk is in that location? What need to be done to reduce vulnerability? HighMediumLow FloodHouses 20 meters away from river/embankment 1, 75, 92, 18, 63, 45, 58 High 1, 75, 92 58 Proximity to bandh, Their own land ??? Life On embankment 6, 13 High??? Hand Pump Low line area Pump no. 1, 5, 9 MediumLow lying land Summary Assessment Vulnerability Assessment Tool





25 Factors that Community is Monitoring Human Life: (Vulnerability and capacity) Location from Hazard: Knowledge Skills Ability to bounce back (saving/income/preparedness/insurance) Houses/Infrastructure: Location Capacity to face hazard Agriculture/Livelihood: Capacity to face hazard Location Multiple option Livestock: Location Ability to bounce back Institutions: PRI School SHGs Task forces Important: Reduction in migration Food/water/shelter/sanitati on

26 Way Forward Community Managed disaster risk reduction is yet to be achieved “Community monitoring” needs to be institutionalized. Local Governance has to be more pro-active in planning, implementing and monitoring along with the community. “Social Audit”- a way for ensuring accountability and learning.

27 Thank You!

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