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Human Origins By: Molly McGarry. 3 Hypo these of Human Origins  Myth~ Greek Mythology Zeus creates humans Myth~ Religious Bible- Adam and Eve Theory~

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Presentation on theme: "Human Origins By: Molly McGarry. 3 Hypo these of Human Origins  Myth~ Greek Mythology Zeus creates humans Myth~ Religious Bible- Adam and Eve Theory~"— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Origins By: Molly McGarry

2 3 Hypo these of Human Origins  Myth~ Greek Mythology Zeus creates humans Myth~ Religious Bible- Adam and Eve Theory~ Darwin’s Theory of Evolution All life is created from a common ancestor.

3 Theory  Theory develops when scientific community excepts a hypothesis as true because there is an overwhelming supportive evidence.

4 Evolution  Evolution can be supported by the fossil records that include transition species suggesting that life has changed over time.  The structure of human beings Homologous and analogous Similarities in ebryological development and biochemical comparisons.

5 Fossil Evidence  Based on Fossil evidence it is suggested that the age of the earth is 4.5 billion years old.  Transition species link the past to the present and show evidence that life has changed over time from simple to more complex organisms.  Scientist believe that Humans have evolved from apes because we share very common DNA structures.

6 Similar Embryos  All animals have the same early embryonic development.  Humans develop gills and tails just like all other animal embryo’s  Scientists believe that this happens because they inherit this from distant ancestors.

7 Oxygen from Bacteria  Cyanobacteria, which was the original photosynthesis, produced the oxygen that created our atmosphere.  This made our ozone that allowed our terrestrial life to live and prosper.  Human respiratory systems need oxygen to live.

8 Natural Selection  Organisms overproduce therefore there are limited food and resources.  By natural selection nature selects the best traits to survive.  These Genetic mutations account for the changing of species over time.

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