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6,000 B.C. – 587 B.C..  The Nile River  750-mile stretch to the delta provided easy travel to Mediterranean Sea  Predictable annual floods provided.

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Presentation on theme: "6,000 B.C. – 587 B.C..  The Nile River  750-mile stretch to the delta provided easy travel to Mediterranean Sea  Predictable annual floods provided."— Presentation transcript:

1 6,000 B.C. – 587 B.C.

2  The Nile River  750-mile stretch to the delta provided easy travel to Mediterranean Sea  Predictable annual floods provided fertile land  Climate and irrigation allowed for 2-3 crops per year

3  Old Kingdom (2680 B.C. – 2180 B.C.)  Pharaohs organized a strong central state, were absolute rulers, and were considered gods  Egyptians built pyramids at Giza  Used hieroglyphics and wrote on papyrus

4  Middle Kingdom (2050 B.C. – 1650 B.C.)  Large canal project created arable farmland  Hyskos conquered lower Egypt  brought horse-drawn chariots and bronze

5  New Kingdom (1570 B.C. – 1080 B.C.)  Powerful pharaohs created a large empire that reached the Euphrates River  Hatshepsut encouraged trade  Ramses II expanded Egyptian rule to Syria

6  Achievements  Geometry (to build pyramids)  Calendar (accurate 365 days)  Later added a leap year  Medicine (including preserving bodies)

7 Khufuthe Washington monument 346 feet

8  Egyptians were polytheistic  Amon-Re, sun god, was most important  Osiris, judged the dead and was associated with the Nile  Believed in an afterlife  Mummification prepared people for death


10  The Fertile Crescent  Formed by the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers  Flooding not as predictable as Nile  Required canals and dikes to control water levels

11  Sumer  Cuneiform  Arch  Ziggurat  Wheel

12 bricks no wood in the area; steel had not yet been invented at the top of the structure to get it as close as possible to the sky, where the people believed the gods lived

13  Babylonians  Code of Hammurabi  Harsh Punishment “eye for an eye”  Varied according to status  Women had some legal and property rights

14  Persians  Cyrus the Great  Conquered people treated fairly  allowed to keep religions and laws  Secret agents kept king informed

15  Persians (cont)  Darius I  Organized Persia into territories  Promoted trade and commerce  Standardized monetary system  Built Royal Road  1,500 mile road with fresh horses  Tolerant of religious practices

16  Persians (cont)  Xerses I  Focused on military  Tried to conquer Greece  Defeated Spartans  Burned Athens  Defeated at Salamis

17  Phoenicians  Traders that went as far as England  Created the alphabet  Lydians  Developed money economy

18 Canaanite to Phoenician to Greek to English a triangle S

19  Monotheistic – believe one god created the universe  First five books of the Bible are the Torah  Law similar to Hammurabi  Higher value on human life

20  Abraham  Father of the Jewish people  Told to leave his home to create a great nation  Blessed with a lot of children

21  Moses  Raised in the Pharaoh's court  God tells Moses to lead his people on an exodus from Egypt to the promised land  God gives Moses the Torah and the Ten Commandments

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