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Powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente Adult Bible Study Guide Apr May Jun 2010 Adult Bible Study Guide.

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1 powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente Adult Bible Study Guide Apr May Jun 2010 Adult Bible Study Guide Apr May Jun 2010

2 Dear User … This PowerPoint Show is freely shared to all who may find it beneficial. While intended primarily for personal use, some find it useful for teaching the lesson in church. There are those, however, who add illustrations, change background, adjust font size, etc. While their intention may be good, this is not right. Slide #1 says “designed by claro ruiz vicente.” For honest Christians, it is not necessary for another’s creation to be copyrighted in order to be respected. PLEASE USE AS IS. Health and Healing AN APPEAL


4 Health and Healing CONTENTS 1. Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow! 2. The Power of Choice 3. Celebrating Spiritual and Physical Fitness 4. The Water of Life 5. The Environment 6. Faith and Healing 7. Rest and Restoration 8. The Atmosphere of Praise 9. Temperance 10. Integrity: Wholeness and Holiness 11. Optimism: Happiness and Healing 12. Nutrition in the Bible 13. Social Support: The Tie That Binds

5 Health and Healing OUR GOAL {181} WE ARE GOING to look at what’s often been a neglected aspect of the wonderful truths God has given us as a movement, and that is the health message. The Lord reveal these principles to us for the same reason He died for us, because He loves is and wants what’s in our best interest.

6 Health and Healing L ESSON 5, M AY 1 Health and Healing L ESSON 5, M AY 1 The Environment

7 KEY TEXT Psalm 24:1 NIV “T HE EARTH IS the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” “Not only does the earth belongs to God, but it serves as His signature across the galaxies.”

8 The Environment I NITIAL W ORDS {235} T HE C REATOR SPENT the first six days of Creation week preparing the environment for the human beings who were to follow. He placed Adam and Eve in a garden and gave them the oversight of all earthly creatures. This offered them the opportunity for study and enjoyment and the chance to develop as God’s representatives on earth. The Sabbath would seal their relationship with Him.

9 The Environment I NITIAL W ORDS {235} Sin changed God’s preferred plan. The environment became hostile. Hard toil replaced pleasurable work. Selfishness ruled. Exploitation of the earth’s resources began and continues to this day. Forests have been cut down. Water courses have been changed, and pollution is rampant. The richness of the soil has been squandered thoughtlessly.

10 The Environment Q UICK L OOK 1. The Environment Before Sin (Genesis 1:31) 2. The Environment After Sin (Genesis 3:17, 18) 3. Responsibility for the Environment (Psalm 24:1)

11 The Environment 1. T HE E NVIRONMENT B EFORE S IN Genesis 1:31 NKJV “T HEN G OD SAW everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good.”

12 1.The Environment Before Sin “VERY GOOD” {236} G OD PROVIDED THE most healthful surroundings for Adam and Eve. The restful green of foliage, the color of flowers and fruit —all combined to make the ideal home for them. They were to work in the Garden and care for it. In this way they would find satisfaction and enjoyment. They would learn more of God in God’s second book—nature.

13 The Sabbath has provided us an opportunity to focus attention on the Creator, His love, and His care for His creatures. It helped set a limit to labor. 1.The Environment Before Sin THE SABBATH ENVIRONMENT {238} After sin entered and work became much harder and tiring, this limit on work and the call to remember the Creator became even more important. As a reminder of the Creation itself, it should help us focus on our responsibility to our created world.

14 The Environment 2. T HE E NVIRONMENT A FTER S IN Genesis 3:17, 18 NKJV “ ‘C URSED IS THE ground for your sake, in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles shall bring forth for you, and you shall eat the herb of the field.’ ”

15 2. The Environment After Sin L OTS OF C HANGES {240} W ITH THE ENTRY of sin, Adam and Eve faced some hard consequences. The environment that had clothed them changed. The environment of the plant world changed, as well. Thorns and thistles grew. The soil became hard and unyielding. And there was now the entrance of death, something that they never were to have known.

16 Humankind’s stewardship of the earth has turned into an exploitation of it, as greedy people seek to take all from the earth that they can, regardless of the consequences. The pollution of air and water, the contamination of soil, and the presence of new and fearful disease agents all point to the health challenges humanity faces because of the damage to the environment. 2. The Environment After Sin L OTS OF C HANGES {240}

17 Psalm 24:1 Msg “G OD CLAIMS EARTH and everything in it, God claims World and all who live on it.” The Environment 3. R ESPONSIBILITY FOR THE E NVIRONMENT

18 3. Responsibility for the Environment S TEWARDSHIP OF THE E ARTH {242} B EGIN BY REMINDING ourselves of the Lordship of God over the earth. We are not free of responsibility to Him and His created works. Not only the earth is His but the people also—we and everyone else. We are responsible to Him for other people, as well as the rest of the earthly creation. We can conserve resources.

19 1. Be thoughtful in using water. 2. Follow the diet that the Lord has outlined for us. 3. Care for the plants and trees. 4. Seek to reduce the level of carbon emissions. 3. Responsibility for the Environment S TEWARDSHIP OF THE E ARTH {242}

20 Too much exposure to sunlight increases the risk of various skin cancers. On the other hand, sunlight exposure helps to produce vitamin D, which is essential for body metabolism and the building of strong and healthy bones. Adequate exposure to sunlight also helps to prevent certain types of cancer. 3. Responsibility for the Environment S TEWARDSHIP OF THE E ARTH {244}

21 It also is healthful to open curtains and windows to allow sunlight to enter our rooms, which helps destroy certain bacteria. Studies show that folk without adequate sunlight exposure can be more prone to suffer from seasonal depression. 3. Responsibility for the Environment S TEWARDSHIP OF THE E ARTH {242}

22 The Environment F INAL W ORDS {242} B Y BEING GOOD stewards of the earth, by seeking to take care of the environment, by not hoarding natural resources for ourselves, by being willing to share with others out of our own abundance (if we have it), we can improve the daily lives of those who need our help.

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