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150 (+) 1000 (+)    The ”recast” EWC directive Directive 2009/38/EC.

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Presentation on theme: "150 (+) 1000 (+)    The ”recast” EWC directive Directive 2009/38/EC."— Presentation transcript:

1 150 (+) 1000 (+)    The ”recast” EWC directive Directive 2009/38/EC

2 Art 6 agreements 5/6/2009 – 5/6/2011 Directive 2009/38/EC Art 13 agreements...22/9/1996 (15/12/99) New agreements June 2011 Art 13 agreements when expiring Art 6 agreements 22/9/1996 – 5/6/2009 Mergers, downsizing, closures Restructuring

3 Companies affected by the directive 150 (+)   1000 (+) 

4 Undertakings, Groups & controlling undertakings     Criteria determining a controlling undertaking 

5 Constitution of a special negotiating body Central management Written request for negotiations 100 (+)  Special negotiating body  5%  12%  28 %  55%

6 Trade unions - Syndicats - Gewerkschaften? Special negotiating body EIF Coordinator

7 Negotiations No! 2/32/3 2/32/3 Special negotiating body EIF Coordinator Experts

8 Information Consultation EWC - CEE Time Temps Zeit Content Contenu Inhalt Fashion Manière Weise Avis Opinion Stellungnahme Impact?

9 Items to be agreed in the agreement 2 x2 x Venue, frequency and duration of meetings Validity of the agreement Informationand consultation Information and consultation Composition of the EWC Financial and material resources &Training Undertakings affected  EWC Local Linkage EWC & local representation bodies to represent collectively the interests of the employees Select committee

10 Transnational ?     

11 A new agreement or the Subsidiary requirements? 100 (+)  Central management NO ! Subsidiary requirements 6 months

12 Application of subsidiary requirements Special negotiating body EIF Coordinator Expert s Subsidiary requirements 3 years

13 Subsidiary requirements Extraordinary meetings extra Information and consultation Experts Financial and material resources Internal preparatory meeting One meeting per year Select committee (5!) EWC Compostion of EWC Undetakings covered

14 Information Consultation EWC - CEE Time Temps Zeit Content Contenu Inhalt Fashion Manière Weise Avis Opinion Stellungnahme Impact?

15 Information Consultation EWC - CEE Avis Opinion Stellungnahme Impact? RESPONSE

16 Company structure Employment trends Mergers, downsizing, closures Economic and financial situation and trends New working methods Organisational changes Investment plans € Transfer of production Collective redundancies € Probable developments, production and sales Information and consultation rights (subsidiary requirements)

17 Existing EWCs and Restructuring? EWC - CEE 1EWC - CEE 2 Merger - Fusion Special negotiating body

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