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Words for Production 1. obviously [`AbvI1slI] adv. in a way that is clear or easy for almost everyone to see or understand 顯然 ,明顯地 Even the best student.

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3 Words for Production 1. obviously [`AbvI1slI] adv. in a way that is clear or easy for almost everyone to see or understand 顯然 ,明顯地 Even the best student in the class couldn't pass the exam. Obviously, it was too difficult. Would you like to know more...

4 obvious [`AbvI1s] adj. 明顯的,顯著的 My dog kept barking at the stranger. It was obvious that it didn't like the man.

5 Words for Production 2. converse [k1n`v3s] vi. to have a conversation with someone 交談 The lonely old man enjoyed the chance to converse with anyone that came to sit beside him.

6 Words for Production 3. conversely [k1n`v3slI] adv. in a way that one situation is opposite to another; taking the opposite view 相反地;從另一方面來看 People who earn a lot of money have little time to spend it. Conversely, many people with a lot of time do not have enough money to do what they want.

7 Words for Production 4. assistance [1`sIst1ns] n. [U] help or support 協助,援助 Our government should offer more financial assistance to the students who cannot pay their tuition. Would you like to know more...

8 assist [1`sIst] vt. 協助,援助 These handicap-friendly restrooms are designed to assist physically disabled people.

9 assistant [1`sIst1nt] n. [C] 助手,助理 The manager is so busy that she needs several assistants to help her handle minor business in the department.

10 Words for Production 5. invariably [In`vErI1blI] adv. (almost) always 總是,不變地 Believe it or not! It invariably rains after I have my car washed. Would you like to know more...

11 invariable [In`vErI1bL] adj. 不變的,始終如一的 When anything went wrong, his invariable response was to blame others. He never admitted his own fault.

12 Words for Production 6. dread [drEd] adj. causing fear or anxiety 可怕的,令人憂慮的 No one knows how to deal with the dread disease, which has claimed hundreds of lives in only a few weeks. Would you like to know more...

13 dread [drEd] vt.; n. [U] 害怕,恐懼 I dread going to the dentist. The sound of the drill makes me nervous. The thought of making an English speech in class filled her with dread.

14 dreadful [`drEdf1l] adj. 可怕的 The earthquake was so dreadful that I was too frightened to move.

15 Words for Production 7. detach [dI`t8tS] vi.; vt. to become separated from something; to remove something from something else that it is attached to 分離,分開 Detach the form at the bottom of this page and send it back to this address.

16 Words for Production 8. reluctant [rI`l^kt1nt] adj. unwilling to do something 不情願的,勉強的 The children enjoyed themselves so much at the amusement park that they were reluctant to leave.

17 Words for Production 9. previously [`privI1slI] adv. before the present time or a particular time 以前,先前 Before I took this job, I previously worked at a gas station. Would you like to know more...

18 previous [`privI1s] adj. 以前的,先前的 “Do you have any previous experience of doing this type of work?” “No, this is the first time I've ever been a delivery man.”

19 Words for Production 10. indeed [In`did] adv. truly; certainly (used to emphasize a positive answer or statement) 當然,確實 “Would it help if you have an assistant?” “It would indeed.”

20 Words for Production 11. graphically [`Gr8fIkLI] adv. very clearly and in great detail 生動地,清楚地 The scientists graphically described how they explored the coral reefs in a new series on the National Geographic Channel. Would you like to know more...

21 graphic [`Gr8fIk] adj. 生動的,清楚的 People are afraid that graphic descriptions of violent crimes on TV may have bad influence on children.

22 Words for Production 12. diploma [dI`plom1] n. [C] a document showing that a student has successfully completed a course of study or part of his or her education 學位證書,畢業文憑 Frank is studying for a diploma in hotel management. After he gets it, he would like to get a job at a five- star hotel downtown.

23 Words for Production 13. hospitalize [`hAspItL&aIz] vt. to keep someone in a hospital for medical treatment 送 … 住院,使留院 ( 治療 ) Grandma is so sick that she has to be hospitalized immediately.

24 Words for Production 14. admission [1d`mIS1n] n. [U] permission given to someone to enter a place or become a member of a school, club, etc. 允許 ( 入院 / 學等 ) Peter applied for admission to more than three colleges, but all of them rejected his application. Would you like to know more...

25 admit [1d`mIt] vt. 允許進入 Latecomers will not be admitted into the concert hall until intermission.

26 Words for Production 15. procedure [pr1`sidZ2] n. [C] the usual or correct way of doing something 步驟,手續 Every time I finish using my computer, I follow the correct procedure for shutting it down.

27 Words for Production 16. approximately [1`prAks1mItlI] adv. about, roughly 大約 I don't remember the exact price of the jeans. It was approximately NT$1,000. Would you like to know more...

28 approximate [1`prAks1mIt] adj. 大約的 “What's the approximate number of students in each class?” “Forty.”

29 Words for Production 17. saint [sent] n. [C] a very religious person who is given special respect after death by the Christian church; a very good and unselfish person 聖徒;似聖徒的人,慈愛無私的人 The woman must be a real saint to stay with such a moody old man all these years.

30 Words for Production 18. disposition [&dIsp1`zIS1n] n. [C] the natural qualities of one's character 性情,性格 That type of work is not suitable for people of a nervous disposition.

31 Words for Production 19. blurt [bl3t] vt. to say something suddenly and without thinking 不假思索地脫口說出 Michael was so excited that he blurted the news out before they could stop him.

32 Words for Production 20. interpreter [In`t3prIt2] n. [C] a person whose job is to translate something spoken in one language into another language 口譯者 An international meeting needs interpreters who can speak different languages. Would you like to know more...

33 interpret [In`t3prIt] vi.; vt. 口譯;解讀 Our tour guide spoke Japanese well enough to be able to interpret for us during our stay in Tokyo.

34 interpretation [In&t3prI`teS1n] n. [U][C] 口譯;解讀 What he meant by that statement is open to interpretation. It can be explained in many ways.

35 Words for Production 21. tough [t^f] adj. difficult to deal with 難以應付的,困難的 Whoever wins the election is going to have a tough job getting the economy back on its feet.

36 Words for Production 22. misconception [&mIsk1n`sEpS1n] n. [C][U] a wrong belief or opinion as a result of not understanding something 誤解 It's a common misconception that men don't make good nurses. Would you like to know more...

37 conception [k1n`sEpS1n] n. [C][U] 觀念,概念 The report challenges traditional conceptions of the role of women in society.

38 Words for Production 23. qualification [&kwAl1f1`keS1n] n. [C] (usu. pl.) an official record of achievement that one gets when he/she has successfully completed a course of training or passed an exam 證書;資格證明 Today, if you are without any qualification, it will be very hard for you to get a good job. Would you like to know more...

39 qualify [`kwAl1&faI] vt. 使 … 具有資 格 A six-month intensive training course qualified him as a pilot.

40 Words for Production 24. ranking [`r89kI9] n. [C] the position on a scale which shows how good someone or something is when compared with others 排名,順位;等級 As a professional golfer, Tiger Woods still stands at number one in the world rankings. Would you like to know more...

41 rank [r89k] vi.; vt. 名列,具有 … 地位 Melody ranks third in her class at school.

42 rank [r89k] n. [C][U] ( 能力、重要性等的 ) 等級,程度;身分 Go to the concert, and you'll be able to enjoy the excellent performances of musicians of the first rank.

43 Words for Production 25. rejection [rI`dZEkS1n] n. [U][C] (an example of) not accepting someone for a job, school, etc. 拒絕 Fear of rejection by the college prevented me from putting in an application. Would you like to know more...

44 reject [rI`dZEkt] vt. 拒絕 Jason was rejected by the company because he didn't do well in the interview.

45 Words for Production 26. disillusioning [&dIsI`luZ1nI9] adj. disappointing because something is not as good as expected 令人失望的,令人幻滅的 Meeting Tom Cruise in person was a disillusioning experience for me because he wasn't as tall as I had imagined. Would you like to know more...

46 disillusion [&dIsI`luZ1n] vt. 使幻想破滅,使不再存有幻想 I hate to disillusion you, but the truth is college life is not as colorful as you think.

47 disillusioned [&dIsI`luZ1nd] adj. 感到失望的,感到幻滅的 Disillusioned with his team's performance, the coach decided to quit.

48 Words for Production 27. regulation [&rEGj1`leS1n] n. [C] an official rule or order 條例,法令 Not only drivers but also pedestrians should follow traffic regulations. Would you like to know more...

49 regulate [`rEGj1&let] vt. ( 以條例、法令等 ) 規範,管理 There should be strict rules regulating the use of chemicals in food.

50 Words for Production 28. handicapped [`h8ndI&k8pt] adj. disabled in body or mind ( 身體或精神上 ) 殘疾的,有障礙的 You are not supposed to park here. These parking spaces are for the handicapped.

51 handicap [`h8ndI&k8p] n. [C] 生理或心理障礙 Although the girl was born with a visual handicap, she showed a remarkable talent for music.

52 Words for Production 29. expectation [&EkspEk`teS1n] n. [U][C] the act of thinking or believing that something will happen; something one thinks or believes will happen 期望、期待 ( 的事情 ) We had heard so much about the restaurant, but it didn't come up to our expectations.

53 Words for Production 30. rim [rIm] n. [C] the edge of something circular 框,邊,緣 Father's glasses have gold rims.

54 1. narcissistic [&nArsI`sIstIk] adj. showing great love for one's own self 自戀的,自我陶醉的 Words for Recognition

55 2. ground hostess [`Gra5nd `hostIs] n. [C] a female clerk who facilitates movement of both departing and arriving passengers at the airline terminal 地勤女客服人員 Words for Recognition

56 3. retina [`rEtN1] n. [C] the area at the back of the eye that receives light and sends images of what one sees to the brain 視網膜 Words for Recognition

57 4. X-ray [`Eks`re] n. [C] a beam of radiation that can go through solid objects and is used for photographing the inside of the body X 光 Words for Recognition

58 5. orderly [`Ord2lI] n. [C] a hospital worker, without special medical training, doing jobs such as helping nurses, carrying heavy things, and cleaning ( 未受專門訓練的 ) 護理員,雜役 Words for Recognition

59 6. Scarsdale [`skArz&del] n. a residential town, southeast of New York 城鎮名 Words for Recognition

60 7. hoop [h5p] n. [C] (in basketball) the metal ring that the net hangs from 籃框 Words for Recognition

61 8. foreman [`form1n] n. [C] an experienced person who is in charge of and watches over a group of workers 工頭,領班 Words for Recognition

62 1. in the eyes of somebody in the opinion of somebody 依照某人的看法或見解 David, in the eyes of his ex-girlfriend, is very narcissistic. He is too concerned about his own appearance and spends too much time admiring himself. Idioms and Phrases

63 2. to date up to now; so far 迄今,到目前為止 Grandma was hospitalized early this month, but there has been no improvement in her condition to date. Idioms and Phrases

64 3. at the top of one's lungs as loud as possible 扯著喉嚨 ( 喊、唱 ) If my sister sings at the top of her lungs in the shower, that means she is in a good mood. Idioms and Phrases

65 4. drive something home (to somebody) to make something unmistakably clear (to somebody) 使 ( 人 ) 清楚地了解 The speaker really drove her message home to her audience; she repeated her main point several times. Idioms and Phrases

66 5. turn down to refuse to accept an offer or request; to reject 拒絕 Tom turned down the job because he thought the salary and benefits were not good enough. Idioms and Phrases

67 6. by and large in general; on the whole 大體上,總的來說 By and large, only 20 percent of the college graduates can find jobs as soon as they leave school. Idioms and Phrases

68 7. come upon to meet somebody or find something by chance ( 偶然 ) 遇見,發現 I came upon a one-dollar coin in the washing machine. Idioms and Phrases

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