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The hospital environment and its impact on people with dementia 4.1 © Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust.

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Presentation on theme: "The hospital environment and its impact on people with dementia 4.1 © Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust."— Presentation transcript:

1 The hospital environment and its impact on people with dementia 4.1 © Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust

2 4.2  To consider what aspects of the hospital environment can be disabling to people with dementia  To explore ideas on practical ways to improve the physical environment Aims © Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust

3 The hospital environment: What aspects of the hospital environment do you think create problems for people with dementia ? 4.3 © Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust

4 4.4 © Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust

5 Improving the hospital environment  Lighting: ◦ Bright but avoiding glare... ◦ Natural light where possible  Familiarity: ◦ Avoid unnecessary moves ◦ Familiar items from home for the bed area ◦ Pictures of interest in communal areas  Flooring: ◦ Avoid highly polished, reflective surfaces 4.5 © Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust

6  Way-finding: ◦ Signage that is clear and at an appropriate level and uses pictures as well as words ◦ Objects/pictures/themes that distinguish/identify areas ◦ Handrails with colour contrast to walls ◦ Walls and floors clearly demarcated by colour contrast  Noise: ◦ Aim for reduction in noise where possible particularly at night ◦ Opportunity for patients to access quieter areas 4.6 © Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust

7  Occupation/relaxation: ◦ Presence of social areas that are homely, calming and interesting ◦ Where possible facilitate access to other facilities in the hospital (shop/cafe) and outdoor space (garden needed!)  Toilets and bathrooms: ◦ Warm, light and offer privacy ◦ Should be clearly signed ◦ Reflect purpose and as “non-clinical” as possible  Eating: ◦ Quiet and conducive to eating ◦ Contrasting colours for plates and cups against the table Adapted from Dementia Service Development Centre (2009) 4.7 © Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust

8 Your ideas to: 1. Improve way-finding and accessibility 2. Create interest / opportunity for occupation 3. Establish points of familiarity 4. Promote calm and restfulness Improving the hospital environment 4.8 © Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust

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