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Overview of the Improved MTN project Geoff Molloy Communications and Computing Branch Bureau of Meteorology Australia.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of the Improved MTN project Geoff Molloy Communications and Computing Branch Bureau of Meteorology Australia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of the Improved MTN project Geoff Molloy Communications and Computing Branch Bureau of Meteorology Australia

2 Overview of the Improved MTN project Background The idea was partly based on two existing networks: 1.RMDCN. 2.British Telecom (BT) Frame Relay links between Melbourne-Singapore-Jakarta

3 Overview of the Improved MTN project The RMDCN Virtual Private Network based on Frame Relay PVCs –Guaranteed bandwidth ( CIR ) –Ability to take advantage of unused network capacity ( EIR ) –PVC costs are in function of the CIR and the location of the end-points –No limit to the number of Sites that can be connected –No limit to the number of PVCs that can be established TCP/IP is used as a transport protocol –Fully managed Cisco routers Connection via a PTT access line to the in-country POP Backup service ( ISDN, PSTN, dual access line )

4 Overview of the Improved MTN project Phases implementation of the Improved MTN project should be a progression. In its first stage (Phase I), there would be a mix of “clouds” and existing point-to- point links. Phase I should therefore evolve quickly towards Phase II in which all the MTN links would be provided via a small number of “clouds” or Managed networks – e.g. frame relay.

5 Overview of the Improved MTN project Regional Meteorological Telecommunication Network for Region V (South-West Pacific) point-to-point circuits implementation (transmission speed in Kbit/s) Washington Honolulu Tokyo New Delhi Papeete Honiar a Melbourne Wellington Port Vila Noume a Jakarta Kuala Lumpur ASMC Singapore Bangkok Manila Brunei RTH NMC Centre in other region MTN circuit Regional circuit Interregional circuit Port Moresby radio broadcast Fax 64 TCP/IP NO 0.2 2.4 X.25 FR 64 (CIR:4) TCP/IP (+ X.25) 9.6 X.25 FR 64 (CIR:8) TCP/IP (+ X.25) 4.8 TCP/IP 4.8 X.25 9.6 TCP/IP 9.6 X.25 64 X.25 1.2 19.2 X.25 RSMC Darwin 2.4 X.25 1.2 FR 64 (CIR-16) TCP/IP Bracknell NO Not operational CIR Committed Information Rate (Frame Relay links) FR 64 (CIR:8) TCP/IP NO Internet 256* Internet 28.8* Apia Pago-Pago Guam Micronesia AFTN+GTS 9.6 X.25 56 X.25 AFTN+GTS 9.6 X.25 31.VIII.2000 Internet 256* Peak speed through Internet Fax RSMC Nadi FR 512 (CIR:128) Additional circuit

6 Overview of the Improved MTN project Network B Mixed use of Data Communication Network Services and point-to-point circuits Network ARA VI RMDCN Tokyo Melbourne Washington Bracknell Beijing Buenos AiresBrasilia Prague Sofia Algiers Jeddah RTH - MTN Gateway RTH Existing network MTN PVC through Network Inter-Regional PVC through Network Existing point to point links Nairobi Dakar Offenbach Cairo Moscow Toulouse New Delhi Access line to Network Services Figure 6.2.2: The IMTN, Phase I: Example of possible Implementation of the MTN - Figure 6.2.2: The IMTN, Phase I: Example of possible Implementation of the MTN -

7 Overview of the Improved MTN project Figure 6.2.1: The IMTN, Phase II: Example of possible implementation of the MTN - use of Data Communication Network Services Tokyo Melbourne Washington Bracknell Offenbach Jeddah Buenos AiresBrasilia Toulouse Prague New Delhi Sofia Algiers Nairobi Beijing Cairo RTH- MTN Gateway RTH Existing Network Services New possible Network Services Network-to Network Interconnection Network D Network A Network CRA VI RMDCN Access line to Network Services Moscow Network B Dakar

8 Overview of the Improved MTN project Why a managed Network? Potential advantages include: 1.Cost-effectiveness compared to dedicated leased lines. Also economy of scale likely to result in significant discounts. 2.Burst capability – ideal for timely receipt of large volume of data for a short period of the day (eg model data) 3.Ability to increase link capacity easily and quickly – no need to order new line. 4.Ability to add additional links quickly and cheaply. 5.High availability – option to have fully managed service and ISDN backup

9 Overview of the Improved MTN project MOU key to flexibility Drafting a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) among the centres –  Responsibilities of each centre; –  Method of procurement of the service; –  Funding of the various stages; –  On-going coordination and management of the relationship with the supplier; –  Procedure for adding another centre to the cloud, etc.

10 Melbourne Australia FRAME RELAY SCHEMATIC ( INFONET by Telstra) Dorval, Canada Washington NWS USA Buenos Aires Argentina Brasilia Brazil Pretoria, South Africa Tokyo, Japan Bracknell UK 256K 128K 256K 128K 64K 32K 8K8K 8K8K 64K 16K 8K8K NESDIS

11 FR Port Japan Local Line Tokyo Melbourne Bracknell FR Port Australia FR Port U.S.A. KDDI Frame Relay NNIGateway FR Port U.K. NNIGateway DACOM Frame Relay NNIGateway HKT IMTN Network B INFONET Frame Relay Seoul Hong Kong NNIGateway CAT Frame Relay Bangkok Washington

12 Overview of the Improved MTN project Melbourne – Tokyo – Washington – Bracknell network Quotes were sought from leading providers for this network – Worldcomm, Sprint, BT. Also a quote was sought from Equant under the RMDCN contract. At this time (September 2002) at appears that this network will be a service from BT for 3 years Unsymetric PVCs

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