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10.3 Area of Parallelograms

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1 10.3 Area of Parallelograms

2 Objectives: Find the areas of parallelograms.
Find the areas of shaded region

3 Area of Parallelograms
A = bh h b

4 Justification You can justify the area formulas for parallelograms as follows. The area of a parallelogram is the area of a rectangle with the same base and height.

5 Area=BH=12(9) = 108 square units.
Using the Area Find the area of ABCD. Use AB as the base. So, b=12 and h=9 Area=BH=12(9) = 108 square units. 9

6 EXAMPLE 1 Use a formula to find area Find the area of PQRS. SOLUTION Method 1 The base is extended to measure the height RU. So, b = 6 and h = 8. Use PS as the base. Method 2 Use PQ as the base. Then the height is QT. So, b =12 and h = 4. Area = bh =12(4) = 48 square units

7 GUIDED PRACTICE for Example 1 Find the perimeter and area of the polygon. 2. 100 units, 510 units2 ANSWER










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