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Day 1.

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1 Day 1

2 A Day’s Work Author: Eve Bunting Illustrator: Ronald Himler
Skill: Character and Visualization Genre: Realistic Fiction

3 Question of the Week When is a solution the wrong solution?

4 Read Aloud Objective: Build vocabulary by finding words related to the lesson concept. Listen and visualize.

5 Read Aloud Listen how I change my voice for each character as I read “The Honest to Goodness Truth” (p. 174m in the teacher’s manual.) What do you think Libby's face must have looked like when her mother caught her in her lie? Libby decided to tell the truth about everything. What was one effect of her decision?

6 Vocabulary Concept Web Right and Wrong
Let’s read the sentence with the word certainty again. Pronounce certainty. What does it mean? Certainty means freedom from doubt, or being sure. Let’s place certainty in an oval attached to Telling the Truth. Certainty is related to this concept.

7 Vocabulary Concept Web Right and Wrong
Let’s read the sentences in which honestly appears. Pronounce the word honestly. Honestly means ‘in a truthful way.’

8 Vocabulary Concept Web Right and Wrong
Let’s read the sentences in which victims appears. Pronounce the word victims. Victims are people who are treated badly or taken advantage of.

9 Comprehension Skill/Strategy Lesson
Objectives: Understand character. Visualize to understand character.

10 Comprehension Skill/Strategy Lesson
What are your favorite stories? Who are the people in the story? We call those people in the story ‘characters.’ Let’s make a list on the board of the stories, characters, and one or two words to describe each character.

11 Comprehension Skill/Strategy Lesson
Read page 174 in a whisper voice. What a character says and does helps us understand what the character is like. It also helps us understand the story better and predict what will happen later in the story.

12 Comprehension Skill- Visualize
Active readers make pictures in their minds of  what they are reading. When you read how a character acts, picture it. When you read what a character says, hear it. Visualizing will help you understand what the character is like.


14 Build Background Let’s make a t-chart about gardening. Help me think of things to add to the chart Gardening Things a gardener should do Things a gardener should not do

15 Lesson Vocabulary

16 Words to Know excitement gardener motioned sadness shivered shocked slammed

17 More Words to Know convinced coarse

18 excitement a condition of having strong, lively feelings about something that you like

19 gardener someone employed to take care of a garden or lawn

20 motioned made a movement, as of the hand or head, to get someone to do something

21 sadness unhappiness; sorrow

22 shivered shook with cold, fear, or excitement

23 shocked caused to feel surprise, horror, or disgust

24 slammed threw or hit something with great force

25 Small Group Read the leveled readers

26 Fluency I will reread part of "The Honest-to-Goodness Truth" on p. 174m. I’ll read as if I am Libby and show emotions as I read the selection.

27 Grammar Day 1

28 White benchs sat in the middel of the garden.
White benches sat in the middle of the garden. Many colorful rose grow their.  Many colorful roses grow there.

29 Reading-Grammar Connection
The driver held up three fingers. Driver is a singular noun. It names one person, place, or thing.  What kind of noun names one person, place or thing? Fingers is a plural noun. It names more than one. What kind of noun names MORE THAN ONE person, place, or thing?


31 Spelling Day 1

32 Pre-Test

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