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MODULE 4 - FLOWING DELIVERY F.A.M.E. PROGRAMME. Play your Game, Observe your Results What have you accomplished in the past month?

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Presentation on theme: "MODULE 4 - FLOWING DELIVERY F.A.M.E. PROGRAMME. Play your Game, Observe your Results What have you accomplished in the past month?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Play your Game, Observe your Results What have you accomplished in the past month?

3 Flow of Five Energies Why? What? Who? When? How?

4 Enterprise Flow Flow is a function of rhythm and good plumbing

5 Plumbing of flow PROCESSES Ongoing Generating or limiting flow Entry, Movement and Exit PROJECTS Temporary Adding to existing or starting new flow Beginning, Milestones and End River Highway Fruit farming Sales Stone removal Road works New equipment Sales promotion

6 Current processes in your business Dynamo BlazeSteel Tempo Where do the they fit on the square?

7 Sales process Example YOUCLIENT

8 Where is the Flow? What requires a lot of attention or effort in your business? Where do you experience inconsistent results or stopped flow when you put your attention elsewhere? In what domain / energy? What process is missing or not working?

9 Processes - Maintaining flow WHY: Reason for existence in and contribution of flow to the whole WHAT: Outcomes and deliverables WHO: Accountable, participating, dependencies WHEN: Steps, sequence, duration and rhythm HOW: Methods and measures of progress and success Well set up Processes

10 Projects - Adding to flow What are your top 3 projects? Where do you need to increase/ stabilise flow most? Where on square? In which processes? What are the priority projects? Which ones to add, continue, drop? List key current projects in your business Where do they add / start flow?

11 Projects WHY: Adding flow to where / starting new flow where - why is it important? WHAT: Deliverables WHO: Accountable, participating, dependencies WHEN: Milestone dates, sequence of tasks and activities, critical path, check points HOW: Measures of progress and accomplishment Well set up Projects

12 From Insight to Action

13 Monthly Rhythm and Flow

14 Monthly Measures

15 Monthly Learning Loop

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