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Panda reserve wild wildlife. Siberian tigers species endangered.

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Presentation on theme: "Panda reserve wild wildlife. Siberian tigers species endangered."— Presentation transcript:

1 panda reserve wild wildlife

2 Siberian tigers species endangered

3 Blue Whale habitat

4 antelope struggle survival survive v. protectionconservation

5 dinosaurextinct

6 Brainstorm rhinoceros dolphin hippopotamus eagle crocodile

7 Listen to a report and find out the endangered animals that are mentioned.

8 ______________ ____________________ ____________ ______________________ _______________ reserve endangered habitat Conservation extinct struggle survival Answers:paraphrase an area of land where animals are protected in danger a place where an animals lives naturally protection continuing to live die out or dead a fight which lasts a long time

9 True or False questions: 1.Today there are about 2,000 Siberian tigers left. 2. Some of the tigers are in the Hunchun Nature Reserve on the border between Russia and Europe. 1,000 China

10 3. The Siberian tiger is not the only endangered species. 4. The panda is the symbol of the World Wild Fund for Nature, whose habitat is in America. 5. Every year thousands of wild animals and plants become extinct. China

11 Learn to use the phrases: 1 The panda is the symbol of the the World Wild Fund of Nature. 2 Thanks to scientist’s hard work, the number of the pandas living in the wild has increased to about 1,590. 3 According to the Red List of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, more than 12,000 animal species are now in danger. 国际自然保护联盟的 红色名单 世界自然基金会

12 1._____________this report, ____________ the tigers has increased to 1,000. 2. __________your help, we finished the work ahead of time. 3. The May Fourth Square is_______________ Qingdao. 4.People should help the animals __________. in danger the symbol of Thanks to According tothe number of Fill in the blanks: in danger according to the symbol of the number of thanks to

13 Debate: Should human beings be responsible for the endangered animals? Why? Debate

14 Homework: 1.Make a poster on how to protect the endangered animals. 2.Preview the reading material– Saving the Antelopes. Collect as much information as you can and share your information next class.

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