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Words to know  Disorders – Disturbance in a normal function of a part of the body.  Depression – A very serious mood disorder in which people lose.

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3 Words to know  Disorders – Disturbance in a normal function of a part of the body.  Depression – A very serious mood disorder in which people lose interest in life and can no longer find enjoyment in anything.

4  Affects a persons › Thoughts › Moods › Feelings › Behavior › Physical health Misperceptions of Depression “It’s all in their head” They can easily “snap out of it” They can “get over it” It means you are weak Only adults get depression

5  What causes it? › A medical disorder that has to be diagnosed › Chemical imbalance › Genetics › Stressful life event › No identifiable cause

6  Seek our › School Psychologist; Mrs. Root › SAY Counselor; Ms. Greene › Guidance counselors; Mr. Sullivan and Mrs. Amstutz › A parent or trusted adult


8 Anxiety- A state of uneasiness, usually associated with a future of uncertainty. Anxiety Disorder- A disorder in which intense feelings of fear keeps a person from functioning normally. There are several types of anxiety disorders.  Panic- A feeling of sudden intense fear.  Phobia- an exaggerated fear of a specific situation


10  The intentional taking of one’s own life  Second leading cause of death for 10-14 year olds (CDC, 2010)

11  Mood disorders; schizophrenia, anxiety disorders and certain personality disorders  Alcohol/substance use disorders  Hopelessness  History of trauma or abuse  Major physical illnesses  Previous suicide attempt  Family history of suicide  Job or financial loss  Loss of relationship  Easy access to lethal means  Local clusters of suicide  Lack of social support and sense of isolation  Cultural and religious beliefs, such as the belief that suicide is a noble resolution of a personal dilemma  Exposure to others who have died by suicide (in real life or via the media and Internet)

12  Sharing suicide plans openly  Dropping hints through words and actions  Changes in eating or sleeping habits  Lack of interest in school  Dramatic changes in the persons appearance  Giving away prized possessions  Withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities  A sudden change in mood  Use of alcohol or other drugs

13  Talk to the person  Show an interest in the persons problems  Ask if they are planning to harm themselves  Encourage the person to tell or talk to a trusted adult  Never promise to keep suicide plans a secret


15 Definition: Intentional injury to one’s own body. Usually leaves marks or causes tissue damage. Examples:  Cutting  Burning/Branding  Excessive piercing/tattooing  Picking at skin/ reopening wounds  Hair pulling  Head banging, hitting, bone breaking

16  Relieves intense feelings, pressure or anxiety  Manages pain  Asking for help in an indirect way (drawing attention) - trying to manipulate others to care


18  Wearing pants/long sleeves in warm weather  Possessing lighters, razors, sharp objects  Low self- esteem  Difficulty handling feelings  Relationship problems  Poor functioning at work, school, and home

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