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An Overview of Vocational Rehabilitation Presented by: Kentucky Vocational Rehabilitation.

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Presentation on theme: "An Overview of Vocational Rehabilitation Presented by: Kentucky Vocational Rehabilitation."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Overview of Vocational Rehabilitation Presented by: Kentucky Vocational Rehabilitation

2 Purpose of the VR Program To empower individuals with disabilities to maximize employment, achieve economic self-sufficiency and independence, and to contribute back to society.

3 VR Counselor Responsibilities oDetermine eligibility oDecide the nature and scope of services oCoordinate and authorize for services oAllocate expenditures oEstablish the suitability of closure

4 ~Responsibilities of the Consumer~ Keep all scheduled appointments Stay involved with the entire process from eligibility to closure Ask questions and make your wishes known Return all forms sent home for signature Keep your counselor informed of all changes Make your counselor aware once you become employed.

5 VR Process Referral & Application: *Referral= When an individual or service provider contacts VR with a desire to apply for services. *Application= The initial meeting between a counselor and individual. VR will conduct an interview and complete application forms.

6 VR is an eligibility program, NOT an entitlement program. Medical and psychological records will be reviewed by the counselor before eligibility can be determined.

7 Service Delivery VR services begin with an individualized assessment and career exploration:  Collect existing information  Acquire new information  Consider the results  Initiate joint planning  See a qualified counselor  Specify rehabilitation needs Primary service is vocational guidance and counseling.

8 Eligibility VR Counselors must answer these questions: *Does the applicant have a disability? Meaning a physical or mental impairment (identified in the Merck Manual or DSM IV) *Does the limitations result in a substantial barrier to employment and require VR services? *Can the individual benefit from services in terms of an employment outcome?

9 Remember: Medical/psychological information will be reviewed by a counselor before eligibility can be determined. We look for more than a diagnosis, we look at functional limitations.

10 What is an IPE? An IPE is an “Individualized Plan for Employment” that results from a combination of rehabilitation and vocational services. It’s purpose is to….  Identify the employment outcome  Select VR services  Choose service providers  Establish timelines  Identify responsibilities  Other individualized needs

11 What are potential services that could benefit your consumers? Vocational guidance and counseling: to begin exploration Vocational evaluation: determines strengths, abilities, interests. Placement: OVR Job Placement Specialists can assist with job search, interviewing skills, resume writing, etc. Training: if no transferable skills-training may be an option. Supported Employment: assistance of job coach to learn job duties. Community Rehab Programs: transferable skills for placement in job for unskilled workers. CRP staff will go with the individual to assist in application, interview, etc. Referral for services in the community (Comparable benefits) We are required to use this funding before our own. Rehab Tech: on site modifications at a job/equipment, training, etc. Driver Evaluation/Training/Modification: if deemed appropriate

12 CONFIDENTIALITY POLICIES  Collection of information  Protection of information  Use of information  Release of information  Recipients of information

13 Positive Employment Outcome Successful Rehabilitation: Criteria for Success VR services contributed to the outcome The right job for the individual The right workplace Employed for 90 days Individual and counselor agreement

14 Positive Employment Outcome What everyone wants! Success for the individual! Success for the program!


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