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Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation? Section B 通海口一中 谢红.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation? Section B 通海口一中 谢红."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation? Section B 通海口一中 谢红

2 Lead in Where are you going? What are you doing there? When are you going? How long are you staying? Who are you going with? Talk about your vacation plan.

3 1a Match the words with the pictures. 1.___ go bike riding 2.___ go sightseeing 3.___ take walks 4.___ go fishing 5.___ rent videos d b c a e a b c c d e

4 A: What are you doing for vacation? B: I’m going fishing. Presentation

5 A: What are you doing for vacation? B: I’m … PAIRWORK

6 1b PAIRWORK What do you like to do on vacation? Use the words from activity 1a and any other words you know. Make conversations. A: What are you doing for vacation ? B: I’m going bike riding. taking walks. going fishing. renting videos. …

7 Reporter’s questions He Yu’s Answers ____ 1.Where are you going for vacation? Italy ____ 2. What’s it like there? _______________ ____ 3. How’s the weather there? _______________ ____ 4. What are you doing there? _____________ ____ 5. Who are you going with? _______________ ____ 6. How long are you staying? _______________ 2a Listen. What does the reporter ask He Yu? Check ( √ )the questions he asks. √ √ √ √

8 Reporter’s questions He Yu’s Answers ____ 1.Where are you going for vacation? Italy ____ 2. What’s it like there? _______________ ____ 3. How’s the weather there? _______________ ____ 4. What are you _______________ doing there? _______________ ____ 5. Who are you going with? _______________ ____ 6. How long are you staying? _______________ 2b Listen again. Write He Yu’s answers to the questions you checked. √ √ √ √ beautiful, sunny and warm going to the beach, playing volleyball going sightseeing, going shopping three weeks

9 2c PAIRWORK Role play. Student A is the reporter. Student B is He Yu. Student A interviews Student B. A: Hello,He Yu. Can I ask you some questions about your vacation plans ? B: Yes. A: What are you doing for vacation …?

10 SpainGreeceTibet HawaiiThailandHong Kong Discuss Where would you like to go for vacation ?Why?

11 53 4 12

12 1.Ben’s going to Greece this summer. ( ) 2. He never takes vacations in Europe. ( ) 3. He’s staying in Canada for about 3 months. ( ) 4. He wants to have a great vacation. ( ) 5. He plans to stay in the countryside because he loves nature. ( ) T T T F F Read the magazine article in 3a.Write “T” (for true) or “F” for (false).

13 ① What does Ben Lambert do? ② What is he doing this summer? ③ What country did he decide to go this time? ④ Why is he going to Canada? ⑤ What places is he going to in Canada? ⑥ What are his plans? Read the magazine article in 3a. Answer the following questions.

14 3b Complete the article about Julia’s vacation plans. Julia Morgan, the famous movie star, is taking a vacation. She is going to __________. “I just finished making my last movie,” she says. “I’m _________ and I really need to __________.” I asked her about her plans. “Well, I’m going _____ and ________. I’m also _________and ________.I want an exciting vacation !” (Answers will vary.)

15 Discuss in groups and make a vacation plan to the countryside. GROUPWORK

16 Imagine you are a reporter, please interview your classmates about their vacation plans. Make an interview.

17 Survey Weekend Plans! Ask classmates what they are doing this weekend. Use the information on the chart on page 82. Write your classmate’s name next to the correct activity.

18 Find someone who is … Name going to the beach. visiting friends. playing sports. going shopping. taking a walk. reading a book. staying home. renting a video. A: What are you doing this weekend? B: Well, I’m going shopping on Saturday …

19 1. 她打算去北京度假。 She is going to Beijing for vacation. 2. 我计划过一个休闲的假期。 I plan to /I’m planning to have a very relaxing vacation. 3. 他打算和家人一起去旅游观光。 He’s going sightseeing with his family. 4. 他希望忘掉所有的烦恼。 He hopes that he can forget all his problems. 根据汉语提示完成句子。 Practice

20 Homework Suppose you are a famous singer or soccer player. What are your vacation plans? Write an article.

21 Life is very nice, but it lacks form. It's the aim of art give it some.—Jean Anouilh 生活是美好的,但它缺少形式,艺术的目标 正是给生活某种形式。 —— 吉恩 · 阿努伊

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