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Puritan New England. The Protestant Reformation Martin Luther (1517) –Vernacular –95 Theses –Indulgences –Vs. Catholicism John Calvin –Predestination.

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Presentation on theme: "Puritan New England. The Protestant Reformation Martin Luther (1517) –Vernacular –95 Theses –Indulgences –Vs. Catholicism John Calvin –Predestination."— Presentation transcript:

1 Puritan New England

2 The Protestant Reformation Martin Luther (1517) –Vernacular –95 Theses –Indulgences –Vs. Catholicism John Calvin –Predestination Puritans Strict Morals Hardwork

3 Reformation in England –Henry 8th Catherine of Aragon Ann Boleyn Queen Elizabeth –Catholic Response = Illegitimate –Puritan Persecution King James I –Puritans Fled to Netherlands –Secretly practice in England –Glorious Revolution, and William & Mary –Act of Toleration of 1689

4 English Economy in 1600 Economic –Joint-Stock Company –Royal Charter –Population Explosion Lack of the Black Death Enclosure of farmland

5 Jamestown May 6, 1607 –Virginia Company Joint-Stock Company and Royal Charter –Gentlemen Colonist First Winter John Smith Powhatan Confederacy Help –Powhatan Confederacy Pocohontas/John Rolfe Land Dispute –Perpetual Enmity –Tobacco Headright System Indentured Servants Slavery

6 Indentured Servitude –5-7 years –Called “white slavery” –Transportation Conditions –Work Conditions –Living Conditions Male/Female –Escape/rebellion –End of servitude/lack of land/lack of voting Over 50% of Colonist –Basis of economic class structure Poverty or Lower Class High Taxes Social unrest

7 Bacon’s Rebellion - 1676 William Berkeley –Elitist Land and Taxes Poor white settlers, buffer –Indian Fights on Frontier Nathaniel Bacon –Former Servants Land Militia/vigilantes March on and burning of Jamestown Thomas Grantham –Result of Rebellion Improved conditions –Ruling class fear –Whites vs. Blacks vs. Indians –Birth of Middle class

8 8 Maryland Lord Baltimore –Sir George Calvert Sought Colony Charter Catholic Colony for English Catholics –Cecilius Calvert Founded Colony 8

9 Plymouth Colony Pilgrims –Puritans Predestination Hard work and strict Morals –Leiden Separatist Mayflower - December 1621 –Saints –Strangers The Mayflower Compact (covenant) First Winter Wampanoag Indians –Squanto –Chief Massasoit

10 Massachusetts Bay Colony Congregationalist –Puritans –Reformers, or Nonseparating Congregationalists –Visible Saints John Winthrop –Founder and First Governor –Wilderness Zion –Self-Governing –“City Upon A Hill” Abrella - 1630 –Great Migration –Boston

11 Continued Freemen –Wealth –Church membership General Court –JW vs. the People –Original Charter Two-House Legislature –House of Assistants (L) and House of Deputies (C) 1630-1644 –Trading company to commonwealth

12 The English Empire in the New World Rhode Island –Roger Williams Questioned Calvinism View of Church and State Relationship With Native Americans Religious Freedom –Ann Hutchinson Questioned women’s role in society Questions women’s role in the church Banished from MBC

13 Continue New York –Dutch Colony of New Amsterdam Dutch East India company –Trading Post Fur and Fish –Social/Civil Freedom Very Diverse Religious Freedom –King Charles II Dutch Colony in the Middle of English America –Peter Stuyvesant Governor of Colony –Articles of Capitulation Became English Colony of New York

14 Continued Pennsylvania –Quakers George Fox Inner light Renounced sacraments, contracts, violence Intense Persecution –William Penn Pennsylvania Purpose Social/Civil Freedom Indian Relations

15 The French in North America St. Lawrence River –Natural Shipping Lane –French Canada Today English vs. French Colonization –Permanent vs. Short Term Families vs. Single Men –Protestant vs. Catholic Catholic Missionaries –Various economic activities vs. Fur Trading –Negative Native American Relations vs. Positive Native American Relations

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