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2 Day Workshop on Business Model Design Tecnologico de Monterrey Guadalajara, Mexico, June 7-8, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "2 Day Workshop on Business Model Design Tecnologico de Monterrey Guadalajara, Mexico, June 7-8, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 Day Workshop on Business Model Design Tecnologico de Monterrey Guadalajara, Mexico, June 7-8, 2007

2 change is the process by which the future invades our lives -> Alvin Toffler

3 business people don’t just need to understand designers better; they need to become designers Roger Martin, Dean Rotman School “ ”

4 why is each of us here?

5 your expectations for the next 2 days?

6 this workshop is an experiment!

7 what is design?

8 tell me, what is design?

9 the only thing that’s not designed is nature Dave Kelly, IDEO “ ”

10 adaptation of means to a preconceived end “ ”

11 transformation of existing conditions into preferred ones Herbert Simon, 1969 “ ”


13 redesign of a shopping cart

14 video

15 what is striking in the video?

16 characteristics of design thinking?

17 user-centered

18 creativity & exploration

19 interdisciplinary

20 holistic

21 fit

22 the designer’s toolbox

23 co-creation

24 ideation

25 visualization

26 prototyping

27 and business?

28 how can design thinking contribute to business?

29 what is a business model?

30 what’s your business model?

31 evolution of the concept

32 understandings

33 existing frameworks (i)

34 existing frameworks (ii)

35 VALUE PROPOSITION COST STRUCTURE CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS CUSTOMER SEGMENTS ACTIVITY CONFIGURATION CORE CAPABILITIES PARTNER NETWORK REVENUE STREAMS INFRASTRUCTURECUSTOMEROFFER FINANCE a business model describes the value an organization offers to various customers and portrays the capabilities and partners required for creating, marketing, and delivering this value and relationship capital with the goal of generating profitable and sustainable revenue streams DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS [Osterwalder (2004) The Business Model Ontology] business model framework

36 external forces

37 5 forces BUSINESS MODEL legal environment social environment competition customer needs technological change

38 the business model’s place in the company BUSINESS MODEL ORGANIZATION STRATEGY TECHNOLOGY

39 occurrences of the term “business model” in scholarly reviewed journals why this rise of the term business model?


41 Vinod Khosla, VC

42 play Niklas Zennström, serial entrepreneur


44 choose your market

45 design YOUR business

46 design frenzy process ? !

47 break-out session

48 ISSUES OFFERS ACTORSMARKET [Osterwalder (2004) The Business Model Ontology] sketch out the market

49 VALUE PROPOSITION CUSTOMER SEGMENTS value proposition 1 value proposition 2 … customer segment 1 customer segment 2 … CUSTOMEROFFER what value do you offer to which customer segments? (model)

50 why talk about business models?

51 how do you describe a business model?

52 without a common language

53 how do you communicate a business model?

54 Development plan  Quisque augue felis, commodo a, elementum id, faucibus id, sem. Aenean rutrum enim. Praesent pulvinar dignissim nisl. Cras a nunc. Donec tincidunt odio sit amet lacus. Pellentesque metus tortor, ullamcorper vitae, lobortis vel, euismod in, mi. Ut laoreet, tellus laoreet blandit mollis, massa purus posuere purus, quis molestie ligula massa eu metus. Duis placerat, nulla sit amet ornare interdum, neque nunc mollis leo, vitae porttitor mi orci sit amet neque. Donec at enim. In facilisis tellus gravida ligula. Phasellus ut lorem. Pellentesque ac tortor eget augue suscipit ullamcorper. Aenean eleifend porta orci.  Etiam at arcu. Vestibulum lacinia nunc in eros. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec gravida. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas vel enim et metus semper fringilla. Donec ornare arcu. Maecenas faucibus ligula convallis nibh. Mauris dui quam, congue eu, commodo nec, tristique in, enim. Nulla auctor semper urna. Quisque a elit eu purus iaculis vestibulum. Aliquam dictum risus at odio. Fusce at lorem et elit faucibus placerat. Aenean velit. Proin elit odio, blandit et, scelerisque quis, pulvinar a, dui. Nunc magna dolor, bibendum ut, accumsan congue, tincidunt sit amet, neque. Proin consequat tincidunt lacus. In urna dui, congue nec, tincidunt sit amet, facilisis imperdiet, lorem.  Morbi sed nibh. Vivamus vitae dolor. Ut bibendum volutpat mi. Pellentesque quis magna non lectus elementum pretium. Aliquam quis est vitae arcu consequat fringilla. Cras magna risus, placerat eget, egestas consectetuer, ornare vel, felis. Nam ornare justo id orci mattis ultricies. Morbi luctus. Ut pretium odio ac libero. Nunc sollicitudin pharetra lorem. Aenean scelerisque, lacus eget ullamcorper scelerisque, ipsum urna viverra mi, eget viverra quam eros eget velit. Ut lacinia feugiat purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam nunc nisl, aliquam blandit, luctus id, commodo laoreet, sem. Phasellus sit amet orci ut sapien vulputate pellentesque. Pellentesque dapibus purus et quam. Nam sit amet magna in neque dignissim sodales. Aenean non justo nec magna lobortis volutpat. Strategy Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cras in tortor. Sed posuere erat. Maecenas pulvinar nulla eu magna. Vivamus semper, risus ut egestas pulvinar, lectus ante feugiat quam, sit amet congue odio lacus ac ipsum. Aliquam suscipit, est ut volutpat vulputate, nulla felis pulvinar libero, non ornare libero ipsum tristique tortor. Fusce sed lorem vitae justo feugiat malesuada. Donec aliquet. Vivamus semper eros nec diam. Vivamus sem arcu, imperdiet nec, congue ac, scelerisque vel, nulla. Donec et mauris. Integer a nulla vulputate pede consequat euismod. Praesent molestie urna nec leo. Proin eros. Maecenas ac sem nec dui sodales tempus. Maecenas suscipit egestas velit. Suspendisse vel tortor. Proin imperdiet, sem nec aliquet ultrices, nunc est egestas eros, non hendrerit magna eros eget augue. Maecenas sed leo vitae leo faucibus vulputate. Proin dignissim eros at augue. Nam luctus nulla non nibh. Nam at lorem ac mauris laoreet viverra. In placerat consequat nunc. Donec rhoncus nunc ac urna. Integer vestibulum condimentum orci. Fusce velit turpis, malesuada quis, scelerisque ut, eleifend vitae, ipsum. Vestibulum eu erat. Vestibulum justo nisl, tincidunt et, semper vel, tristique quis, eros. Vestibulum tempus, massa vel consectetuer congue, erat magna consequat purus, a facilisis orci nibh vitae purus. Nam tincidunt venenatis ligula. Nunc orci nulla, ornare quis, lobortis viverra, dapibus at, turpis. Suspendisse sit amet nisl at enim tincidunt blandit. Curabitur augue est, suscipit sed, egestas sit amet, vehicula vitae, tellus. Maecenas nec metus vel nisi interdum pellentesque. Words Text 18% 300% 12% 1% through inappropriate means

55 Here CEOs 10° Managers 60° Here Staff 360° Ok

56 how do you implement a business model?

57 with outdated methods

58 how do you measure the success of a business model?

59 we don’t

60 how do you change a business model and innovate?

61 we re-invent the wheel

62 “Business model innovation matters” and it is a top priority of CEOs

63 Operating Margin Growth in Excess of Competitive Peers compound annual growth rate over five years [Source: IBM, CEOs are expanding the innovation horizon: important implications for CIOs]

64 Benefits Cited by Business Model Innovators percent of respondents [Source: IBM, Global CEO Study 2006]

65 the process of designing innovative business models

66 the focus of the business model innovator & designer

67 user-centered


69 Nokia: Jan Chipchase

70 creativity & exploration

71 Googleplex

72 70:20:10

73 API


75 continuous innovation

76 interdisciplinary approach

77 Grameen Phone Bangladesh

78 village telephony telecom infrastructure customer relationships villager activity configuration micro-credit Grameen Bank mobile phone revenues source of revenue mobile telephony billing telecom operators Grameen Bank (billing) phone ladies

79 holistic design

80 Apple iTunes & iPod

81 iPod cost structure lifestyle brand “high-end” consumer prod. & softw. design hardware & softw. dev. hardware revenues iTunes multimedia downloads e-commerce multimedia rights mgmt iBook content producers Apple stores dealer network multimedia revenues hardware suppliers brand management hardware distribution content distribution content

82 strategic fit

83 the you know

84 Amazon Simple Storage Services (S3)

85 selling stuff on the Web IT infra customer relationships mass customer data services data grid partners selling stuff Amazon S3 Internet API Web2.0 companies warehousing & distribution distribution content management product selection A9 product search data storage fees product search search engine revenues e-commerce sites Internet marketing

86 back to YOU INC.

87 the customer interface

88 it better be integrated…

89 VALUE PROPOSITION COMMUNICATION & DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS value proposition 1 value proposition 2 … channel 1 channel 2 … OFFER how do you reach your customers? (model) CUSTOMER SEGMENTS customer segment 1 customer segment 2 … CUSTOMER


91 VALUE PROPOSITION CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP value proposition 1 value proposition 2 … mechanism 1 mechanism 2 … OFFER CUSTOMER SEGMENTS CUSTOMER how do you build relationships with your customers? (model) customer segment 1 customer segment 2 …

92 END DAY 1 good work!

93 DAY 2

94 summary of yesterday  we’re applying the business model concept  many good ideas developed  enthusiasm for projects  productivity quite good (but no Swiss watches)  room to improve visualization  lack of « crazy » ideas

95 hard work continues

96 1. identify interdisciplinary stakeholders -> set-up team

97 do you have to get the IT team out of their cubicles?

98 2. understand (business) environment –> frame problem


100 3.suspend reality -> ideate

101 4.bring back reality -> prototype

102 Netflix (niche) movies over the Internet COST STRUCTURE profile specialized clientele ACTIVITY CONFIGURATION large movie database independent films REVENUE STREAMS Web online movie rental (with large niche movie database)

103 5.chose suitable design -> decide

104 6.sketch out projects & workload -> draw implementation plan

105 Area Project name Estimated workload Value Proposition Project V1 10 man/days Project V2 120 man/days Distribution Channels Project C1 38 man/days …

106 7.outline key indicators to follow -> choose measures

107 Area Project name Estimated workload KPI (measure) Target level Value Proposition Project V1 10 man/days Project V2 120 man/days Distribution Channels Project C1 38 man/days …

108 the right teams and people -> make responsible

109 Area Project name Estimated workload KPI (measure) Target level leader Value Proposition Project V1 10 man/days Mr. Jan Project V2 120 man/days Ms. Tee Distribution Channels Project C1 38 man/days …

110 9.execute the plan -> manage implementation & change

111 10.evaluate, learn and redesign -> manage improvement

112 break-out session

113 VALUE PROPOSITION REVENUE STREAMS value proposition 1 value proposition 2 … revenue stream 1 revenue stream 2 … OFFER CUSTOMER SEGMENTS FINANCE how do you earn your money with this business model? (model) customer segment 1 customer segment 2 …

114 business model examples

115 Goldcorp mining low costs through open exploration CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS CUSTOMER SEGMENTS exploiting mines “geology prize” 500’000 $US REVENUE STREAMS DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS Goldcorp publicly shared all of its geological data and offered US$ 500’000 in prizes for determining where they might find the next 6 million ounces of gold research


117 from copyright to creative commons

118 Skype free VoIP & value added services software development website global (non segmented) deliver voice & video quality “eBay” large scale low margin internet software development free voice-over-IP VoIP telephony & value-added services

119 1291 Cityhomes low cost accommodation New York low cost CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS the cost sensible renting out rooms keep down costs apartment owners rents DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS find demand young curious Swiss low-cost hotel/rental in New York City

120 Tecnovate low-cost multi- lingual call center outsourcing low cost CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS European corporations ACTIVITY CONFIGURATION keep down costs “import” young curious Europeans to India to work REVENUE STREAMS DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS business process outsourcing “up-side down” in India

121 from bloated head to the long tail

122 VALUE PROPOSITION COST STRUCTURE CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP TARGET CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL VALUE CONFIGURATION CORE CAPABILITIES PARTNER NETWORK REVENUE STREAMS FREE advertising supported mobile telephony mobile network operator that “rents out” capacity to Blyk subscribers fill out profile on the Internet marketing to mobile users with an interesting advertising profile regular ad messages via mobile phone marketing paying mobile phone minutes the young and the hip increasing the number of mobile phone users with the right profile to increase the value for advertisers INFRASTRUCTURECUSTOMER OFFER FINANCE access to a pool of targeted young advertising public advertising fees finding and contracting advertisers advertisers sales force

123 blue oceans

124 designing blue oceans

125 > market boundaries are not given > they are reconstructed by the actions & beliefs of industry players

126 compete in existing markets beat the competition explore existing demand make the value/cost trad-off align with differentiation OR low cost create uncontested markets make competition irrelevant create & capture new demand break value/cost trad-off align with differentiation AND low cost RED OCEANBLUE OCEAN

127 differentiate your value proposition

128  a customer value proposition gives an overall view of a company's bundle of products, services and client advice.  it is the sum of the total benefits a customer is promised to receive in return for a payment (or other value transfer) working definition value proposition

129 what are the 5 most important competitive attributes that characterize a game console’s offer? (e.g. price, performance, design) attribute 2 e.g. price attribute 1 e.g. performance group warm-up

130 1 2 3 4 - - 1.most important attribute 2.second most important 3.… 4.… 5 attributes

131 1.… 2.… 3.… 4.… 5.…


133 attribute 1 attribute 2attribute 3 attribute 5 1 - low 5 - high 3 - medium bank’s performance [Kim & Mauborgne (2002) Charting Your Company's Future] draw a value proposition attribute 4

134 live Excel


136 eliminateraise reducecreate



139 YOU INC.

140 VALUE CONFIGURATION VALUE PROPOSITION activity/resource 1 activity/resource 2 … value prop 1 value prop 2 … INFRA CHANNELS channel 1 channel 2 … which activities and resources do I need for these capabilities? (model) CUSTOMER SEGMENTS segment 1 segment 2 … CUSTOMER RELATION relation 1 relation 2 … REVENUE STREAM revenue 1 revenue 2 … CORE CAPABILITIES capability 1 capability 2 …

141 VALUE CONFIGURATION VALUE PROPOSITION activity/resource 1 activity/resource 2 … value prop 1 value prop 2 … INFRA CHANNELS channel 1 channel 2 … what do I do myself, what do I do with partners? (model) CUSTOMER SEGMENTS segment 1 segment 2 … CUSTOMER RELATION relation 1 relation 2 … REVENUE STREAM revenue 1 revenue 2 … PARTNER NETWORK partner 1 partner 2 …

142 VALUE CONFIGURATION activity/resource 1 activity/resource 2 … INFRA what’s the cost? (model) PARTNER NETWORK partner 1 partner 2 … CORE CAPABILITIES capability 1 capability 2 … COST STRUCTURE cost account 1 cost account 2 … FINANCE

143 value, difficulties, hurdles of using such a concept

144 business models in the classroom

145 judgment time

146 post-it vote: the best business model?


148 all photos from Flickr under a creative commons license authors indicated in comment page of ppt

149 we co-create Nobody knows your business environment better than yourself. We co-design your strategic vision by building on your knowledge. Through group thinking we find the right answers to the right questions together we operationalize Having a great vision is not sufficient - implementation counts. We help you reconcile long term views with short term actions. We make strategy everyone's job by translating it into pragmatic and prioritized projects. we manage change Change does not happen accidentally it has to be managed. We help you align strategy, people and processes with respect to your organizational culture and values. we build knowledge When you stop learning, you stop competing. We scan the knowledge universe for you, across disciplines and industries. We transfer the best methods, tools and theory in business to your organization. we connect Specific problems require specific skills that you do not necessarily dispose of in-house. Through our interdisciplinary network we connect you with leading domain experts.

150 annex other


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