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Fayoum University Faculty of Engineering Electrical Engineering Department E-voting system Using Smart Card Under the supervision Of: Dr. Magdy Amer.

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Presentation on theme: "Fayoum University Faculty of Engineering Electrical Engineering Department E-voting system Using Smart Card Under the supervision Of: Dr. Magdy Amer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fayoum University Faculty of Engineering Electrical Engineering Department E-voting system Using Smart Card Under the supervision Of: Dr. Magdy Amer

2 Group names Hassan Fadl Hassan Mohamed Ahmed abd al azeez Mohamed Fatehe Soliman Mohamed Zaki Shehata 4 th year electronics

3 E-Voting Overview What is E-voting? The Advantage Accuracy Democracy Privacy Verifiability Convenience Flexibility Mobility

4 Database Server Citizen Pc Checking To Access Reader Citizen Pc Checking To Access Reader E-Voting System Box ballot Web Server

5 Project idea first glance Architecture of the system –A database system. –A web portal. –A computer with a Java Smart Card based system in each voting center. –A box ballot in each voting center containing all the votes.

6 Project details physical characteristics dimensions and location of the contacts electronic signals and transmission protocols industrial commands for interchange application identifiers

7 Smart Card

8 the primary tasks of a smart card Transferring data. Controlling the execution of commands. Managing files. Managing and executing program code

9 Why use a Java smart card? High level language Security Hardware independent SCQL Store multiple application after issuing

10 The Smart Card Memory System 1.Internal memory –RAM –EEPROM (512 byte) –Flash EEPROM 2.External memory –EEPROM (24LC64)

11 The smart card OS (In concept of layering )

12 Operating System Layers 1.Physical layer: Employs only the logic values 0 and 1. 2.Data link layer: provides an error-free connection at higher level protocol called (T=0). 3.Application layer: communicate between application on the card and application on the terminal throw APDU.

13 Smart Card Contact Points

14 Transmission Protocols

15 ANSWER TO RESET (ATR) It contains various parameters transmission protocol Max Speed of the card Operating System type Chip Type Memory Size Other information that the host needs to know about the card.

16 Smart card communication model

17 Structure of a command APDU Structure of response APDU Command and response APDU cases

18 Software technique

19 System Connection

20 Applet Security

21 Applet servlet connection techniques There are four techniques : –1 RMI ( Remote Method Invocation) –2 CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) –3 SOCKET non http – 4 HTTP connection

22 Citizen Architecture

23 Judge Architecture

24 Manager Architecture

25 Data Base Architecture

26 With Thanks

27 System in operation

28 User interface Simple interface to Egyptian voter He simply enters his serial number to save privacy.comparing this number by the serial on his smart card.the judge responsible for open this page to every voter.

29 Error handling There are two types of error to be handled –First error

30 Second error

31 Correct If he enters his correct serial number. he can choose from candidates

32 After choosing After choosing. his choice will be sent to database in the table of citizen. every citizen is distinguished by his serial number not by his national number. He will get a confirmation message.

33 Administrator The administrator is responsible to fill all tables in the database. he first prepares the commissions to certain type of voting.

34 Fills commissions He fills data of all commissions in all Egypt in two modes

35 Judge He also sets the judge of every commission and the commission managers


37 enter candidates He also set the data of all candidates. Every voting these data will be changed These data will be saved in database

38 commissions manager The commissions manager can control all commissions in Egypt

39 commissions manager Every commission has a judge to control this commission The database can output all the results of candidates by counting number of serials that have chosen certain candidate. do the same for all candidates then compare them find maximum.

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