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Storage Reservoirs for Urban Water Supply/Chapter 9 LowLift Intake Conduit Treatment High Lift ConveyanceConduit DISTRIBUTIONRESERVOIR Distribution Supply.

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Presentation on theme: "Storage Reservoirs for Urban Water Supply/Chapter 9 LowLift Intake Conduit Treatment High Lift ConveyanceConduit DISTRIBUTIONRESERVOIR Distribution Supply."— Presentation transcript:

1 Storage Reservoirs for Urban Water Supply/Chapter 9 LowLift Intake Conduit Treatment High Lift ConveyanceConduit DISTRIBUTIONRESERVOIR Distribution Supply Pipe SEASONALRESERVOIR WELL FIELD

2 Storage Function (stabilize flow) seasonal reservoir stabilizing varying seasonal supply distribution reservoir stabilizing a varying demand Outflow Peak Inflow 01 year Demand curve (Outflow) Pumping flow (Inflow) Maximum demand 0 24 hours Inflow Curve store release I>OSTORE O>IRELEASE

3 How much storage capacity needed? Cumulative Net Storage S = cum. net storage (L 3 ) O t = O t, volume of reservoir outflow (draft) over t (L 3 ) I t = I t, volume of reservoir inflow over t (L 3 )

4 Illustration of Sequent-Peak method for Seasonal Storage, Linsley et al. 1989 zero reference

5 Reservoir Storage Capacity (contd) Carryover reservoir (Example 9.1)Example 9.1 I = varying river flow over critical period (2-3 yrs) O = demands and losses Cannot assume pattern repeats for analysis Distribution reservoir (Example 9.2)Example 9.2 Operating storage only I = steady pump flow O = varying demand from distribution grid over 24 hr critical period Pumping rate = daily demand/pumping period Can assume pattern repeats for analysis

6 Reservoir Storage Capacity (Graphical and Analytical Method)

7 Reservoir Storage Capacity (contd)


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