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Chapter 16:Electricity Section 3 – Circuits.

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1 Chapter 16:Electricity Section 3 – Circuits

2 Circuits Definition: circuit – a set of components that allow one or more complete paths for electric current to flow. Any time electricity is flowing, a circuit is present.

3 Circuits When electricity is able to flow freely through a circuit, that circuit “closed”. Incomplete circuits will not allow electricity to flow freely. They are called “open” circuits.

4 Circuit Components Circuits consist of many different things.
The most common components of a circuit are: Power Supplies Wires Resistors Bulbs Switches Definition: resistor – a device that blocks SOME (not all) electric current in a circuit. Appliances like TV’s, lights, computers…these are all resistors.

5 Basic Circuit Symbols (copy these to notes!)
Resistor Wire Battery or Power Source Bulb Open Switch Closed Switch

6 Types of Circuits Definition: series circuit – a circuit that forms a single pathway. Electricity can only flow one way in a series circuit.

7 Types of Circuits Definition: parallel circuit – a circuit that forms multiple pathways for electricity. Parallel circuits can have a piece removed from them and still allow electricity to flow in another part of the circuit.


9 Electric Current in wires….
Electric resistance explains why electronics get hot as they run. Even conductors cause some resistance. As a wire gets thicker, there is less resistance. Lots of Resistance Some Resistance Little resistance

10 Electric Current in wires….
As a wire gets shorter, there is less resistance. Lots of Resistance Some Resistance Little resistance

11 Electric Current in wires….
As a wire gets thicker it can carry more electric current.

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