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Common Features of Psychological Disorders Eating disorder and Anxiety disorder -Carmen C.

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Presentation on theme: "Common Features of Psychological Disorders Eating disorder and Anxiety disorder -Carmen C."— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Features of Psychological Disorders Eating disorder and Anxiety disorder -Carmen C.

2 Anxiety Disorder Anxiety disorders have a form of irrational fear as the central disturbance. In this book we will focus on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Anxiety disorder is more then just someone being shy there a lot more to it, and it can affect anyone from children to adults. It's when there around other people they become nerves and they start avoiding situations such as whether there going to hit the table and spill something, if some ones going to like them or not, whether they are going to mess up, and it affects them they don't what to leave there homes and when they need to present something they can't Many times, people with Anxiety disorder don't seek help, because they have had it so long since like childhood they think its just apart of me they had it for a long time, and those who do look for help like if one tells the doctor that there shy around people and it's stopping them from doing what they want, and a lot of the time the doctor will just say oh it's ok it happens to all of us you'll get over it.

3 Anxiety disorder There are ways to help and a lot of those with SAD are ones who are shy when the speck so there are toast masters that help them get over there Anxiety, though it cant always help Anxiety stops people from going to college, they realize that they will have to meet new people and be in things they are not comfortable with. They can't to change bet they don’t know who and are scared and it's sad because people around them may see them as stuck up people. Anxiety can be part of culture. Like Japan there are rules of how to speck and when to speck, they have the same rate as America. It can also be genetic. Those who have or once had Anxiety disorder can pass it down to there children.

4 Eating Disorder Eating disorders are characterized by eating patterns which lead to insufficient or excessive intake of food. In this book we will focus on bulimia. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), between 2 and 3 per cent of women and 0.02–0.03 per cent of men in the US have been diagnosed with bulimia. According to Frude (1998) the female:male ratio of bulimia sufferers is approximately 10:1. Binge eating is the most common eating disorder and it affects around 2 per cent of all adults. Similar prevalence rates have been found in Japan and some European countries (e.g. Norway) Eating disorder has become a big problem within some cultures and belief especially in women. In most industrialized countries there are a large amount of eating disorders, such as in Tehran and Iran woman want to be thin because it is very common with in the culture and they do not wish to be different from others or to be seen as something not beautiful.

5 Eating disorder BLOA Those with eating disorder can suffer from the delusion that they are fat. Research has confirmed that they overestimate their body size. CLOA This occurs because of dichotomous thinking—an all-or-nothing approach to judging oneself. Bulimics follow very strict dieting rules in order to reach the weight that they feel is ideal. When they break their own rules, they tend to binge eat. SCLOA Film stars represent an ideal that people compare themselves to, so they establish standards for how we should look, whether they intend to do so or not. The fact that at other times, and in other cultures, a more rounded figure has been considered ideal suggests that the current position might be open to change. Women tended to choose thinner body shapes for all three choices (ideal, attractive, and current)

6 Common Features of Psychological Disorders Thank you

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