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Joanne Benschop, MiraCosta College Dave DeGroot, Allan Hancock College Melynie Schiel, Copper Mountain College.

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Presentation on theme: "Joanne Benschop, MiraCosta College Dave DeGroot, Allan Hancock College Melynie Schiel, Copper Mountain College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joanne Benschop, MiraCosta College Dave DeGroot, Allan Hancock College Melynie Schiel, Copper Mountain College

2 “Articulation System Stimulating Interinstitutional Student Transfer” A wesome S ystem S upporting I nstitutions’ S tellar efforts T o develop good curriculum…

3  Will the course I am developing be accepted in the CSU or IGETC general education patterns?  Ref documents: and-procedures-manual and-procedures-manual   Then course search function  What courses do students in the major need for transfer?  Does my existing course articulate and, if so, where?

4  How does our current course inventory meet the GE area needs?  What courses are other local colleges using for general education areas?  What courses have been designated as transferable AKA “baccalaureate” by other curriculum committees?

5  Front end:  Major requirements and major articulation  One-to-one report  List a college’s courses in inventory that meet specific criteria  CSU General Education areas  IGETC  Etc.  Listed courses deemed “transferable” by the curriculum committee (different than articulation)

6  Back end:  Allows for key word searches of all courses in ASSIST inventory  Permit searches by various criteria  CSU or UC accepted  Outline on file  Number of units  LDTP qualified  Does not have  Recently updated limiter  C-ID information

7  Access to the front end is available to everyone.   To get into the back end and search the database, you will need a username and password from your articulation officer.  It is different from the password he or she uses to update the database.

8  If forget how to get into the database, you can always go to the main page: and click on “ASSIST Information Center”  The direct link is 8

9 Searching the ASSIST database for the first time can overwhelm you with powerful knowledge and extensive ideas. Be cautious and have a question in mind before using the database. Enter at your own risk.

10  What, if any, general education areas are met by a course like this?  What other courses do we have in our inventory to meet this general education requirement?  What content is covered by other colleges?  What books are they using?


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24  An institution is thinking about burying their Death and Dying course. What impact will that have on transfer going forward?







31  This course is articulated in two majors, a liberal studies major and a religious studies major.  Is the course part of a list of options?  Is the course required?

32  The Death and Dying course is given new life after reviewing the articulation agreements and the student major data at our college.  We decide to revise the course and want to make sure the content will give the students as much mileage as possible in terms of transfer and articulation.  Are there some relatively current course outlines we can peek at?







39  As part of program review, faculty should ensure that their courses are articulating. Where a course may fit in a general education pattern isn’t always easy to spot.  Business program faculty heard that some schools had a financial literacy course fulfill a certain area of the general education pattern. Is that true?







46  I can now browse for how other schools articulate courses for GE areas…  Can this make a course more viable?  Hmm….

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