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INEE/MSEESession 1-1 Session 5 Using the INEE Minimum Standards to enhance individual, national and regional action plans.

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Presentation on theme: "INEE/MSEESession 1-1 Session 5 Using the INEE Minimum Standards to enhance individual, national and regional action plans."— Presentation transcript:

1 INEE/MSEESession 1-1 Session 5 Using the INEE Minimum Standards to enhance individual, national and regional action plans

2 INEE/MSEESession 1-2 Learning Objectives Have developed a strategy for briefing (+ advocating to, influencing) a decision-maker on the application of the INEE Minimum Standards and/or other tools within disaster risk reduction: prevention, mitigation, preparedness and response Have identified areas within your national and / or regional action plan to enhance holistic risk reduction through the application of the INEE Minimum Standards and other tools Have discussed opportunities to promote the INEE Minimum Standards at the national or regional levels

3 INEE/MSEESession 1-3 Individual Advocacy Strategies and Preparation for Executive Briefings 1.Reflect upon a senior decision maker that you want to brief – and advocate tofollowing this workshop 2.You have 20 minutes to develop a presentation (or at least an outline for a presentation), including a strategy for when and how you will present it for your senior policy maker(s). Your presentation should be 5-7 minutes long 3.Within a small group, you will present your strategy / presentation and receive feedback on the content, strategy and structure of each presentation

4 INEE/MSEESession 1-4 And now it is time for… The INEE Minimum Standards Quiz!!

5 INEE/MSEESession 1-5 Form groups according to national, regional or cross-border initiatives. Discuss how you can use the INEE Minimum Standards and other new tools: 1) What are some initiatives or opportunities to work collaboratively at the national/regional level in the coming year? 2)How can the INEE Minimum Standards and associated tools (coordination checklist, talking points, etc.) assist you in these collective initiatives? 3)What are some other plans to collectively promote the INEE Minimum Standards and other tools? Eg.: conduct joint trainings, joint presentations, etc. National/ Regional Action Planning

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