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HUD Business Agreements & Sophisticated Legal, Tax and Accounting Issues.

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Presentation on theme: "HUD Business Agreements & Sophisticated Legal, Tax and Accounting Issues."— Presentation transcript:

1 HUD Business Agreements & Sophisticated Legal, Tax and Accounting Issues

2 Distributions Partnership Agreement waterfalls –Based on available net cash flow –net cash flow defined in partnership agreement Distributions/Payments allowed in HUD projects –Subject to Surplus Cash calculation

3 Project vs. Entity Expenses Project expenses must be segregated from entity expenses Project expenses: reasonable and necessary to the operation of the project Entity expenses: attributable solely to the entity

4 Project vs. Entity Expenses Project Expenses: Audit Fees Fees for tax return preparation Legal fees on behalf of the project Bookkeeping fees for the project Costs to convert FS from tax basis to GAAP Entity Expenses: Officer salaries Federal and state taxes Tax prep fees for individuals and LPs Legal fees attributable to the project owner Amortization of organization expenses Consulting services

5 Project vs. Entity Expenses Entity expenses can only be paid from mortgagor contributions or surplus cash HUD Chart of Accounts includes a series of accounts (7105 through 7190) to account for entity revenues and expenses

6 Management Fees Management Agent Certification Fee received is expected to cover the cost of supervising and overseeing project operations

7 Management Fees Calculation excludes: –Section 8 special claims (e.g., vacancy loss, damanges, unpaid rents) –Excess rent charges for Section 236

8 Management Fees Calculation on Misc Income excludes: –Interest earned on invested deposits –Section 8 special claims –Flexible subsidy funds –Refunds from property tax or utility appeals –Recovered legal fees / court costs –Replacement reserve / residual receipts reimbursements

9 Mortgagors Cost Certification Required for new construction or acq/rehab of insured property Tips: –Organize, organize, organize! –Communicate, communicate, communicate!! –Use separate bank accounts for entity transactions

10 Mortgagors Cost Certification Lines of Communication: –Mortgagor (Owner) –Lender –HUD project manager –Accountant –Contractor –Attorney

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