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CIT 590 Intro to Programming Style Classes. Remember to finish up

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1 CIT 590 Intro to Programming Style Classes

2 Remember to finish up

3 Elements of style Do not make an extremely long function. Break it up in some manner Generally in this course the long function will be your main method Remember Is there repeated code – just make a function out of it Do not write an incredibly long single line of code In Python you can break a line up by using parantheses for instance docStrings! – write a docString for every function. Triply quoted string telling the user what the function does

4 Elements of style Break the program into small portions and write the smallest portion first Your functions need to be reusable Take pride in your functions. Make your worst enemy want to use them General purpose Try and make them robust to bad inputs Write the smallest function first = write unit tests for the smallest function first The main function should be the last thing you complete

5 Elements of testing Write more than 1 test case for each function Check the test files that we used for your homeworks Your tests and meant to find bugs so you do not want to be gentle! Adding tests is easy. Do not be hesitant about adding more. See in the repo All unit tests being used for evaluation can be found in the files section of canvas (we will organize it better)

6 Design Buzzwords Don’t Repeat Yourself As a software developer your goal always always is to avoid copy pasting code. The opposite of DRY is …. WET – Write Everything Twice Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS) You Ain’t Gonna Need It (YAGNI) Reduce the number of components if you feel you are implementing functionality that you were not asked for 80-20 rule gets applied a lot in the industry

7 Classes Encapsulate functions that can be used for a common purpose Classes implicitly apply the principles of abstraction and information hiding The user of the bank account class does not need to know how balance is being maintained Just get a handle to the class and use the deposit and withdrawal functions

8 Class definition class BankAccount(object): def __init__ (self, initBalance): self.balance = initBalance def deposit(self, amount): self.balance += amount Parent class methods

9 Creating an instance of the class The class definition by itself does not create an instance of the class myFirstAccount = BankAccount() For those of you with some java background, there is no ‘new’ An instance of a class is called an object

10 Methods A class method looks very very much like a regular function The first argument HAS to be ‘self’ Calling methods within other methods We have to always refer to which object we are calling the method on def transfer (self, amount, toAccount): self.withdraw(amount) toAccount.deposit(amount)

11 Constructors The __init__ is implicitly called when you say B = BankAccount() First time we are seeing the __ __ convention Python uses this when we have functions that are used behind the scenes

12 Objects are references => be careful Very similar to the situation of two lists The copy module is your best friend import copy bankAccount2 = copy.copy(bankAccount1) Passing an object as a function parameter Again similar to lists, the object will be modified Sometimes you want the modification Sometimes you want to copy

13 How to print out an object __str__ When you call print this internal function will be called. Python will always provide some kind of default However the default is ‘lame’ Try commenting out the __str__ in the bankAccount object

14 Accessing the data fields Python classes expose their data fields. For the bankaccount example you could always manipulate the balance data field directly BUT this is considered bad programming practice It is considered much better form to provide what is called a getter and a setter In this bank account example, a getter for balance is fully justified since that is a service you would want However a direct setting of bank balance = xyz seems inappropriate. We have deposit and withdraw More on this when we get to Java

15 Inheritance You’ve already seen it without it being explicitly called as such Idea = Using methods defined on the parent class Software reuse By inheriting from a class you only need to define the specialized methods Often you might be inheriting from a different developer’s class Checking account example class CheckingAccount(bankAccount.BankAccount) Checking account inherits from bankaccount Checking account is a special type of bankaccount When should I use inheritance Apply the ‘is-a’ method A real number is a complex number A checking account is a bank account

16 Question on classes Using one class inside another class A bank contains a lot of bankAccounts. bank = Bank() What do we get when we do print Bank() a) The account is owned by CEO balance is 100 b) The account is owned by CEO balance is 0 c) The account is owned by Arvind balance is 100 d) The account is owned by Arvind balance is 0 e) I am confused

17 Inbuilt functions to help explore inheritance Use isinstance Issubclass Using the types module (import types) You can check for an int by doing Isinstance(3, types.IntType)

18 The is-a versus has-a concept A common method used to identify inheritance is to ask the question ‘Is class B a special case of class A?’ If the answer is yes, B extends A. If the answer is no, then you might want one class contained inside the other – composition A Bank contains BankAccounts - composition A CheckingAccount is a BankAccount - inheritance

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