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Fetal Assessment Presented by: Ann Hearn RNC, MSN 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Fetal Assessment Presented by: Ann Hearn RNC, MSN 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fetal Assessment Presented by: Ann Hearn RNC, MSN 2010

2 Ultrasound v Definition -- an instrument which uses reflective sound waves as they travel in tissue to visualize structures in the body

3 Purposes of an Ultrasound v Placental location v Assessment of gestational age v Determining structural abnormalities of the fetus v Confirming an ectopic pregnancy or hydatiform mole v Determining multiple gestations

4 Ultrasound v It is a non-invasive and painless procedure v Results are immediate v Allows the mother and family to “see” the baby

5 Ultrasound -- Nursing Care v Make sure that the patient has a full bladder v Place patient on back with a towel roll under one hip -- allowing better perfusion of the placenta v The test requires about 20 - 30 minutes

6 Amniocentesis Removal of amniotic fluid by insertion of a needle through the abdominal and uterine wall into the amniotic sac

7 Amniocentesis v An invasive procedure v Requires a consent form to be signed v Performed about 14 - 16 weeks gestation v Patient must be informed of possible complications – Trauma – Infection – Hemorrhage – Preterm labor

8 Amniocentesis v Purporses: – Genetic disorders – Fetal health – Triple test u alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) u human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) u unconjugated estriol (UE3) u Diameric Inhibin-A (soon to be added) – Fetal lung maturity u L/S ratio

9 Amniocentesis v Preparation – Vital Signs and FHT’s – Empty bladder – Abdominal prep and scrub – Ultrasound v Area of insertion is anesthesized and a needle inserted into the amniotic cavity v 15 - 20 cc of fluid withdrawn for analysis

10 Amniocentesis

11 v Post care / Discharge Teaching – Monitor V/S, FHT’s and UC’s – Observe for leakage of fluid from site – Teach patient to report – u Fetal hyperactivity or lack of fetal movement u Vaginal discharge: clear or bleeding u Uterine contractions or abdominal pain u Fever or chills

12 L/S Ratio Lecithin /Sphingomyelin Ratio Lecithin and Sphingomyelin are two components of Surfactant. Assesses Fetal Lung Maturity

13 L/S Ratio Lecithin /Sphingomyelin Ratio v As surfactant increases in the lungs, the levels of lecithin should also increase. v Lecithin become 2 - 3 times > spingomyelin by about 35 weeks v Fetal maturity = L/S ratio 2 : 1

14 Karyotyping Determine sex of the fetus Normalcy of Chromosomes

15 Karyotyping v Indications: – Maternal age 35 or > at time of birth (AMA) – Pervious child born with a chromosomal abnormality – Mother carrying an X-linked disease – Parents carrying and inborn error of metabolism – Both parents carrying an autosomal recessive disease – Family history of neural tube defects

16 Karyotyping v Trisomy Monosomy

17 Alpha - Fetoprotein AFP v Measurement of a protein produced by the yolk sac and fetal liver v Elevated levels of AFP may be indicative of open neural tube defects because the AFP leaks out of the fetal circulation into the amniotic fluid v Low level associated with Down syndrome

18 Chorionic Villus Sampling CVS v Removal of small tissue specimen from the fetal portion of the placenta v Tissue obtained about 8 - 12 weeks gestation v Chromosomal studies performed

19 Trans-cervical Chorionic Villus Sampling

20 Chorionic Villus Sampling CVS v Risks: – Failure to obtain tissue – Rupture of amniotic membranes – Leakage of amniotic fluid – Vaginal bleeding – Intraurterine infection – Rh Alloimmunization – Maternal tissue contamination of the specimen – Increased risk of spontaneous abortion

21 Chorionic Villus Sampling CVS v Nursing interventions – Monitor : u vital signs u FHR u uterine contractions/cramping u vaginal discharge – Administer Rhogam if indicated – Teach patient to report: u Change in fetal movement u Uterine contractions u Vaginal discharge

22 Non-Stress Test (NST) Assessment of fetal status v Observation of fetal heart rate associated with fetal movement. v The FHR should increase or accelerate with fetal movement v FHR accelerations indicate an intact CNS and adequate oxygenation

23 Procedure for an NST v Electronic fetal monitor is applied v Fetal movements are documented v Compare the FHR with the fetal movements v Results: – Reactive -- at least two accelerations of FHR with fetal movement of 15 BPM, lasting 15 seconds or more, over 20 minutes. – Nonreactive -- the reactive criteria are not met. Indication of need for further assessment

24 Non-Stress Test - Reactive

25 Contraction Stress Test - CST v A means of identifying the fetus that is at risk for intrauterine asphyxia. Usually shows if there is utero-placental insufficiency.

26 Procedure for an CST v Electronic fetal monitor attached v IV oxytocin stimulation started v Goal -- 3 contractions of good quality, lasting 40-60 seconds over a 10 minute period v Results: – Negative -- 3 contractions in 10 minutes with NO signs of late decelerations – Positive -- repetitive persistent late decelerations occurring with more than half the contractions

27 Positive CST

28 Contraction Stress Test v Post OST Monitoring – FHR – Labor – SROM v Discharge instructions – Notify HCP for the following: u Regular painful contractions u Leakage of amniotic fluid u Decrease or increase in fetal movement u Vaginal bleeding

29 Fetal Assessment Non - Stress Test Reactive Non - Reactive Repeat in 1 - 2 weeks Reactive Stimulate Non- Reactive Contraction Stress Test Negative Positive Repeat in 24 hours Further Evaluation Negative Possible Delivery NST in 1 week

30 Try This! v Which of the following is NOT an indication of fetal distress? A.A reactive NST B.Non-reactive NST C.A positive CST D.A negative CST

31 Biophysical Profile v Comprehensive assessment of five biophysical variables: 1.Fetal breathing movement 2.Fetal movements of body or limbs 3.Fetal tone (extension and flexion of extremities) 4.Amniotic fluid volume – visualized as pockets around the fetus 5.Reactive FHR with activitity (reactive NST)

32 Biophysical Profile By combining these five assessments, the BPP helps to identify the compromised fetus and to confirm the healthy fetus Since it combines several assessments, it is a better indicator of fetal well-being

33 Biophysical Profile v A score of 2 is assigned to each normal finding for a maximum score of 10. v Scores of 8-10 are considered normal v Lower scores are associated with a compromised fetus and warrant further assessment and possible delivery of the fetus.

34 Biophysical Variable Normal (Score = 2) Abnormal (Score = 0) Fetal breathing movements 1 or more episodes of >20 s within 30 min Absent or no episode of >20 s within 30 min Gross body movements 2 or more discrete body/ limb movements within 30 min (episodes of active continuous movement considered as a single movement) <2 episodes of body/limb movements within 30 min Fetal tone1 or more episodes of active extension with return to flexion of fetal limb(s) or trunk (opening and closing of hand considered normal tone) Slow extension with return to partial flexion, movement of limb in full extension, absent fetal movement, or partially open fetal hand Reactive FHR2 or more episodes of acceleration of >15 bmp* and of >15 s associated with fetal movement within 20 min 1 or more episodes of acceleration of fetal heart rate or acceleration of <15 bmp within 20 min Qualitative AFV 1 or more pockets of fluid measuring >2 cm in vertical axis Either no pockets or largest pocket <2 cm in vertical axis

35 Kick Counts v Non-invasive v Goal: 10 kicks in < 2 hours

36 The End Return

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