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Developed vs. Developing Countries: What you need to know for the quiz.

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Presentation on theme: "Developed vs. Developing Countries: What you need to know for the quiz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developed vs. Developing Countries: What you need to know for the quiz

2 Say “developed” or “developing” for the following descriptions/ countries Higher average income Developed Agriculture-based economy Developing Rapid population growth Developing

3 Say “developed” or “developing” for the following descriptions/ countries Diverse industrial economy Developed Slower population growth Developed Lower average income Developing

4 Say “developed” or “developing” for the following descriptions/ countries




8 Life Expectancy of 65 years or older Developed Life Expectancy of 50 years or less Developing England Developed Jamaica Developing Canada Developed

9 Australia Developed Brazil Developing Kenya Developing India Developing United States Developed

10 Mexico Developing China Developing Japan Developed Germany Developed South Africa Developing

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