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Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 95.4501 Water. Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Four properties that engines either control or fake... Waves Reflection Refraction.

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Presentation on theme: "Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 95.4501 Water. Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Four properties that engines either control or fake... Waves Reflection Refraction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 95.4501 Water

2 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Four properties that engines either control or fake... Waves Reflection Refraction Flow Water

3 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Environment mapping via static cube maps are often used to provide simple reflection and refraction without needing to draw the world in multiple passes. Dynamic cube maps are also used to provide more locally correct environment mapping. Multiple world drawing passes and frame buffers can be used instead of cube maps to provide more accurate results. Wave simulation provides even better results. Techniques

4 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 95.4501 Environment Mapping + Cube Maps

5 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Environment mapping is a technique that encodes the environment in a map (most simply a cube map); also called a skybox. Works well under the assumption that the environment is infinitely far. Typical applications Skybox (can never get to the box). Vehicle shine (give it a chrome appearance); works best on curved surfaces. Water shine to reflect fuzzy sky. Environment Mapping

6 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Cube Maps L F R B T B Humus viewer

7 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Via pictures taken by camera and stitched with special software. Drawn or assembled by artists. Built by the game engine by taking 6 pictures with 90 degrees field of view and square aspect ratio... Halflife worlds are filled with boxes that say “make static cube map here” or “make dynamic cube map when near here” Building Cube Maps

8 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Cube maps are sampled with an unnormalized 3D direction vector (the pixels are conceptually at infinity). e.g., texCUBE (sample, direction) The primitive deals with making the corners LOOK smoothly rounded... Sampling Cube Maps So don’t need to bother normalizing vector if sampling cube map

9 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Reflection/refraction are built in shader primitives... Reflection/Refraction Shader Primitives N InR R = reflect (In, N) For N normalized is mirror reflection N 11 22 Snell's Law  1 sin  1 =  2 sin  2  = index of refraction Air (1), Water (1.33), Glass (1.5) 11 22 R = refract (In, N, r) For N normalized and r is ratio  2 /  1 R In

10 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 The fresnel effect dictates the proportion of reflection to refraction via a reflection coefficient t (In is incident ray, N is normal) t = clamp01 (bias + scale * (1 + In.N) power )) So you can interpolate via lerp (refraction, reflection, t) Simultaneous Reflection/Refraction shiny car:bias=0.05 scale=0.95 power=3.0 glass: bias=0.04 scale=1.0power=2.0 water:bias=0.6 scale=0.8power=6.0 When looking straight down, I is aligned against N (to give -1), so with no bias, t = 0 for no reflectionj.

11 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Chromatic dispersion dictates that red, green, blue components have decreasing index of refraction ratios; e.g., 1.33, 1.27, 1.2 resp. for water. Chromatic Dispersion N 11 22 11 22 red I green blue

12 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 float fresnelRatio (float bias, float scale, float power, float3 incidentRay, float3 normal) { return clamp01 (bias + scale * pow (1.0 + dot (incidentRay, normal), power)); } float waterFresnelRatio (float3 incidentRay, float3 normal) { return fresnelRatio (0.6, 0.8, 6.0, incidentRay, normal); } float3 refract (float3 incidentRay, float3normal, float3 indexOfRefractionRatio) { //This is chromatic refract. The compiler will choose this “refract” method if a //float3 index of refraction ratio is provided instead of a single float... return float3 ( refract (incidentRay, normal, indexOfRefractionRatio.x), refract (incidentRay, normal, indexOfRefractionRatio.y), refract (incidentRay, normal, indexOfRefractionRatio.z)); } Shader Functions shiny car:bias=0.05 scale=0.95 power=3.0 glass: bias=0.04 scale=1.0power=2.0 water:bias=0.6 scale=0.8power=6.0

13 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Skyboxes are inward facing cubes with 6 pictures of very far objects that surround you (left/right, top/down, front/back); e.g., mountains. They can be drawn in 2 ways (a face is a quad). By drawing 6 faces of a large cube taking special care that the pixels at the borders touch at the mid point (pixel perfect drawing). By drawing 1 face via 1 cube texture that contains the 6 2D texture in a special way. Skyboxes

14 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Cube Textures or Maps L F R B T B back bottom

15 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8, width, height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data); glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB8, width, height, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data); glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X, 0, 0, GL_RGBA8, width, height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data); Loading textures in OpenGL internal formatexternal format GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z cube map has 6 pieces (so do this 6 times) GLboolean mipmap = GL_TRUE); //or GL_FALSE glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP, mipmap); Older OpenGL style uses extra call gluBuild2DMipmaps after glTexImage2D (with similar parameters) if you want mipmaps

16 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 void Renderer::DrawSkybox () { glDepthMask (GL_FALSE); glEnable (GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_SEAMLESS ); SetCurrentShader (skyboxShader); UpdateShaderMatrices (); quad -> Draw (); //At [0,0,0]; It’s units are -0.5 to +0.5 glUseProgram (0); glDisable (GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_SEAMLESS ); glDepthMask (GL_TRUE); } Pseudo Code for Drawing Skybox But you need to do something special in the SHADERS to make it work...

17 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Note that if the camera is at an arbitrary spot in the world, drawing a quad at [0,0,0] in the standard way could draw nothing (e.g., if [0,0,0] is behind the camera). Issue 1: We need to make sure the quad is on the screen and NOT clipped by the camera’s “NEAR” plane. Issue 2: We also need to make sure that even with a wide field of view (e.g, 100 degrees instead of a more traditional 60 degrees), we can’t see any part OUTSIDE the quad. So we may need to scale the quad... Drawing the Skybox

18 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Claim 1: If F were the matrix for a flying bird, and we want to see from the bird’s point of view, the view matrix would be F -1. In our case, we’ll use C instead of F to denote the camera. Hence the view matrix would be C -1. Step 1: Understanding How To Draw The Cube Map With a Quad Why? Explained on the next slide...

19 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Experiment: Suppose we have a point [-1,0.0] on our left and the camera is at the origin facing straight ahead. So clearly, we can’t see it... Let’s change C to the matrix ROTATE LEFT (by 90 degrees). So the view matrix V changes in such a way that the point in view space is [0,0, -1]; i.e., one meter in front of us. What’s V? Step 1: Understanding How To Draw The Cube Map With a Quad Camera C = Identity (at [0,0,0] looking straight ahead) [0,0,0][-1,0,0]

20 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 So far, [-1,0,0] in world space is [0,0,-1] in view space. What’s V? Clearly, [-1,0, 0] * V = [0,0, -1]. What did V do to [-1,0, 0]? If C is the camera matrix, the view matrix V = C -1 [0,0,0][-1,0,0] [0,0,0][-1,0,0] [0,0,-1] If C = ROTATE LEFT, V = ROTATE RIGHT V rotated [-1,0,0] RIGHT to produce [0,0,-1]

21 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Although V = C-1, let’s not use V to draw the quad at [0,0,0]... What if we use I (the identity) instead. It will get clipped by the near clipping plane... Typical values for near plane distance is 0.01, 0.1, 0.2 (let’s assume 1 is way past the clipping plane). So what do we Do? [0,0,0] Quad at [0,0,0] with units in range -0.5 to +0.5 Near plane Far plane (far away)

22 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 If we move it ahead by one, it will NOT completely cover the screen if a wide-angle field of view is used... So scale the quad by a huge amount; e.g., 10. The draw routine will clip it to the screen. What we need to do. If p is a point on the quad, transform it by p * 10 - 1 So what do we Do? [0,0,0] Normal FOV Near plane Far plane (far away) Wide angle FOV scale by 10, move ahead by 1

23 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 We want to be able to take a point p on the screen and convert it to a uv coordinate (for cube maps, we need 3D directions, not points). Note that “p - [0,0,0]” is a vector. But is it the correct one... To figure out what we need, lets consider the vector for the point right in front of us... d = [0, 0, -1]. Recall that our camera was ROTATED LEFT. So the d we want is [-1,0,0]. How do we get it? What uv do we use to index into the cube map? [0,0,0] Near plane [0,0,-1]

24 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Recall that our camera was ROTATED LEFT. So the d we want is [-1,0,0]. How do we get it from [0,0,-1]? All we need is d * C. Use V 3x3 * d instead... What uv do we use to index into the cube map? Vectors only need the 3x3 part of the matrix (no translation) Near plane [0,0,-1] A right multiply is a multiply by “transpose (V 3x3 )” WHICH IS its INVERSE of V 3x3 if there is no scale... But Cameras don’t have scale

25 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 A point p is transformed via p * 10 - 1 A point p is reinterpreted as a uv xyz direction and transformed via V 3x3 * p Summary scale by 10, move ahead by 1 This is p * C BUT USING V which is C-1.

26 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Vertex Shader For Drawing a Skybox in OpenGL... # version 150 core //Transform position via “* 10 - 1” and direction via “* inverse (viewMatrix)”. uniform mat4 viewMatrix ; uniform mat4 projectionMatrix ; struct INPUT { vec3 position; }; struct OUTPUT { vec3 uvw; }; INPUT input; OUTPUT output; void main () { vec3 position = input.position * 10.0 - vec3 (0,0,1); vec3 direction = input.position; output.uvw = direction * mat3 (viewMatrix); //direction * inverse (viewMatrix) gl_Position = projectionMatrix * vec4 (position, 1.0); } Warning: OpenGL Conventions are flipped. M * p is the standard left multiply p * M is the right multiply (left multiply by transpose)

27 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Pixel Shader For Drawing a Skybox in OpenGL... # version 150 core //Sample the cube map with the UNNORMALIZED uvw vector. uniform samplerCube cubeTexture; struct INPUT { vec3 uvw; }; struct OUTPUT { vec4 color; }; INPUT input; OUTPUT output; void main ( void ) { output.color = texture (cubeTexture, input.uvw); } Warning: OpenGL Conventions are flipped. M * p is the standard left multiply p * M is the rightmultiply (left multiply by transpose)

28 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Assume the game world draws a quad for a lake or ocean that is scaled and positioned in the world... via a modelMatrix. The following texture is supplied. The vertex shader provides 3D world space “position” (by multiplying by modelMatrix) and 2D “textureCoordinate” (by passing it through). Drawing a large flat water body Reflecting The Skybox

29 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Pixel Shader For Drawing Skybox Reflecting Water # version 150 core //Sample the cube map with the UNNORMALIZED uvw vector. uniform sampler2D waterTexture; uniform samplerCube cubeTexture; uniform vec3 cameraWorldPosition; struct INPUT { vec4 worldPosition; vec3 textureCoordinate; }; INPUT input; OUTPUT output; void main ( void ) { vec3 toWater = normalize ( -cameraWorldPosition); vec3 waterNormal = vec3 (0.0, 1.0, 0.0); //Up... vec3 waterReflection = reflect (towater, waterNormal); vec4 skyboxColor = texture (cubeTexture, waterReflection); vec4 waterColor = texture (waterTexture, input. textureCoordinate; const bool applyFresnel = true; //or false to disable... float reflectionT = applyFresnel ? fresnelRatio (0.6, 0.8, 6.0, toWater, normal) //bias, scale, power : 0.3; output.color = lerp (waterColor, skyBoxColor, reflectionT); } Use fresnel t to interpolate between water color and skybox color struct OUTPUT { vec4 color; }; But it won’t reflect terrain or buildings nor will the water move...

30 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 95.4501 Flat Jiggling Water

31 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Authors Helena Duchaussoy Fabien Kapala Franck Letellier Baptiste Malaga Where IMAC engineering school. Marne-la-Vallée, Paris, FRANCE What Programming course Ruins Island Demo Demo

32 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 OpenGL uses a right to left system... So if you are used to writing a * A * B or a * (A * B) to transform a to space A and then further transform the result to space B where A and B are row based matrices with the bottom row denoting a translation, everything will seem flipped to you. Technically, you have to write B' * A' * a or (B' * A') * a where A' is built by saying "here are the 4 columns" of A when in fact "they are actually your rows". They will get stored in such a way that everything will work from right to left as they intend...We can prove that but we would need a short discussion... Although a point p can be tranformed into view space via viewMatrix * p, it's a little inaccurate for vectors IF the modelMatrix has non-uniform scaling such as [1, 2, 0,5]... The more correct matrix to use on normals and vectors is actually the transpose of the inverse of the viewMatrix which is equal to viewMatrix if the scale is [1,1,1]. OpenGL calls this matrix "gl_NormalMatrix"; i.e., the viewMatrix for normals... A Note About OpenGL Matrices

33 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 For reflection, consider the water as a mirror... Can you draw with a reflected camera? Mirrors For The Game Engine camera reflected camera mirror DO YOU SEE RED ON YOUR LEFT OR YOUR RIGHT? CAN YOU SEE BLUE?

34 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Do not touch the camera... Reflect the world about the mirror... Clip away the objects that used to be on the back side of the mirror... How To Mirror Properly camera Reflect the world about this PLANE of the mirror causes winding order to be backward (see next slide) requires clippling plane

35 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 To deal with reflection, the water is considered to be a mirror... SO A TECHNIQUE IS NEEDED TO PERFORM THE REFLECTION which makes front faces back faces (see next slide). Also 2 Issued For The Game Engine camera Reflected camera

36 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 A Side-Effect of the “Reflect” Transformation A front-facing face becomes back facing (and vice-versa). front This must be counteracted via command “if front face winding order is counter clockwise, make then clockwise else make then counter clockwise” This must be counteracted via command “if front face winding order is counter clockwise, make then clockwise else make then counter clockwise” 1 4 2 3 1 4 2 3 tnorf Will this be a front or back face?

37 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 A clipping plane pointing in the direction of normal N at a point P looks like [Nx,Ny,Nz,-P.N] A point Q is on the positive side of the plane if N.Q > 0 To transform a plane by M, you actually need to transform the 4D point by (M -1 ) t. Clipping Planes a4D point Clipping planes are a problem for shaders because YOU HAVE TO ADD THE TEST TO ALL PIXEL SHADERS YOU DRAW WITH “if fails positive test, discard pixel”

38 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Lengyel wrote a paper describing how to modify the standard built-in clipping plane that is automatically part of the perspective matrix so it clips with your plane instead of front plane. Careful: OpenGL versus DirectX use slightly different math and Lengyel derives it for a right to left system. I personally was not able to make it work in general (only in simple cases) There is a trick to AVOIDING clipping planes in Shader

39 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 What the demo from France does... Creates a reflection matrix of the form “scale by [1,-1,1]”; i.e. flip y. Uses the Lengyel approach to clipping which if you look at in the code appears to be random mutilations of the perspective matrix. Ruins Island Demo Works only for horizontal water at [0,0,0] No attempt to abstract it into a nice routine or to explain it

40 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 The water (see WILF NOTE NORMAL ) is a 1X1 VERTICAL quad with width and height 400 meters built via“water = new Plan (1,400,400);”. The Water Quad How to rotate around an arbitrary axis 1.Grab the axis with the right hand (thumb pointing in the axis direction) 2.Positive rotation is in the direction you CLOSE YOUR HAND. model space world space How do you rotate it so it’s horizontal and it’s normal is UP?

41 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 The water (see WILF NOTE NORMAL) is a 1X1 quad with width and height 400 meters built as follows “water = new Plan (1,400,400);”. The Water Quad Use -90  rotation around x-axis -90  +90  rotation around negative x-axis OR model space world space

42 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 T, B, N are supposed to indicate where the tangent space x-/y-/z- axes are IN MODEL SPACE... Tangent Space T = [1,0,0] B = [0,1,0] N = [0,0,1] Search “WILF NOTE NORMAL” to see what they are using. -90  THIS is what it looks like in model space TBN MS = mat3 (T,B,N) maps from tangent space to model space TBN CS = mat3 (T,B,N) * ModelViewMatrix maps to camera space

43 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 gl_Vertex – gl_Vertex is in model space. gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy – the texture coordinate. gl_LightSource [0] – lights in OpenGL are always stored in camera space. uniform float timer; //Time in millisecond #define time timer Inputs to the Vertex Shader Shader version #120 (so no structs allowed)

44 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 varying vec3 toLightTS; varying vec3 toCameraTS; varying vec2 flowTextureCoordinate1; //NOT USED varying vec2 flowTextureCoordinate2; //NOT USED varying vec2 textureCoordinate; varying vec4 positionPS; Outputs from the Vertex Shader

45 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 //Compute tbnCS... //Compute toLightTS... //Compute toCameraTS... //Pass the texture coordinates through... //Transform the pixel position to projection space. The Vertex Shader “water.vert”

46 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 //Compute tbnCS... //Compute the TBN matrix to convert from tangent space to view space. We'll want the //inverse meaning we'll uses it via vector * TBN (which operates on the transpose) //rather than TBN * vector (which operates on it directly). //Note that the transpose of a 3x3 matrix without scale is its inverse... //Let TBN represent uvw axes in model space... Recall the water model is a quad built on a //vertical plane with the normal coming into your eye, //we need T, B, N vectors saying where u,v,w are in model space... vec3 T = vec3 (1.0, 0.0, 0.0); //Let u be the x coordinate (right). vec3 B = vec3 (0.0, 1.0, 0.0); //Let v be the y coordinate (up). vec3 N = vec3 (0.0, 0.0, 1.0); //Let w be the z coordinate (back). mat3 modelViewMatrix = gl_NormalMatrix; //This maps from model space to view space //but is more accurate for normals... //Note: mat3 tbnMS = mat3 (T,B,N); mat3 tbnCS = tbnMS * modelViewMatrix; //But OpenGL is right to left... mat3 tbnCS = modelViewMatrix * mat3 (T,B,N); //Maps from tangent to camera space... The Vertex Shader “water.vert”

47 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 //Compute toLightTS... //Built-in OpenGL lights are given in view (also called camera space) positions... vec3 pixelPositionCS = vec3 (gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex); //gl_Vertex is in model space. vec3 lightPositionCS = gl_LightSource[0]; vec3 toLightCS = pixelPositionCS - lightPositionCS; SHADER_OUTPUT toLightTS = toLightCS * tbnCS; //Premultiply for inverse (tbnCS) * toLightCS; //Compute toCameraTS... vec3 toCameraCS = /* [0,0,0] */ - pixelPositionCS; SHADER_OUTPUT toCameraTS = toCameraCS * tbnCS; //Premultiply for inverse (tbnCS) * toCameraCS; //Pass the texture coordinates through... SHADER_OUTPUT textureCoordinate = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy; //Transform the pixel position to projection space. SHADER_OUTPUT positionPS = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex; gl_Position = SHADER_OUTPUT positionPS; The Vertex Shader “water.vert” #define SHADER_OUTPUT

48 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 varyingvec3 toLightTS; varyingvec3 toCameraTS; varying vec2 textureCoordinate; varyingvec4 positionPS; #define SHADER_INPUT //Experiments #define drawOriginal 0 #define drawWilfOpaquepPurple 1 #define drawWilfTransparentPurple 2 #define drawWilfCycleTransparentWaterColors 3 #define drawWilfCycleWaterRefractionReflectionPerlin 4 #define drawWilfCycleWaterReflectionRefractionPerlin1Perlin2 5 #define drawWilfStraightReflect 6 #define drawWilfStraightReflectButLessIfStraightDown 7 #define drawWilfJiggleReflection1 8 #define drawWilfJiggleReflection2 9 #define drawWilfColorize 10 //#define experiment drawOriginal The Pixel Shader “water.frag”

49 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 varyingvec3 toLightTS; varyingvec3 toCameraTS; varying vec2 textureCoordinate; varyingvec4 positionPS; #define SHADER_INPUT //Experiments #define drawOriginal 0 #define drawWilfOpaquePurple 1 #define drawWilfTransparentPurple 2 #define drawWilfCycleTransparentWaterColors 3 #define drawWilfCycleWaterRefractionReflectionPerlin 4 #define drawWilfCycleWaterReflectionRefractionPerlin1Perlin2 5 #define drawWilfStraightReflect 6 #define drawWilfStraightReflectButLessIfStraightDown 7 #define drawWilfJiggleReflection1 8 #define drawWilfJiggleReflection2 9 #define drawWilfColorize 10 //#define experiment drawOriginal The Pixel Shader “water.frag”

50 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Original Shader

51 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 First 3 Experiments drawWilfOpaquePurple drawWilfTransparentPurple (also one of drawWilfCycleTransparentWaterColors)

52 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Experiment drawWilfCycleWaterRefractionReflectionPerlin refraction does not work in original demo refraction (not used) Refraction (used) perlin (used for surface waves)

53 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Experiment drawWilfCycleWaterReflectionRefractionPerlin1Perlin2 Drawn in the final back buffer

54 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Draw the world with reflection into the reflection texture. Draw the world normally into the final frame buffer. Draw the water using perlin noise and allow some of the final frame buffer to show through when looking straight down. The Algorithm Used Both of the above DO NOT draw the water. But they can’t jiggle it.

55 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 It needs to be in a texture when we draw the water into the final frame buffer... We coopted one of their post-effect frame buffers “fboColorDepth” and executed To Be Able To Jiggle The Bottom //Copy "finalFBO"'s COLOR texture to the "fboColorDepth" framebuffer //for use by the water shader... glActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0); finalFBO->activateTexture (); ShaderManager &shaderManager = ShaderManager::getInstance (); shaderManager.getShader ("wilfCopy")->Activate (); fboColorDepth->activate (); glClearColor(1, 1, 1, 1); glColorMask (GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE); glClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); displayOnQuad (iWindowWidth, iWindowHeight); fboColorDepth->desactivate (); shaderManager.getShader("wilfCopy")->Desactivate (); finalFBO->desactivateTexture();

56 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 The WilfCopy Shaders THE VERTEX SHADER varying vec2 textureCoordinate; void main () { textureCoordinate = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy; gl_Position = ftransform(); } THE PIXEL SHADER uniform sampler2D texture; varying vec2 textureCoordinate; void main () { gl_FragColor = texture2D (texture, textureCoordinate); }

57 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Experiment drawWilfStraightReflect enableRefractionJiggling fboColorDepth finalFBO

58 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Experiment drawWilfStraightReflectButLessIfStraightDown enableRefractionJiggling fboColorDepth finalFBO

59 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Experiment drawWilfJiggleReflection1 AND 2 enableRefractionJiggling fboColorDepth finalFBO

60 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 //Compute screen coordinates for the pixel on the screen from the position //of the point in -1/+1 projection space... vec2 uv = screenUV (positionPS); //Normalize the 2 tangent vectors (interpolation made then not unit length)... vec3 toLight = normalize (SHADER_INPUT toLightTS); vec3 toCamera = normalize (SHADER_INPUT toCameraTS); //Compute perlin texture coord jiggle from 2 time varying texture coord functions... //Note1: When transforming texture coordinates, you see the inverse; //e.g., scale by 1/4 makes it 4 times bigger... //Note2: Time translate in opposite directions to give NET 0 velocity... vec2 direction1 = vec2 (1.0, 1.0); vec2 direction2 = vec2 (-1.0, -1.0); vec2 deltaUV1 = textureCoordinate * 11 + direction1 * wilfTime * 0.01; vec2 deltaUV2 = textureCoordinate * 16 + direction2 * wilfTime * 0.01; vec3 jiggle1 = sampleNormal (perlinSampler, deltaUV1) * 0.1; vec3 jiggle2 = sampleNormal (perlinSampler, deltaUV2) * 0.2; vec3 jiggle = jiggle1 + jiggle2; float zInRange01 = abs (positionPS.z / positionPS.w); jiggle *= lerp (0.25, 1.0, zInRange01); //close 0.25; far 1); Finally, Shader for Final Result

61 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 //Sample the reflection texture directly with a little less jiggle for refraction... vec3 incidentRayTS = -toCamera; vec3 normalTS = vec3 (0.0, 0.0, 1.0); vec4 reflectedPixel = texture2D (reflectionSampler, uv + jiggle.xy); vec4 refractedPixel = texture2D (refractionSampler, uv + jiggle.xy * 0.5); //Colorize the refracted pixel... refractedPixel = colorize (refractedPixel); //Determine how much of each pixel to use; more refraction when near and looking //straight at hit; more reflection otherwise. float howMuchOfReflectedTextureToUse = waterFresnelRatio (incidentRayTS, normalTS); const bool usingRefraction = true; //howMuchOfReflectedTextureToUse = 0; gl_FragColor = usingRefraction ? lerp (refractedPixel, reflectedPixel, howMuchOfReflectedTextureToUse) : vec4 (reflectedPixel.rgb, howMuchOfReflectedTextureToUse); Finally, Shader for Final Result

62 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 vec4 colorize (vec4 pixel) { //Crytex coloring... From paper “Generic refraction simulation, //Tiago Sousa, Crytex, Chap 19, GPU Gems 2, 2005”. //Note: Using an alpha of 0 ensures the pixel’s alpha remains unchanged... //vec4 watercolor = vec4 (0.0, 0.15, 0.115, 0.0); //bluish //vec4 watercolor = vec4 (0.92, 0.7, 0.81, 0.0); //pinkishPurple vec4 watercolor = vec4 (0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0); //cyan //vec4 watercolor = vec4 (1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); //purple return pixel + watercolor; } Colorizing The Result

63 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 95.4501 Waterflow

64 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Flow can be encoded via vectors that indicate the direction and speed of the flow. 3D flow: rgb for x/y/z direction, a for speed 2D flow: rg for x/y direction, b for speed, a for something else (e.g., transparency) Flow

65 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Flow simulators use complex physics to create flows; e,g, ibfvs (source code NOT available). Flow Simulators Image Based Flow Visualization, Jarke J. vanWijk, Sample code, Supplemental material, ACM SIGGRAPH 2002. Demo

66 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 A simple flow editor that can be used to create flow textures... Without one, we need to manually encode colors to represent flow... Potential Project -(all right)NO rightall right -(all up)NO upall up

67 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 An Example Flow Texture From frans van hoesel, university of groningen. 2010

68 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Demo 1 Kyle Hayward I'm a graphics programmer at Human Head Studios. Kyle Hayward, graphics programmer, Human Head Studios. Implemented contents of Valve’s SIGGRAPH 2010 presentation of water flow in Left For Dead 2 and Portal 2 Demo No source code (or shader)

69 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Demo 2 From frans van hoesel, university of groningen. 2011 Demo Sort of source code (with shader)

70 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Advantages of Newer Technique From frans van hoesel, university of groningen. 2011 Disadvantages of Valve technique: Only works for non-directional wave patterns. If you looked at a still from the animation, you couldn’t see in which direction the waves are travelling. Changing blendfactor introduces a visible pulsing behaviour. Vlachos (Valve) did hide that by introducing noise.

71 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 A flow texture + a sampling texture (here, it’s perlin waves as a normal map). Generally, 2 textures are involved... It’s as if the sample map were moved around in the flow direction... flow texturesampling texture

72 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Flow is easiest to manifest in a game by translating texture coordinates in an infinite texture; using wrap rather than clamp mode... Imagine what happens to 2 neighbors as translations are performed in 2 slightly different directions... The basic Problem Over time, the pixel locations diverge. Initially continuous, ultimately discontinuous time 0 time 1 time 2 time 3

73 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Try to snap the texture coordinate back to the start if it goes too far (continual loop back)... Can be made to work if flow is all in same direction... Otherwise, the snapping needs to be hidden with suitable noise... Early Approaches Artifacts are always visible

74 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Scroll an entire block of pixels together IN ONE FLOW DIRECTION... New Idea time 0 time 1 time 2 time 3 no pixel divergence in long term, pattern will repeat left pixel flowright pixel flow

75 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 By gridding the original flow texture at the corner points via virtual grid (no actual cutting up). How it’s Done This grid size is too large (10 times smaller than this) pixels inside access the flows of the corner points via an algorithm focused on blending

76 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Based on an offset tile pattern with non- uniform tile contribution per region. Based on a centered tile pattern with a uniform tile contribution per region. Two Techniques For Combining Tile Flow frans van hoesel lalonde (a modification of frans van hoesel)

77 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 The Problem: How to Interpolate between Tiles? C C C C D D D D A A A A B B B B C D AB Each flow vector has an entire tile associated with it... Assume 4x4 entries per tile. If a tlle is 4x4, we want to find a 4x4 subtile of the 16x16 entries on which to enforce continuity. Each flow quad processes the same subtile pattern; so the entire water flow is processed SIMILARLY.

78 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 The Problem: how to Interpolate between Tiles? C C C C D D D D A A A A B B B B C C C C D D D D A A A A B B B B offset tile, non-uniform contributioncentered tile, uniform contribution

79 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 C C C C D D D D A A A A B B B B Strategy 1: Offset tile, Non-uniform contribution Flow vector sample is offset left and down from center of A-tile 2 tiles contribute to these regions All 4 tiles contribute to this region Only tile A contributes to this region

80 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Strategy 2: Centered tile, Uniform contribution C C C C D D D D C C C D D D A A A B B B A A A A B B B B Linearly interpolate all 4 tiles across the entire region Flow vector sample from center of tiles

81 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 The 3 textures Used color texturesampling texture (perlin waves) flow texture It’s actually flowing horizontally (would be better if vertical) ripple, wave, perlin texture One quad is being drawn

82 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 The demo is built with “open scene graph” which we had to download and integrated with the existing software... Uses a file called “hpcvwater.osg” (see next slide). One way of instrumenting the code is to use different shaders in the “.osg” file “hpcvwater.osg” “wilf-lalonde-flow.osg” Instrumenting the Demo

83 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 The “open scene graph” file “hpcvwater.osg”... ProxyNode { StateSet { DataVariance STATIC Program { DataVariance STATIC num_shaders 2 Shader { DataVariance STATIC type VERTEX file "shaders/hpcv-water-tile.vert“ } Shader { DataVariance STATIC type FRAGMENT file "shaders/hpcv-water-tile.frag“ } } Uniform {name "Normal0Map“ int 0} Uniform {name "cubeMap“ int 1} Uniform {name "colorMap“ int 3} Uniform {name "flowMap“} } FileNameList {"geometry/hpcv-water-tile-test.osg“} num_children 1 } reformatted to fit Contains information about cube map and sampling texture “w1-2-grey.tga” for perlin waves Use different shader here wilf-lalonde-water-tile wilf-lalonde-water-tile-test Uses sampling texture “wilf-vertical-perlin-wave.tga” for perlin waves (not important) Use different osg file here

84 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Quick look at original shaders. Vertex shader will be unchanged Pixel shader is fairly complex Special details applicable to flows... The texture coordinates being used How virtual gridding is done Experiment to see “per pixel flow”. Building a flow rotation matrix Discussion of “frans van hoesel” technique. Discussion of “lalonde” technique. Presentation Order

85 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 95.4501 A Quick Look at Original Shaders

86 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 #version 120 //Vertex shader varying vec3 Normal; varying vec3 EyeDir; varying vec2 texNormal0Coord; varying vec2 texColorCoord; varying vec2 texFlowCoord; uniform float osg_FrameTime; uniform mat4 osg_ViewMatrixInverse; varying float myTime; void main () { gl_Position = ftransform (); Normal = normalize (gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal); vec4 pos = gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex; EyeDir = vec3 (osg_ViewMatrixInverse * vec4 (, 0)); texNormal0Coord = gl_MultiTexCoord1.xy; texColorCoord = gl_MultiTexCoord3.xy; texFlowCoord = gl_MultiTexCoord2.xy; myTime = 0.01 * osg_FrameTime; } The Vertex Shader Drawing a Quad 0.0 1.0 All 3 sets of coordinates go from 0 to 1 VERIFIED LATER texNormal0Coord; texColorCoord; vec2 texFlowCoord; model view projection matrix model view matrix world space 1000 milliseconds = 1 second

87 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 We won’t try to understand it in detail... Just point out some things... MORE DETAILS LATER. The Pixel Shader See code in actual shader

88 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 95.4501 Some Issues Resolved With Experiments

89 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Verifying The Texture Coordinates Claim //gl_FragColor = vec4 (texNormal0Coord, 0, 1); return; //0 to 1 in x, 0 to 1 in y. //gl_FragColor = vec4 (texColorCoord, 0, 1); return; //0 to 1 in x, 0 to 1 in y. gl_FragColor = vec4 (texFlowCoord, 0, 1); return; //0 to 1 in x, 0 to 1 in y. First 3 lines draw the 2D color; red + green; no blue 0 to 1 for red 0 to 1 for green

90 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 vec2 samplePerPixelFlowVector (vec2 uv) { vec4 pixel = texture2D (flowMap, uv).rgba; return pixel.b * (pixel.rg - 0.5); //rg for x/y direction, b for speed, a for transparency. } #define sampleFlowAlpha(uv) (texture2D (flowMap, uv).a) #define time (myTime * 2.0) //It's deciseconds... vec2 sampleTimeAffectedNormal (vec2 uv, vec2 flowVector) { //Build the rotation matrix that scales and rotates the tile we're in... mat2 rotationMatrix = mat2 (flowVector.x, -flowVector.y, flowVector.y, flowVector.x); float timeBasedCoordinate = rotationMatrix * uv - vec2 (time, 0.0); return texture2D (normalMap, timeBasedCoordinate).rg; } m void main () { float flowTileFactor = 35.0; vec2 scaledFlowCoordinate = texFlowCoord * flowTileFactor; vec2 flowVector = samplePerPixelFlowVector (texFlowCoord); vec2 normal = sampleTimeAffectedNormal (scaledFlowCoordinate, flowVector); float alpha = sampleFlowAlpha (texFlowCoord); gl_FragColor = vec4 (normal * alpha, 0.0, 1.0); } Per Pixel Flow Experiment Above code has since been redone How ROTATION is handled is described LATER Normal rotated into flow direction

91 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Not Particularly Continuous

92 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Still drawing ONE QUAD (no actual cutting up). How Virtual Gridding Is Achieved This grid size is too large (10 times smaller than this)

93 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 A 0/1 texture coordinate t can be snapped to one of “n” virtual grid points via floor (t*n) / n. Inside the grid, t can be turned into a 0/1 grid coordinate via fract (t * n). Getting a Virtual Grid floor and fract are shader functions... A more detailed explanation coming up

94 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Example gridding by 3 t 0 => 1 range t * n 0 => n floor (t * n) 0 => n 0.75 2.25 2.0 floor (t * n) / n 0 => 1 0.66 Let n = 3 1.0 3.0 1.0 0.0 fract (t * n) 0.25 0 => 1 grid point coord within grid

95 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Access the flow map to get the flow direction ONLY AT THE VIRTUAL CORNER POINTS... (4 flow vectors) How We Use The Virtual Grid C D AB sample point For each corner, use the sample point and the CONSTANT flow and time to get a value from the texture being sampled.

96 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 vec2 tile (vec2 uv, float tiles) {return floor (uv) / tiles;} vec2 sampleFlowVector (vec2 uv) { //return the decoded vector } vec2 sampleFlowVector (vec2 uv, float tiles, vec2 tileOffset) {//at tile vertex... return sampleFlowVector (tile (uv + tileOffset, tiles)); } #define flowTileFactor 35.0 vec2 scaledFlowCoordinate = texFlowCoord * flowTileFactor; vec2 flowA = sampleFlowVector (scaledFlowCoordinate, flowTileFactor, vec2 (0.0, 0.0)); vec2 flowB = sampleFlowVector (scaledFlowCoordinate, flowTileFactor, vec2 (1.0, 0.0)); vec2 flowC = sampleFlowVector (scaledFlowCoordinate, flowTileFactor, vec2 (0.0, 1.0)); vec2 flowD = sampleFlowVector (scaledFlowCoordinate, flowTileFactor, vec2 (1.0, 1.0)); Samples Flow Only At Virtual Grid Points e.g., 0.7 * 35 = 24.5 e.g., 24.5 + 1 = 25.5 e.g., 24/35 or 25/35

97 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 How Rotation Is Handled flow vector = [a, b] up right a b -a b [0, 1] *??= [a, b] ?? [1, 0] *??= [b, -a] ?? 90  to flow vector = [b, -a] (DEDUCED FROM ) up right

98 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 How Rotation Is Handled [0, 1] *??= [a, b] ab [1, 0] *b-a= [b, -a] ?? up right But to transform texture coordinates, you need the inverse of what you want; i.e. transpose... b-a ab ba b

99 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 95.4501 Discussion of “frans van hoesel” Approach

100 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Resets A,B,C,D to different values depending on which quarter the sample point is in. How The Pixel Shader Works... AA ABABABAB CC AA CDABCDAB A  A B  x <.5 ? A : B C  y <.5 ? A : C. D  A (if x = 0.5 & y =.5) D (otherwise). A B C D This is the pattern we described earlier

101 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Brace blend (straight lines less smooth) goes to 0 at ends... Make Use of 2 Blend Formulas 0.0+1.0 0.0 Crossover blend Use more of the right side as you approach the left side (use more of the left side as you approach the right side).

102 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 // ff is the factor that blends the tiles. vec2 ff = abs(2*(fract(t*n))-1) - 0.5; // take a third power, to make the area with more or less equal //contribution of more tile bigger w = 0.5-4*ff*ff*ff; Analysis of the Code Producing the Brace Blend range fract (t*n)0 => 1 2*(fract(t*n)) - 1-1 => 0 => +1 abs (2*(fract(t*n)) - 1)1=> 0=>1 ff = abs (2*(fract(t*n)) - 1) - 0.50.5=>-0.5=>0.5 0.5 3 = 0.125 4* 0.125 = 5.0 4ff 3 0.5=>-0.5=>0.5 linear w = 0.5 - 4ff 3 0.0=>1.0=>0.0 nonlinear -0.5+0.5 +1.0 Looks like a curly brace but a little rounder (see blowup slide)

103 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 vec2 AB = w.x * A + (1-w.x) * B; vec2 CD = w.x * C + (1-w.x) * D; vec2 Result = w.y * AB + (1-w.y) * CD; Analysis of Code Producing the Crossover Blend NOTE CROSSOVER When w.x == 0, have B or D resp. When w.y == 0, should have CD AA ABABABAB CC AA CDABCDAB A B C D

104 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Output of brace blend w.x controls crossover How the Blend Formulas Are Combined 0.0+1.0 0.0 Use rightUse leftUse right

105 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 The Brace + Crossover Blend AA ABABABAB CC AA CDABCDAB A B C D 0.0+1.0 0.0 use rightuse left use right => AA ABABABAB CC AA CDABCDAB A B C D flips but no noticeable effect Use left on left and right on right (no effect again) Final effect is to smoothly interpolate from C to C, then C to D.

106 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 The Special Pattern Described Made Visible zoom in here The author shows the A contribution with B, C, D set to 0 so we can see the contribution of the single tile (this is not discernable under normal blending) AA ABABABAB CC AA CDABCDAB

107 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 More Noticeable in Motion (zoomed in portion) AA ABABABAB CC AA CDABCDAB

108 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 95.4501 Reimplementing a SIMPLER version The “lalonde” Approach

109 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Encapsulating frans van hoesel’s water shading vec4 worldColor (float alpha, vec2 normal2D, float normalMapScale) { //A straightforward excapsulation of the code found in frans van hoesel's shader... //To make the water more transparent, scale the normal with the transparency normal2D *= 0.3 * alpha * alpha; //Assume the normal of plane is 0,0,1 and produce the normalized sum of adding normal2D to it. vec3 normal3D = vec3 (normal2D, sqrt (1.0 - dot (normal2D, normal2D))); vec3 reflectDirection = reflect (EyeDir, normal3D); vec3 envColor = vec3 (textureCube (cubeMap, -reflectDirection)); //Very ugly version of fresnel effect but it gives a nice transparent water, but not too transparent. float myangle = dot (normal3D, normalize (EyeDir)); myangle = 0.95 - 0.6 * myangle * myangle; //Blend in the color of the plane below the water //Add in a little distortion of the colormap for the effect of a refracted view of the //image below the surface (this isn't really tested, just a last minute addition //and perhaps should be coded differently //The correct way, would be to use the refract routine, use the alpha channel for depth of // the water (and make the water disappear when depth = 0), add some watercolor to the colormap // depending on the depth, and use the calculated refractdir and the depth to find the right // pixel in the colormap.... who knows, something for the next version vec3 base = texture2D (colorMap, texColorCoord + vec2 (normal3D * (0.03*alpha/normalMapScale))).rgb; return vec4 (lerp (base,envColor, myangle*alpha), 1.0);}

110 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 #define lerp mix vec2 interpolateQuad (vec2 A, vec2 B, vec2 C, vec2 D, vec2 position) { //Position.x ranges from 0 to 1 from A to B and C to D and //position.y ranges from 0 to 1 from A to C and B to D. vec2 AB = lerp (A, B, position.x); vec2 CD = lerp (C, D, position.x); vec2 ABCD = lerp (AB, CD, position.y); return ABCD; } A Simple QUAD Interpolator A C B D AB CD ABCD position.y position.x Just QUAD interpolate the 4 values Will be used to interpolate 4 normals

111 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 vec2 sampleDynamicNormal (vec2 scaledFlowCoordinate, vec2 flowVector) { //Build the rotation matrix that scales and rotates the tile we're in //and scroll the texture coordinate... float scale = 1.0 - (2.0 * length (flowVector)); //flowVector = normalize (flowVector); mat2 rotationMatrix = mat2 (flowVector.y, flowVector.x, -flowVector.x, flowVector.y); return texture2D (normalMap, rotationMatrix * scaledFlowCoordinate - vec2 (0.0, time * scale * 2.0)).rg * sqrt (scale) * 2.0; } Sampling a Normal At Time Varying Locations Algorithm: 1. Rotate the texture to align with flow vector (an inverse) 2. Translate forward by time in the y direction (an inverse) 3. Apply scale fudge factors to both time and the answer. Scale by 1 when NO FLOW Scale by MIN when MAX FLOW (an inverse) SCALE is an effort to give more speed to the flow vector.

112 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 void main () { vec2 scaledFlowCoordinate = texFlowCoord * flowTileFactor; vec2 flowA = sampleFlowVector (scaledFlowCoordinate, flowTileFactor, vec2 (0.0, 0.0) ); vec2 flowB = sampleFlowVector (scaledFlowCoordinate, flowTileFactor, vec2 (1.0, 0.0) ); vec2 flowC = sampleFlowVector (scaledFlowCoordinate, flowTileFactor, vec2 (0.0, 1.0) ); vec2 flowD = sampleFlowVector (scaledFlowCoordinate, flowTileFactor, vec2 (1.0, 1.0) ); vec2 scaledNormalFlowCoordinate = texFlowCoord * normalFlowTileFactor; vec2 normalA = sampleDynamicNormal (scaledNormalFlowCoordinate, flowA); vec2 normalB = sampleDynamicNormal (scaledNormalFlowCoordinate, flowB); vec2 normalC = sampleDynamicNormal (scaledNormalFlowCoordinate, flowC); vec2 normalD = sampleDynamicNormal (scaledNormalFlowCoordinate, flowD); float alpha = sampleFlowAlpha (texFlowCoord); vec2 normal2D = interpolateQuad (normalA, normalB, normalC, normalD, fract (scaledFlowCoordinate)); gl_FragColor = worldColor (alpha, normal2D, normalFlowTileFactor); } The Shader

113 Wilf LaLonde ©2012 Comp 4501 Cubes maps and their use in environment mapping + skyboxes (mostly obsolete). Reflection + refraction + fresnel term for interpolating between the two. Drawing world multiple times and blending the results for water that has both. Flow techniques... Review

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