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RELIGION Chapter 7 Bellringer Question (answer in your notebook): What religion do you/your family practice? How important is religion to your identity?

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Presentation on theme: "RELIGION Chapter 7 Bellringer Question (answer in your notebook): What religion do you/your family practice? How important is religion to your identity?"— Presentation transcript:

1 RELIGION Chapter 7 Bellringer Question (answer in your notebook): What religion do you/your family practice? How important is religion to your identity?

2 New Policy to Take Note of Homework will not be accepted late

3 Religion: “A system of beliefs and practices that attempts to order life in terms of culturally perceived ultimate priorities” -- Stoddard and Prorak How people “should” behave What Is Religion?

4 Types of Religion Monotheistic religions: Worship a single deity Polytheistic religions: Worship more than one deity, even thousands Animistic religions: Belief that inanimate objects posses spirits and should be revered

5 Types of Religions Universalizing religions Ethnic religions

6 Religions of the World

7 Hearths of Religion and Philosophy

8 Diffusion of Religions

9 From the Hearth of South Asia Hinduism Buddhism

10 Buddhist stupas in Indonesia In Japan, Buddhism has mixed with Shinto, which originated in Japan. A Shinto shrine in Kyoto

11 Diffusion of Religions

12 From the Hearth of Huang He (Yellow) River Valley Taoism Confucianism

13 From the Hearth of the Eastern Mediterranean Judaism –Zionism Christianity 1054: Split into Eastern Orthodox & Roman Catholic 1400s–1500s: Protestants Islam – Divisions: Shortly after Muhammad’s death Sunni Muslims (great majority) Shi’ite Muslims (concentrated in Iran)

14 Divisions in Christianity First division (1054) Western Roman Empire: Roman Catholic Eastern Roman Empire: Orthodox

15 Divisions in Christianity Catholic and Protestant concentrations in Switzerland

16 The Diffusion of Islam

17 Indigenous Religions Local in scope Passed down in families Under pressure from global religions

18 Secularism Indifference to or rejection of organized religious affiliations and ideas The case of the Soviet Union – Had an official policy of atheism

19 Sacred Sites of Jerusalem Sacred to three major religions Judaism Christianity Islam

20 Sacred Landscapes of Buddhism Swedogon Pagodo in Yangon, Myanmar

21 Sacred Landscapes of Christianity Catholic churches are often located in the center of European cities, with spires reaching far above other buildings.

22 Sacred Landscapes of Christianity Protestant Churches

23 Religious Distribution in the United States

24 Sacred Landscapes of Islam Muslim Mosques

25 Interfaith Boundary in Africa

26 Israel and Palestine British mandate of Palestine Partition of Palestine by United Nations –Israeli state –Palestinian state 1967: Israeli control over West Bank, Gaza 2005: Withdrawal from Gaza Control over movement Multitude of interfaith boundaries

27 The Horn of Africa Amharic (Coptic) Christianity in central Ethiopia Islam in the Horn of Africa by diffusion

28 The Former Yugoslavia Genocide Ethnic Cleansing

29 The Former Yugoslavia

30 Northern Ireland

31 Religious Fundamentalism and Extremism – A return to the basics of a faith Protestantism –Literal interpretation of the Bible –Opposition to abortion & gay marriage Islam –Shari’a Law –Taliban –Jihad

32 Gay Marriage

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