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The Ocean Genome Legacy Daniel L. Distel, Ph.D., Executive Director, Ocean Genome Legacy Foundation.

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Presentation on theme: "The Ocean Genome Legacy Daniel L. Distel, Ph.D., Executive Director, Ocean Genome Legacy Foundation."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ocean Genome Legacy Daniel L. Distel, Ph.D., Executive Director, Ocean Genome Legacy Foundation

2 Goals for this presentation Recruit collaborators among CoML participants Propose a meeting to facilitate CoML collaborations

3 OGL OGL is a publicly supported non-profit, non- governmental organization: US public agencies Private agencies Corporate sponsors Individual donors Richard Lounsbery Foundation Francis Goelet Charitable Lead Trust

4 Ocean Genome Legacy Mission: to explore, preserve and protect the genetic biodiversity of the oceans by creating a network of marine-dedicated public DNA banks

5 OGL Headquarters Center for Marine Genomic Research Cryogenic storage facility Laboratories Sample processing Cryogenic storage Data management DNA laboratory

6 Biobanking: not such a new idea

7 Biobanks Blood Tissue Reproductive products Embryos Tumors Genetic materials

8 Biobank’s purpose Preserve biomaterials for future use and retrospective studies To bring together biomaterials, data and researchers Promote research, stimulate new ideas, and make better use of available resources. Proven value for medical research but few repositories dedicated to natural biodiversity

9 Ocean Genome Resource First public biological repository dedicated to preserving genomic materials from marine organisms Directly serving the scientific community Independent of government agencies and other private and public institutions.

10 Value of archived genomes Physiological capabilities Evolutionary history Population biology Ecological functions Species identification Forensic information Valuable Genes

11 How OGL works Collection & Identification Collection & Identification Preservation & Storage DNA extraction Distribution

12 Sample Submission Kit Barcoded tubes Sample spreadsheet Fixative Instructions Shipping materials Prepaid shipping labels

13 Ocean Genome Resource Summary of Collection Holdings Total accessioned samples (as of 8/15/08) All types............................................ > 1300 Number of species............................ > 200 Number of phyla................................ 13 Number of contributors...................... 36

14 OGL Partners New England Aquarium Bermuda Museum of Natural History Philippine Marine Mollusk International Cooperative Biodiversity Group (ICBG)

15 Philippine Marine Mollusk ICBG 5-year, $4 million project that combines a large scale biodiversity survey biodiversity-based drug discovery efforts Funded by US NIH, NSF, DOE $250K for DNA archiving 5 institutions: Oregon Health Sciences University University of Utah University of the Philippines Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia Ocean Genome Legacy Partnership with Philippine Govt. and Institutions

16 Summary OGL has developed basic methods, capabilities and policies for DNA archiving Seeking collaborators specimens and taxonomic expertise partners in efforts to gain grant support to integrate research and archival activities DNA archiving workshop

17 Finis

18 The ICBG Model Biodiversity as a source potential therapeutic compounds supports new drug discovery enhancing biodiversity conservation Incentives for host nations Economic development and building of research capacity Formalized access and benefit sharing agreements Intellectual property agreements prior to start of research

19 Workshop goals Focus of practical considerations Priorities for archiving Methods development Strategies for coordination of activities Development of resources

20 OGR database

21 Results Zone Location SpecimenSamplesVoucher Advanced Search Participant… Last Ten… Database filters Social Bookmarking External Links Taxonomically Intelligent Search Box (also can search any other database field) Serendipity Browsing e.g., “last ten samples”, “most popular specimens” Tabbed database results

22 ICBG Project title: Drug and energy lead compounds from Philippine mollusks Project description: Biodiversity survey and conservation management plan Search for new drug and bioenergy compounds derived from marine mollusks and their bacterial symbionts

23 OGL Progress NEAq Bermuda ICBG 10sFishInternal USA 100sInvertebrates many phyla International (permissive) CITES 1000sMollusksInternational (restrictive) CITES and others

24 What is a Genome? Genome = sum of all the genetic material (DNA) in an individual cell Contains all of the information needed to build and operate a complete living organism

25 Population History Roman & Palumbi, Science. 2003 Jul 25;301(5632):451 Photo: Brandon Cole/Nature 424:479 (2003)

26 OGR goals –Archive: to preserve and make available at cost genomic materials for future use and retrospective studies –Forum: for sharing biomaterials, data, information, and ideas, to simulate collaboration and to make better use of available resources. –Catalyst and Community Resource: to promote research that can protect species and environments –For more information

27 Who benefits? FundersMore productivity for research dollars ResearchersFor recipients: –Easy inexpensive access validated to research materials and data For depositors: –Safe storage –Collaborative opportunities – Improved funding opportunity. States, Institutions and Public Better science and education in support of the environment Documentation of resources

28 ICBG Margo Haygood (Lead PI): Oregon Health Sciences Toto Olivera & Eric Schmidt: University of Utah Gisselle Concepcion: University of the Philippines Gary Rosenburg: Academy of Natural Sciences Dan Distel: Ocean Genome Legacy

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