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“Surely the Lord is in this place and I was not aware of it” Gen 28: 10-20 Adrian Smith 17 th October 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "“Surely the Lord is in this place and I was not aware of it” Gen 28: 10-20 Adrian Smith 17 th October 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Surely the Lord is in this place and I was not aware of it” Gen 28: 10-20 Adrian Smith 17 th October 2010

2 Recap from April Peter’s reinstatement in John 21 What does it mean to say I love Jesus? Making space to grow in love for Jesus Seeing your life as a Christian as a journey Practical things that can help you grow – together as a church and alone Reviewing your journey – what have I learned Balance – work – prayer – family etc Extended prayer times - half a day, a weekend retreat etc Finding a spiritual director or mentor

3 Jacob’s Dream Gen28: 10 - 20 Continuing the “journey” theme from April The story – and how it fit’s into the bigger picture Dreams can be very helpful! What Jacob experienced Jacob’s response – good and not so good What happened next (briefly) Some lessons for us

4 The Story A story of two brothers Esau and Jacob and their parents Isaac and Rebekah “The older will serve the younger” Gen25:23 A stolen birthright, Gen25:33 A stolen blessing, Gen27 A story of manipulation, deception and theft within a family Fear of retribution, escape and exile, Gen 27:41- 28:5 Then the dream Gen28:10-20

5 The bigger picture The story is set within a much bigger, more significant picture God’s promise to Abraham – father of many nations Gen17:8 The promise passed on to Isaac and to Jacob Gen28:4 Expanded on in the dream – “All peoples on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring” Within a rather sad story of family conflict and manipulation a much bigger story is being played out

6 Our bigger picture Our individual lives and life together in a church community is being worked out in the context of a much bigger picture God’s big picture is illustrated in Rev21&22 – new creation, remaking heaven and earth and joining them together God’s kingdom has already begun with the resurrection of Jesus – there is a tension between already and not yet Heaven is not a future destination but the other hidden dimension of our ordinary life – God’s dimension We have a place in God’s newly remade world

7 Dreams One way God in which can get our full attention! The majority of our dreams have no meaning – just a way of the hard drive sorting itself out Some are significant for individuals and more widely Write them down asap A distinction between the content of the dream and the interpretation A significant dream may require specific action As with prophecy good to check with others

8 Jacob’s dream Gen28:10-20 A “certain place” No where special up to that point A stone for a pillow Not somewhere you would expect to meet God Content – visual and spoken A stairway or ladder between heaven and earth The Lord and angels at the top A promise from God

9 The promise I am the God of your parents You will own this land and your descendants will spread over the earth “All peoples on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring” I am with you and will bring you back I will not leave you until I have done what I promised Totally affirming! A complete contrast to the mess Jacob was in on his journey Each has been fulfilled, not all in Jacob’s lifetime

10 Jacob’s response He interpreted The Lord is in this place and I was not aware of it He was afraid Awesome, this is the house of God, this is the gate of heaven He did two things Built an altar – as a reminder for the future Made a vow – for the journey

11 Jacob’s vow His vow was conditional – if you fulfil what you have said then: You will be my God This stone/altar will be your house Of all that you give me I will give a tenth Was that a “good” response? It seems to imply that he had not yet engaged with God’s promises to Abraham and Isaac He wants to see God deliver before he will commit himself A better alternative – Yes to God unreservedly

12 What happened next (briefly) Jacob gets a taste of his own medicine – cheating and manipulation He seems to learn the hard way He returns to face up to his worst fear – his brother He wrestles with God as he re-enters the land promised to him and prevails He is reconciled with his brother The story continues and God’s promises find a new expression, ultimately in Jesus

13 Lessons for us 1. God has a big picture and we are part of that The big picture is new creation – new heavens and earth, we will be a part of that when Jesus returns What we do now, living out the Kingdom, brings something of that future into the present Like Jacob we are fallible, make many mistakes, but that does not stop what God is doing Seeing something of the big picture helps us to appreciate the contribution of other expressions of our faith Like Jacob we are living in the context of affirming, unchanging promises God’s big picture and promises provide motivation and hope

14 Lessons for us 2. Places and times where heaven and earth meet Something real and yet hard to pin down Places and times of encounter with God You were here and I was not aware of it Awesome sense of God’s reality and presence Places to build an “altar” so you don’t forget Receiving God’s affirmation – finding your place in his love and purposes At those times make your “vow” (without conditions!) The storyline has changed - we are no longer the same

15 Lessons for us 3. Personal journey Not always starting from a good place Family baggage – good and bad Personal engagement in the big picture can be lacking On the road but not expecting God to show up God breaks in unexpectedly Don’t miss or forget it Build your altar to remind and go further Yes to God is always an excellent if scary starting point

16 Lessons for us 4. Journeying together Jacob’s journey led to a measure of eventual reconciliation, it still happens Being part of the bigger picture means seeking to actively engage with others to bring in the kingdom This church has a great deal to give and to gain

17 “Surely the Lord is in this place and I was not aware of it”

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