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2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |1 Graphene and Playing Relativistic Billards with microwaves Something.

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Presentation on theme: "2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |1 Graphene and Playing Relativistic Billards with microwaves Something."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |1 Graphene and Playing Relativistic Billards with microwaves Something about graphene and microwave billiards Dirac spectrum in a photonic crystal Experimental setup Reflection spectra Photonic crystal in a box: Dirac billiards Measured spectra Density of states Spectral properties Outlook Supported by DFG within SFB 634 S. Bittner, B. Dietz, C. Cuno, J.Isensee, T. Klaus, M. Miski-Oglu, A. R., C. Ripp N.Pietralla, L. von Smekal, J. Wambach Dresden 2012

2 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |2 Nobel Prize in Physics 2010

3 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |3 Graphene Two triangular sublattices of carbon atoms Near each corner of the first hexagonal Brillouin zone the electron energy E has a conical dependence on the quasimomentum but low Experimental realization of graphene in analog experiments of microwave photonic crystals “What makes graphene so attractive for research is that the spectrum closely resembles the Dirac spectrum for massless fermions.” M. Katsnelson, Materials Today, 2007 conductance band valence band

4 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |4 d Microwave billiardQuantum billiard eigenfunction  electric field strength E z Non-Relativistic Quantum Billiards and Microwave Billiards Analogy for eigenvalue E  wave number

5 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |5 Measurement Principle FT Resonance spectrum Resonance density Length spectrum (Gutzwiller) rf power in rf power out   d Measurement of scattering matrix element S 21

6 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |6 Open Flat Microwave Billiard: Photonic Crystal A photonic crystal is a structure, whose electromagnetic properties vary periodically in space, e.g. an array of metallic cylinders → open microwave resonator Flat “crystal” (resonator) → E-field is perpendicular to the plates (TM 0 mode) Propagating modes are solutions of the scalar Helmholtz equation → Schrödinger equation for a quantum multiple-scattering problem → Numerical solution yields the band structure

7 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |7 Dispersion relation of a photonic crystal exhibits a band structure analogous to the electronic band structure in a solid The triangular photonic crystal possesses a conical dispersion relation  Dirac spectrum with a Dirac point where bands touch each other The voids form a honeycomb lattice like atoms in graphene Calculated Photonic Band Structure conductance band valence band

8 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |8 Effective Hamiltonian around the Dirac Point Close to Dirac point the effective Hamiltonian is a 2x2 matrix Substitution and leads to the Dirac equation Experimental observation of a Dirac spectrum in open photonic crystal (S. Bittner et al., PRB 82, 014301 (2010)) Scattering experiment

9 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |9 Single Antenna Reflection Spectrum Characteristic cusp structure around the Dirac frequency Next: comparison with calculated band structure Measurement with a wire antenna a put through a drilling in the top plate → point like field probe cusp

10 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |10 Projected Band Diagram The density plot of the 1st frequency band The projected band diagram along the irreducible Brillouin zone  The 1st and 2nd frequency bands touch each other at the corners (K points) of the Brillouin zone → Dirac point Dirac point

11 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |11 Single Antenna Reflection Spectrum: Comparison with Calculated Banddiagram Characteristic cusp structure around the Dirac frequency Van Hove singularities at the band saddle point where Next: analysis of the measured spectrum

12 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |12 Local Density of States and Reflection Spectrum The scattering matrix formalism relates the reflection spectra to the local density of states (LDOS) LDOS LDOS around the Dirac point (Wallace,1947) Three parameter fit formula fit parameters

13 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |13 Reflection Spectra Description of experimental reflection spectra Experimental Dirac frequencies agree with calculated one, f D =13.81 GHz, within the standard error of the fit Oscillations around the mean intensity  origin? antenna a in the middle of the crystal antenna a 6 rows apart from the boundary

14 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |14 Comparison with STM Measurements Tunneling conductance is proportional to LDOS Similarity with measured reflection spectrum of the photonic crystal Oscillations in STM are not as pronounced due to the large sample size Finestructure in the photonic crystal shows fluctuations (RMT) photonic crystal graphene flake, Li et al. (2009)

15 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |15 Summary I Connection between reflection spectra and LDOS is established Cusp structure in the reflection spectra is identified with the Dirac point Photonic crystal simulates one particle properties of graphene Results are published in Phys. Rev. B 82, 014301 (2010) Measured also transmission near the Dirac Point ( published in Phys. Rev. B 85, 064301 (2012) ) Relativistic quantum billiard: Dirac billiard

16 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |16 Dirac Billiard Photonic crystal  box: bounded area = billiard 888 cylinders (scatterers) milled out of a brass plate Height d = 3 mm  = 50 GHz for 2D system Lead plated  superconducting below 7.2 K  high Q value Boundary does not violate the translation symmetry  no edge states Relativistic massless spin-one half particles in a billiard (Berry and Mondragon,1987)

17 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |17 Transmission Spectrum at 4 K Pronounced stop bands Quality factors > 5∙10 5  complete spectrum Altogether 5000 resonances observed

18 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |18 Density of States of the Measured Spectrum and the Band Structure Positions of stop bands are in agreement with calculation DOS related to slope of a band Dips correspond to Dirac points High DOS at van Hove singularities  ESQPT? Flat band has very high DOS Qualitatively in good agreement with prediction for graphene (Castro Neto et al., RMP 81,109 (2009)) stop band Dirac point

19 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |19 Integrated Density of States: 1 st and 2 nd Bands Does not follow Weyl’s law for 2D resonators: Small slope at the Dirac frequency  DOS nearly zero Nearly symmetric with respect to the Dirac frequency Two parabolic branches

20 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |20 Integrated DOS near Dirac Point Weyl’s law for Dirac billiard: (J. Wurm et al., PRB 84, 075468 (2011)) group velocity is a free parameter Same area A for two branches, but different group velocities    electron-hole asymmetry like in graphene

21 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |21 Spectral Properties of a Rectangular Dirac Billiard: Nearest Neighbour Spacing Distribution 159 levels around Dirac point Rescaled resonance frequencies such that Poisson statistics Similar behavior at second Dirac point

22 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |22 Periodic Orbit Theory (POT) Description of quantum spectra in terms of classical periodic orbits Periodic orbits spectrum spectral density Peaks at the lengths l of PO’s wave numbers length spectrum FT Dirac billiard Effective description around the Dirac point

23 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |23 Experimental Length Spectrum: Around the Dirac Point Some peak positions deviate from the lengths of POs Comparison with semiclassical predictions for Dirac billiard ( J. Wurm et al., PRB 84, 075468 (2011)) Possible reasons for deviations: - Short sequence of levels (80 levels only) - Anisotropic dispersion relation around the Dirac point (trigonal warping)

24 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |24 Schrödinger regime Dirac regime Experimental Length Spectrum: Away from Dirac Point Very good agreement

25 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |25 Dirac Billard with and without Translational Symmetry: Edge States Billiard 2 Billiard 1 Armchair edge Zigzag edge Areas: A B1  A B2 Two different edges Localized states expected along zigzag edge → “edge states“

26 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |26 Resonance Spectra of B1 and B2 around the Dirac Point B1: Antennas A1 and A7 placed in the interior B2: Antennas A6 and A2 placed at the edges → accumulation of resonances

27 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |27 Quasimomentum and is the lattice constant Additional local maximum above the Dirac point Semiclassical prediction (J. Wurm et al., PRB 84, 075468 (2011)) describes the asymmetry around the Dirac point but not the peak due to the edge states Experimental Mean DOS as Function of Quasimomentum

28 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |28 Summary II Measured the DOS in a superconduction Dirac billiard with high resolution Observation of two Dirac points and associated van Hove singularities: qualitative agreement with the band structure for graphene Fluctuation properties of the spectrum agree with Poisson statistics Evaluated the length spectra of periodic orbits around and away from the Dirac point and made a comparison with semiclassical predictions Observation of predicted edge states in a Dirac billiard without translational symmetry Comparison of the mean DOS with a semiclassical prediction Next: Do we see an excited state quantum phase transition?

29 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |29 Experimental density of states in the Dirac billiard Van Hove singularities at saddle point: density of states diverges logarithmicaly for quasi-momenta near the M point Lifshitz topological phase transition Excited State Quantum Phase Transition in Dirac Billiard saddle point

30 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |30 Consider real Graphene with tunable Fermi energies, i.e. variable chemical potential → topology of the Fermi surface changes with This is called a Lifshitz topological phase transition with as a control parameter What happens when is close to the van Hove singularity? What is a Lifshitz Topological Phase Transition? phase transition

31 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |31 Lindhardt Function Polarization of the medium by a photon → bubble diagram Summation over all momenta of virtual electron-hole pairs → Lindhardt function Static susceptibiity defined as It can be shown within the tight binding approximation that i.e. evolves as function of the chemical potential like the DOS → logarithmic divergence at

32 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |32 Density of States for Particle-Hole Excitations Density of states Logarithmic singularity separates the relativistic excitations from the nonrelativistic ones

33 2012 | Institute of Nuclear Physics Darmstadt/SFB 634 & ECT*, Trento|Achim Richter |33 f-Sum Rule f-sum rule: Possible order parameter: Dirac billiard: experimentally only the divergence of DOS is observed → see poster session infinite derivative

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