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PLAN  The amount of iron you need?  Iron in food.  Hem and non hem iron.  Iron in plants.  Iron in animals.

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Presentation on theme: "PLAN  The amount of iron you need?  Iron in food.  Hem and non hem iron.  Iron in plants.  Iron in animals."— Presentation transcript:


2 PLAN  The amount of iron you need?  Iron in food.  Hem and non hem iron.  Iron in plants.  Iron in animals.

3 The amount of iron you need?

4 Iron in food



7 Heme and non-heme iron  Heme iron: iron atom contained in the center of a large organic ring. Present in the hemoglobin and myoglobin that is in blood => iron in foods from animals is heme iron. High absorption at all times.  Non-heme iron: iron in food from plants, eggs,... The body absorbs more when it is low in iron and less when it already has plenty of iron.

8 Hydroponics Hydroponics is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, in water, without soil, since plants absorb essential mineral nutrients as inorganic ions in water Pb : roots are the only source of iron => May imply iron chlorosis (that makes plant die)

9 Differences between plants Barley is resistant to iron deficiency and grows well on iron rich soils Rice is sensitive to iron deficiency Solution : Addition of mugeneic acid to barley roots in hydroponics stimulates iron uptake 30 X

10 Iron toxicity in rice In Africa, iron (Fe) toxicity is widespread in rice Daily eaten food Soils derived from iron-rich rocks inundated with water Fe III reduced to Fe II, which is readily taken up by rice roots Brown spots Brown-orange colouring of the leaves

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