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5-4 Scientific Notation (p )

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1 5-4 Scientific Notation (p. 217-220)
8N1&8: Use scientific notation

2 Vocabulary Scientific Notation: writing a number shorter by using powers of tens and a number less than 10. (Hint: There can only be one number to the left of the decimal to make it less than 10) Example : 6,500,000 = 6.5 x 106 Standard Form Scientific Notation

3 Scientific Notation Examples Write in standard form.
Ex 1) 1.4 x The exponent tells you how many places to move the decimal and which direction. 14, The exponent is a 4 (multiply), this means that you move the decimal 4 places to the right. Ex 2) 1.57x The exponent tells you how many places to move the decimal. The exponent is a -6 (divide), this means that you move the decimal 6 places to the left.

4 Write in Scientific Notation
move the decimal until you have a number between 1-10 count the number of place values that you move, that # becomes your exponent for the 10 Ex 3) 34,000,000 3.4 x 107 Ex 4) 12 billion 12 x 109 1.2 x1010

5 Try this: Ex 5) Write in standard form 2.3 x 108 230,000,000 Ex 6) Write in scientific notation 5,640,000 5.64 x 106 Ex 7) What does 6 x 100 mean? Any number raised to the zero power = 1. 100=1 So, 6 x 100 = 6 x 1 = 6 What does 6 x 10-1 Remember, when the exponent is negative, you move the decimal to the left, instead of the right. So, 6 x 10-1 = 0.6

6 Operations with Scientific Notation
Rules for Exponents Multiplying – Add Dividing- Subtract Ex 8) Ex 9) Moving decimal left adds on to exponent Moving decimal right takes off of the exponent

7 Solve for y

8 Assignment 5-4/ /4-40 m4, 41,42,49-58

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